Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We've Had a Change in the Weather

I would not blame you for one minute if, while reading my entries lately, you thought to yourself, "Gail, can it really be as wet as you claim? Surely, there must be some level of exaggerating going on?" Indeed friends, I was not, and here's the proof of that. It was hard to even remember what things look like with sunshine. Really. Now, however, in spite of it getting colder, we've had some sun.
As a matter of fact, it was so bright, it almost hurt your eyes, however, that is what sunglasses are for isn't it? Mine had not been out of my backpack in probably two months! The link not only tells you that this was the fourth rainiest January on record, but it mentions that there are signs of spring which I can substantiate beginning with the photo below. The cutest little baby irises!
Doing a few errands, late last week, when I saw the mountains at the end of the street for the first time in ages, well, I just had to take a walk. Come along with me okay?
Look closely and you will see the sails at Canada Place. All those who've left on an Alaskan cruise from Vancouver will recognize them instantly. The minute the sky turns blue, people are out in droves and that includes your favorite blogger.

Walking down Howe Street, I was wondering what the hot pink dome on the Vancouver Art Gallery was all about.
The free ice skating rink continues to be open for a few more weeks,  all part of Robson Square which is a Provincial landmark in Vancouver.  So, here's why the dome has a pink covering, and yes, people are out loving the sunshine.
I don't know what will happen to the current art gallery when the new one is built a few blocks away.

With the bright light, I could sure see the Starling's true colors.
This bulldog! My shadow!!!
No doubt when we return to Orlando, once this adventure is over, I will be cursing the intensity of the sun, but for now, I'm going to appreciate it every chance I get. On the Georgia Street side of the gallery, this white sculpture was just built during the renovation on the plaza. I adore all these colors together; inspiration for a new quilt perhaps?
Continuing down Howe,  I went to the water for a clear glimpse of the mountains. In the middle of the water is one of the Sea Buses like we took a few weeks ago.
Steve was in town for the annual Earl's Town Hall meetings so we met up with him for dinner. Here is the man responsible for the Peck's Grand Adventure!
He looks like a nice guy doesn't he? That he is. He sent the sweetest card to Bruce that we received once we returned home from our "adventure" in Seattle.

Should you be wondering, the temperature has been mostly in the low 40's for all of January, both day and night. It was a shame that it was the coldest part of the winter when Matt and Tom were here! That said, the last few nights it has been freezing, or near freezing again. There is even talk of snow which most people hope is not true. I would not be amongst them.

Craig, from church, asked me how I was holding up with the weather and mentioned that report of record rainfall. Nice. He also spoke about the signs of spring and his first year in Vancouver. He described the season as "intoxicating!" What have we got in store for us? Apparently flowers and more flowers courtesy of all that rainfall! I can barely wait!
As you've discovered I love going to Stanley Park, especially now that things are changing rapidly. The herons have not taken over their colony yet, but it sure will be neat when they do. Thanks to Tom, I now know that these early little darlings are called Snow Drops, and they are starting to appear in great clusters throughout the park.
Also, by now. you've figured out how much I love seeing the mountains from every angle I can. Because the day was mostly clear, I discovered that if I am on a little hill by Lost Lagoon I can see their beautiful snow caps.
Here's another one of my favorite views which had been hard to come by for quite some time. Note all of the people having a stroll in the dry weather.
The silhouette of mountains is West Vancouver. Bruce and I watched something on the Weather channel recently about weather related disasters, one of which was the cargo ship that sunk off of Jacksonville Beach. I probably will think of that every time I look at the plethora of cargo ships in English Bay.
That day there was a small sunset which cast bright rays towards the East, lighting up the buildings and turning the sky a deep shade of blue.
Has anyone else been watching the Winter Olympics? Having now been on a mountain top, I have even more of an appreciation of what those daring athletes do! I will say it is strange watching them in another country with other broadcasters. Canadians seem to do a good job at many things, however, their sports broadcasting leaves a little to be desired.

Oblivious to the date, as I generally am, a scene I saw walking home took me by surprise. Although I'd read that the giant ring sculpture was a popular place for Vancouverites to propose, I'd yet to see it for myself. I was walking along the seawall, with my head bobbing to and fro. Why yes,
it does appear to be an engagement going on.
On further inspection, there is no doubt at all.
Only after seeing this happening in Robson Square on Sunday afternoon did I realize that, but of course, it is nearly Valentine's Day!
There was a huge line up of people waiting to be married and now I understand more about it and you can too if you click on this link. Perhaps not for everyone, but super cool nonetheless.

Speaking of marriage, how about the fact that we will be heading to Orlando two weeks from tomorrow for Bill and Fallon's wedding? I keep track of the weather there and I'm thinking I'm going to be very warm if it doesn't cool back down soon. That is one thing that has been just fine by me, cooler weather, although I would not be saying as much had we moved to say, Calgary where there have been new records set as to snowfall. 

I don't want that kind of snow but a little more might be nice.....

yours truly,


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