Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Out & About Photography

An email arrived this morning from the state of Florida informing me that my business name will expire on my birthday at the end of this year. Apparently, a fictitious name has a five year life span, unless, of course you pay the $50 fee to renew it. Little do they know my business has been defunct for nearly two years! Wow...two years. How time flies.

Before I go a minute further, and I suspect this may be a recurring theme in this space, last night's sunset was absolutely gorgeous! So much so, even Bruce remarked on it, and that is saying a lot.
Just think, only two weeks ago when the smoke was so thick, the same view looked like this.
Is it any wonder I had no idea there were so many mountains out there?

So, I may no longer have an official business name, but as you well know, I am still "out & about" taking photographs. More than anyone really should, perhaps, but it gives me great pleasure, so I keep snapping away.

There was certainly a lot of hoopla over the solar eclipse, wasn't there? And, rightly so. If I heard it once, I heard it twenty times that it was either a once in a lifetime experience, or something you would never forget. I beg to differ. There are those amongst the populace who won't remember it next year;  of course, I would be one of those forgetters. Then again, two years ago, who would have thought I'd not only be living in a different city, but a different country as well. Maybe I will remember it after all.

You know how most everything comes down to timing? Well, my plan for the eclipse thing was to go over to the Telus World of Science as they were giving out glasses. Originally I'd thought to walk, but good sense prevailed, and I decided to at least take the ferry there, and I could walk home. I began walking towards the ferry dock when I realized, perhaps I'd better go back to use the bathroom. I've been very happy to learn there is one just off the lobby in the building. Having to go upstairs, no big deal, but what is a big deal is disturbing Baxter who will want my attention should I return so quickly. Okay, so I did my thing, then began, once again walking towards the ferry dock. My view while waiting looked like this.
I thought I might take the False Creek ferry this time, however, Aqua Bus showed up first. I got on as the only passenger, until a few moments later another couple showed up. and thank God for that, because these nice folks, visiting from New York City, ended up giving me a pair of glasses!!
Because the ferries come every five to ten minutes, had I not gone back to use the bathroom, I would have been without glasses, because once I arrived at the Science center the place was packed and no glasses were still available. When I got off the ferry, my view looked like this:
The buildings in the foreground belong to the paddling center, and house canoes, paddleboards, and kayaks. Now I know where they come from as not a day goes by without bunches of them passing by my windows.

The Science center is yet another remnant of Expo 86. From this vantage point I saw a bunch of folks,
but when I got closer, I saw a whole bunch more!
Most of the time I ended up standing next to this couple with their homemade pinhole cameras.
They liked their cameras, but they liked using the glasses even more. I spread them around to probably ten other folks, especially as the time drew near for the expected 86% coverage. There were just so many folks, one fellow remarked, "does anyone work anymore?" It sure doesn't appear that they do.
While waiting, the sun was super bright, and I grew warm, taking my little sweater off. Did you notice how the temperature dropped when the coverage was greatest? I did! The sweater went right back on. That said, the days have been comfortable but warmer than they are accustomed to.
I never did actually go into the center as the crowds were too great. That will be an activity for one of the upcoming rainy days.
I began my walk home along the seawall, on this, the opposite side of the water from where we live. Anyone remember the 2010 Winter Olympics held in Vancouver? There is an entire Olympic village repurposed into housing for residents. Here's the plaza..
So that's a big bird, actually there are two in the plaza, but I'll tell you what....the seagulls here are enormous. I saw this fellow seemingly talking to a seagull,
and when I fell into step with him and his partner, I learned they were looking for their seagull "pet" who had escaped!

Continuing my walk...
I passed under the Cambie Street bridge, wondering if I should attempt the three or four story climb to actually walk on the bridge. I took a seat nearby. Although I've seen several of these "pianos on the street", this is the first time I have actually seen someone playing one.
Please note the oldish woman on the walker sitting to the players right. Seeing her amble along the seawall, I thought to myself, "sure, you can climb those stairs, get on it." And that is how I came to find myself walking on the bridge towards home.
That's a fantastic pathway isn't it? Instead of stairs, thankfully, you go down off the bridge on a ramp which is where I saw something so new to me, I did a double take. Yup, that's a swimming pool.
The eclipse was good and it felt really good to be amongst a big crowd watching it happen with my glasses! I still cannot believe my good fortune.

Bruce goes to Toronto tomorrow for an overnight trip leaving me and Baxter to go it alone. I will miss him, but what will really be the kicker is that he is the morning person and by that I mean the one who takes Baxter down first thing. I don't mind taking him, it's the getting dressed first thing that I dislike.

yours truly,


p.s. If you are wondering if I am missing our friends and family, the answer is YES!

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