Wednesday, October 28, 2015

'Tis the Season

For yellow flowers! I'm seeing their cheery color everywhere. A good many of the Golden Rain trees have since turned coral, however, this one is still holding onto some yellow:
Blooms are on the ground:
while these beauties are straining skyward.
And here's another pretty bush full of yellow blooms:
As well it is the season for Halloween decorations, and I've seen some doozies! Which you will soon be privy to, however,  first I will begin with a sweet one:
Super cute, right? Quite the contrast with this one:
That is just so creepy I can't imagine living with that for weeks! How about this for a display?
There was even more at this home, however, I think you've seen enough.

Apparently, skeletons are very "in" this year because I'm seeing them everywhere. On bikes...
in a boat:
And, a whole front yard of them!!! Where do people store this kind of stuff????
I know I may sound like a humbug, but seriously?
Sherri is teaching her final semester in Pennsylvania, however, she has come done every now and again and was thinking of doing so around Halloween. One of her texts read--"are there many trick or treaters?" And the answer to that is NO, we are lucky if we get a handful of them. What with all the old folks in our neighborhood, including us (!), there just aren't any children to go door to door. Bruce used to love sitting outside with the candy bowl, greeting the children, but in the last few years he's realized it is mostly a lost cause. Dating myself, I do miss not only that, but home made costumes. Not that I was ever much good at making them, but some folks were.

That's it for this year's installment on Halloween decorations....what do the neighborhoods look like around your house?

Finally, because I like this photos so much from the DC trip, I'm sharing some clouds so perfectly reflected in the office tower at Tyson's Corner.
No such luck with clouds here today as the skies are gray and gloomy with intermittent rain.

Time to do some quilting,


p.s I couldn't leave this post without one more shot--
Skulls, skulls, and more skulls!

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