Tuesday, August 15, 2017

At This Time of Year

At this time of year, there is a whole lot to love about Vancouver. Now that the smoke has cleared, seeing both the sea and mountains in one place is simply amazing. Not to mention that the temperature is comfortable, the city is easy to navigate, and the people friendly. Once you get over sticker shock, you've got it made.
Having a dog is like a conversation magnet, people have stories to tell and are eager to share them, whether the story is about their dog, how much they love Vancouver, where they are from and what they do for a living. I've met scads of folks so far, and I even remember some of their names, however, I can't remember the names of this darling old couple I met on maybe our second day in the condo. They were out for an amble and were happy to welcome me to Vancouver during our conversation. Amazingly enough, Sunday, while Bruce and I were recreating the walk I'd taken on Saturday, we ran into them and they remembered me, asking how we were getting settled in? We also learned he is still working at age 86 as an insurance man for mining companies!!

If it seems as if I am blogging a lot and there's a reason for that. In these early days, I want to record all of my enthusiasm before the gloom of winter settles in, and it probably won't be so much to my liking. Then again, perhaps I will get used to it? Every day I walk somewhere new. Saturday morning, after dropping Bruce's shirts off at our new dry cleaning place, I walked along the seawall in Yaletown. Skirting the David Lim park, you get a great view of some of the residential towers.
None of which are the one where we live. Ours looks like this from the seawall...
It is the one of the very left side of the photograph. Actually, I am standing in the park where later in the day, on our way to walk to dinner, I asked B to take my photograph amongst the flowers.
Awkward hands and feet, but those flowers are really something, aren't they? During that same walk I took Bruce along the same route I'd taken in the morning, and we saw these funny little bubble things that kids, apparently get into and bop around.
Previously I mentioned how parents seem much more casual, well, actually, more like the parenting I did, and seeing this little girl reminded me of that. I've yet to try the ice cream at Mister, but it sure looks as if it is popular.
Walking to and fro for dinner is pretty darn great, at this time of the year.

Saturday afternoon, I made it as far as English Bay Beach, where there is yet another remnant of Expo 86.
Here is the explanation...
What is super cool is the copies, albeit small, scattered atop the rocky shoreline, which I'll show another day. The trees pictured on the left in the previous photograph are the beginnings of Stanley Park where I hope to go one day soon. You see people from everywhere while walking the seawall.
Woo hoo...we walked to the West End Sunday morning seeing this community garden along the way.
Our mission was to visit a church that I'd walked past earlier in the week. In a cray coincidence, Bruce, while searching online, found it as well, not knowing I knew where it was. I see so much in a day, it's hard to tell him everything!
Boy did it feel good after missing a worship service for so many weeks.  It is hard to believe that in two days it will be one month since we left Orlando, isn't it?

So, are you curious about the movie making? Especially if you read/heard about the death yesterday. More on that part in a moment. The set up is incredible...there were cranes, trucks, all manner of heavy equipment to put everything into place.
I have taken so many photographs, as has everyone that walks by this crazy scene, however, yesterday, when filming began, they kept asking folks not to. It looks pretty mild in the photo above doesn't it? Well, here's another part of the set up,
What look like concrete slabs are made of styrofoam, or did I tell you that already?
This gives you a little context. They kept adding more and more stuff, leading up to the shoot day, which began quite early yesterday morning. I told Bruce, an army had descended on the site.
From above...
I talked to one of the directors before I left for errands, and he said there were 200 people on the set, along with more trucks full of equipment.
He also told me that they use mineral oil in pots, lighting it to make the smoky atmosphere.
Now you understand what was on the ground a few photos above. That same director said that on Tuesday, they would be filming the stunt woman, swinging, from what looks like the bridge, but is really done by a crane, into the panda bear which will then deflate. Supposed to be funny. I couldn't help but think about that when the events from across town became known. I suspect this is Ryan Reynolds stunt double, chilling out when the cameras are not rolling. (taken from the balcony)
On the left side of the photograph is that frame thing we saw them put together. Another tid bit I learned is it is used to block the sun. Everything looks crazy realistic, doesn't it?

With filming underway, I walked to Costco, only to learn that their only card of choice is Mastercard. Bummer! Not far from Bruce's office, I called him and we met for lunch at Taco Time in the International Mall. More scenes from Chinatown in another post. Walking back, I stopped to see the public portion of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Park, as I'd heard it was lovely, and it is true, very lovely, however, maybe the best part of that stroll was coming across this group of woman singing in what I presume was Chinese.
As you can well imagine, I took many photographs at the garden; perhaps this one sums it up?
Towers, towers, and more towers! Yet, it is still peaceful in Vancouver. Not sure how they do it, but then again, I don't really need to know, do I? Just enjoy while the weather is good, this time of year.

Walking home along Beatty Street, I could hear BC Place before I could see it....Metallica was rehearsing in the stadium for the show later in the evening.
While walking home Nancy called from Atlanta, having just heard that a stunt woman, on the set of Deadpool 2 was killed in a motorcycle crash. She wondered if it was the same set as "ours." Thinking there was no room for a motorcycle, I told her I'd let her know when I got to the condo. No, it wasn't our set, but our set was completely shut down for the day with only a security guard on the sidewalk, saying he did not know when they would be back. The elevator sign tells me it will be tomorrow. So tragic. :(

As many of you have been to Vancouver either for a trip or a layover before or after an Alaskan cruise, you will probably recognize the site where the accident occurred.
Our first sunset!

The streets beckon...

yours truly,


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