Wednesday, December 26, 2018

'Tis the Season

While I have been focusing, for seemingly forever, on our new health insurance, what I should have been thinking of was our auto insurance. The Highway Patrol took care of that. How so, you ask? Well, a letter from said agency stating that my drivers license was suspended surely caught my attention in a flash. Christmas eve at 4:30 in the afternoon no less. Frantically calling our insurance company, thankfully with some super helpful and friendly folks still working, it is now sorted out, but I can tell you, it was a real downer. Here's what happened....the annual bill was sent to our old address and since it has been well more than a year, the bill was not forwarded, so it completely slipped my mind, just as it almost did last year while in Vancouver. Thankfully last year, I remembered in the nick of time. Maybe next November it will be smooth sailing once again.
Since last we met, I fried the chicken for Michelle's birthday dinner, making a huge mess of my stove in the process. The backsplash remained pristine.
Have no fear, some better electrical outlets are forthcoming. For the cake, I made a Pumpkin Bundt cake, a recipe I got from Bruce's Mom many, many, years ago. Searching high and low in every cupboard I finally found some candles we could use.
Those silly ones that keep re-lighting. The mac and cheese and fried chicken were a hit, I am happy to report.

Mr. Peck, keeping with our family tradition wrapped all of the gifts, this time in his office/guest room, rather than his garage, before Jonathan and Alissa arrived.
He puts us all to shame in that department with his legendary bow skills.
The weather has been all over the map with cold fronts coming through following big rainstorms, however, if my memory serves me right, these clouds were merely threatening, producing no rain.
For Bruce's retirement, Dave and Michelle insisted on taking us out to dinner, with Bill and Fallon joining us at a delicious Park Avenue restaurant. A woman kindly took a family photo.
Super fun, as we were leaving, a parade of old VW buses came down the avenue,
with one family waving from the roof of their van.
On our drive home we wanted to go by a house, seen only during the day, with an astounding amount of Christmas lights. Dave was driving and taking the street before the one we intended, much to our surprise, when we turned on the street with the display, before we got there, holy cow, what a sight! It was so large, Michelle got out to take a video.
Because they have an extra lot, the amount of lights was astounding!
I drove by there in the daylight and it looks like this:
Deflated characters everywhere,
including the Grinch in a tree.
The one we went to see looks like this in a few parts...
Part #2
Part #3
Their display includes so much, it is hard to just photograph one area, and in the daytime it shows up, if possible, even more how crazy it is.
Honestly, how do they do it?

More steam rising off of the lake which is captivating in person.
Finally I got around to making some Christmas cookies, using another old recipe from Bruce's Mom, one way of keeping her in our thoughts at Christmas time. Where in the world I got this old cookie cutter is beyond me, but when I came across it, I thought you would get a kick out of it. For the record, I did not use it!
Once the cookies were baked, I ran over to see Maureen with a plate full. It feels pretty surreal to imagine Bruce, those many years ago, working on this building.
Bruce went to the airport for the pick up, and it was so good to see our Jon boy and Alissa once again. Christmas Eve, they went to the movies while I made sugar cookies which pleased Jonathan to no end as they are the preferred Christmas cookie in his book. Maureen loves anything ginger, so she was happy with my first batch. Although we had good plans to go to church, it didn't happen, instead Hallmark was in the house.

Finally, Christmas morning came, with three of our four sons with us. We so miss Matt and Tom, however, with Facetime available, well it almost felt like they were here too. And Tom's Mum and Dad who we adore. Presents were opened, spiked egg nog was drunk, and fun was had by all.
Later on we drove to Longwood to Lisa and Danny's home where we were greeted by this very fun doormat and an open door due to the heat.
I suspect it is hard to fathom for folks living in a cold climate but shorts were worn and outdoor seating was in use. Lisa and Pat enjoying the cool on their patio.
The food was yummy and the company even better.
However, the star of the show had to be Eliza who is even cuter than when she visited us in Vancouver!
Not too much later, she was fast asleep. :)

Our kids gave us many wonderful gifts that will be making an appearance in Camera Crazy, with two from Matt and Tom arriving first in this space because they came from so far! Bruce is wearing his new favorite shirt, made by Gant, a brand he used to buy with his lawn mowing money as a tiybg teenager. While it is still slightly cool, he will be wearing either this shirt, or a denim shirt!
Maybe four years ago, Matt taught himself to knit from watching Youtube videos and wow, has become good, although if you know Matt, that does not surprise you in the least. A close up of the beautiful shawl he made for me this year.
I have no idea what the stitches are, yet one thing I know is that they look mighty complicated to someone who has never picked up a knitting needle in their life. And now for some weather to use it!

I do so hope everyone found some joy this holiday season....

your friend,


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