Tuesday, June 27, 2017

It is About the Future

So, we had our moving sale, and for most of the time, the sales were fast and furious with Bruce bearing the brunt of most of the craziness. With no advertising aside from four roadside signs, we did good. Mary told us not to bother pricing things which worked brilliantly because Bruce only arrived home around dinnertime Friday night with the sale slated for 8:00 the next morning, leaving no time, or energy, to price his tools. Matt's friend Liza and her husband Michael recently purchased a very large home in sore need of more furniture, however, as of today I don't know if I will need to sell any of the inside stuff. Good thing they also needed pool patio furniture, and we had plenty of that! Plus, our awesome lawn mower, and grill. I can tell you it seems pretty darn empty out back right about now.

Another large item to go was Bruce's garage work bench which was no ordinary bench. Of course you surmised that already, didn't you? He made it as a very young man while we lived in California. The year would be 1977. As I type this, I keep trying to keep in mind our son David's words he kept repeating on Saturday during the sale..."this is about the future Mom, not about the past." Easier said than done with some things. The good news is that a fellow Boone High School graduate came along who is building a new home a few streets away, and he's now going to use it there. Plus, he's going to leave Bruce's metal nameplate on it, so there's that.

If you've ever held a garage sale in Orlando you are already familiar with a group of people that are about as annoying as you can get, haggling with you until you want to scream. In fact, at one point I told them to go away because they were making me so mad, shoving not enough dollars at Bruce while trying to confuse him. Most all of the folks that came were great, but I'm still grieving a bit that they took my market tent for $20.

Our buyers also came by, and again they are as nice as can be. Guess what? He has a MINI Cooper. She also wanted to buy my furniture! Crazy.

Because it was both so hot, and busy, I neglected to photograph the event aside from this shot near the end which was like 1:00 because it was so DARN hot.
As you can imagine we were both pretty worn out, however, I'd promised our friend Sue that I would photograph her daughter's wedding party at 6:00, so in the words of my late Mother, "there is no rest for the weary." Actually, both Bruce and I were so glad to be included because not only was it a super fun get together, but we saw an old friend of mine who has been living in Jacksonville for years and years. Neither of us had seen her for at least 45 years...Debbie Staples!
Following our families move to Melbourne, Debbie (pictured in the middle) would often have me over for the weekend. Debbie recently posted on facebook how she so remembered the church chaperones keeping Bruce and I one foot apart during the dances when we were 13. I so love that memory of hers! Yup, we were crazy about each other then, and not a whole lot has changed since. :)

The lovely couple, Katie and Charlie married in Utah a few months ago, returning to Orlando to celebrate with all of their friends and family who did not make the trip for the wedding.
Aren't they so adorable and fresh-faced? If you live in Orlando and have ever been to the Gnarley Barley, the same folks opened this new spot on Virginia near Lake Ivanhoe. Very cute spot, and so much larger than GB.

Sunday is mostly a blur, aside from church and making time to go to Hill's Happy Hour. I so enjoyed using my portrait lens the previous evening I brought it along with me to take photographs of our friends. Here are the famous Hills, Cathy and Bunker.
Lisa and Oren were celebrating 25 years of marriage, bringing champagne and chocolate covered strawberries for all to enjoy.
Meanwhile, back at the condo Scott worked all weekend long, finishing up yesterday afternoon.
Working solo, he takes his time, and does such good work. Although he used this big vacuum on the floors, I'm heading over soon to both vacuum again, and mop the floors.
Not only did he do the floors but he did the baseboards as well, with the painters arriving today to make it look even more beautiful. Scott is neither on facebook, nor does he have a website, but he did ask me to pass his name along which I am very happy to do. The only place on the web you can find him is here on Angie's List. Should you be looking for a floor guy, I can't recommend him enough. To reach him here is his phone number...407-461-3752.

A well worn phrase...parting is such sweet sorrow....has been around a long time simply because it is true. Most of my readers are aware of the deal Bruce and I struck way back when...we could start a family if he could get a table saw. Well, you know how all that worked out; our firstborn will soon be turning 41 years old. Although he did not sell the table saw at the moving sale, he did find a home for it at our friend Sherry's house down the street.
Never once have any of our vehicles been in a garage because, well, you can see why. He began methodically dismantling the saw from the table... (I believe that is a planer on the side)
and a friend of Sherry's came with a pick up truck. David Beatty came to lend a hand, and they drove the saw, table, and a stand up sander the two blocks down our street.
Following that, he rented a pick up and in about twenty minutes, he and David are taking it to the dump. Don't believe the $19.95 sign!
Holy Cow...you should see that garage now! Bruce used that saw for so many creations over the years, we are so happy that at least if he doesn't have room for it now, someone we know does.

Time to head over for my cleaning and to meet the painters....

Movers are coming July 3!!

yours truly,


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