Sunday, July 2, 2017

Making Hard Decisions

Even the most prolific blogger you know has had little, to no time, for blogging, but because Baxter woke us up super early this morning, I'm going to get a few things down before it all becomes one big blur!

Briefly, I'll describe what's been happening...the painters came back to do the baseboards and get masking tape at all!
It was a father and son duo who were not only super nice, but super skilled!
I believe I left you with washing the floors, and they are looking mighty good, if I do say so myself! Originally we were going to put Bruce's desk in our bedroom, however, we've changed our minds and he will be sharing space with our future guests. Matthew and Jonathan know one thing about their Dad during a move and that is he loves getting the art on the walls ASAP, in this case, an original by my sister Carol.
One day he brought the kayak over to the rack by the lake, and as good fortune would have it, just as he pulled up to for unloading, a young man came along to help him carry it down there, meaning I did not have to struggle!! Turns out we know his family, the Nesmiths. Because the condo is but two blocks away from Blankner Elementary, my alma mater I might add, young families are moving in to take advantage of an A-rated school.
Having the kayak lakeside is going to be brilliant!

Bruce also purchased the diapers people have been insisting we get for Baxter as he has been leaving puddles far too often.
He, on the other hand, does not agree with all those folks, and has learned how to get it off pretty quickly!

Both Cheryle and Pam came over to commiserate about the furniture layout.
Unfortunately Cheryle, using her computer design skills, burst my bubble about keeping both of our room. Our buyer Fran is going to purchase one, affording me some small consolation that it will remain in a good home.

Every trip we make over there has to include a load of something, or so my project manager tells me. The MINI has been a pretty good partner in all of this.
With no small difficulty, Bruce and I got our kitchen table in his car, and David helped him get it into the new kitchen. It's a tight fit, but I think we can make it work. I told you Bruce loves getting art on the wall!
More art ready to hang...
I have no idea how I neglected to get any photographs of Herbert who came on Friday to hang four fans and two new chandeliers, that all look fab, btw. Thank God for Herbert and Wayfair!

The shed is all cleaned out ,and following that task we made a tiny bit of time for some socializing. Well, actually Cheryle would not take no for an answer might be a more accurate description. As is always the case, we met new folks while dining there on the patio. I could write an entire blog post about that, but as you know, I have bigger fish to fry, as my late Mother would say.
An extremely ambitious plan was in place for Saturday with me questioning how in the world would it work, however, I should have known that you don't question a project manager extraordinaire. I made the hard decision to sell/give away most all of my china because, truth be told, I have no room for it anymore. First on our Saturday agenda was another moving sale with me setting up inside,
while Bruce took over the driveway ,and his newly cleaned out garage.
That blonde head at the end of the driveway would be my long time friend Jeannette who came to say goodbye, making for such a pleasant surprise!

Sam and Mary came along with their daughter Rachel. Sam is both a friend, and a fellow woodworker ,who needs stuff like a hole in his head, but that did not stop him from going home with a few things!
Bruce, who has made some very painful decisions about his things, sold more than I did! Cheryle came over just as we were calling it quits, and helped me pack up the remainders to head to Goodwill. How many drop offs do you suppose Goodwill gets on a Saturday afternoon? I suspect quite a lot!

Next up was a trip to DeBary for a celebratory party for our sister-in-law Judy's retirement from teaching. I was dubious because of not just my fatigue level, but who in their right mind drives in the rain on our, under-construction Interstate by choice? Bruce did! The party was lovely and again, a whole post could be written about Judy and her long career, but we will just have to leave it at this photograph, taken by their daughter Jessica of the Peck men and their wives.
You might note how my hair looks like crud because it is slept-on pool hair, which I now regret, but in that well-worn phrase, "it is what it is!"

Finally, the day ended with a party at our new place ,which is just gorgeous, really. Because the rain was steady when the party was to begin, it was pushed back until just before sunset. As you all know, stormy skies produce beautiful sunsets!
I told Bruce that it felt really good to be at our first party as new owners and witness such a lovely sunset! The occasion was an early 4th of July celebration with fireworks included. I mean big time fireworks that they bring out on a barge in the middle of Lake Pineloch.
Our day ended with a bang!
And that my friends, it a short and sweet version of what has been going on. Our movers arrive about 24 hours from now, and although we've got a bunch done, there is still more to do. I only hope that I can remember our son Matt's 41st birthday amongst all this madness, which is only three days away.

yours truly,


p.s. Forgive any errors, written in haste with little editing!

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