Thursday, December 20, 2018

We Have a Backsplash!

Have you ever wondered about the phrase it is raining cats and dogs? It came to mind this rainy morning that is wetter then I can remember for a December day. The kind of day we experienced last year in Vancouver when our lit Christmas tree was such a solace. The same holds true for this soggy day when it is expected to rain all day long, with tornadoes possibly in the mix.
And while the rain is a problem in a Pacific Northwest winter, it is probably the short days that get to a person the most. And do I mean short...the sunset in Vancouver today, one day away from the Winter Solstice, is at 4:14 PM.  If that weren't bad enough, the sunrise is at 8:03 AM. You feel as if the day is just getting going and then it is dark again. So, two things to share....facts about the Winter Solstice, and the phrase "raining cats and dogs", both of which I think you will find fascinating should you care to click on the links. That said, I fully understand if you aren't interested because not everyone shares the same level of curiosity as this blogger. 😁

With the weather news out of the way, let's talk about that backsplash, shall we? It is not the first time that we've had a worker that does not speak English, however, Tony presented our biggest challenge yet, as far as communication. Whoa was difficult. Especially when B was telling him some of the tiles needed to come out as he deemed them not good enough. Oddly enough, he arrived at 8:30 in the morning, and although there was only a small section remaining, it ended up taking until 6:30, by which time I was going crazy! We understood him to say that he was not going to grout until Tuesday, meaning day six without a working kitchen. I know some folks would relish that, but I'm not one of them. Phone calls were made and help arrived.
Between the two of them, we finally had our kitchen back and despite the set backs, I could not be any happier with the end result.
It seems as if the kitchen will never get done at this rate though. Allegedly, the cabinets will be get their fresh coat of paint next month, and now with the new backsplash, the walls need a different color. I received a letter a few days ago and Kathy mentioned that we get things done fast, however, to me, this seems like anything but fast! Then again, what's my hurry, other than wanting a pretty kitchen? It is not like we are going anywhere!

In the meantime, it was Pastor Sean's 50th birthday on Sunday, celebrated after the service with two cakes.
Later on we went to Hill's Happy Hour, meeting up with our friends, where we saw their mini Eiffel Tower before it was lit.
I can't remember where Cathy got it, but being French, she wanted to bring some of her heritage to Orlando.
Looking festive as always, Lisa,
is the youngest member of our gang. She and Orin came bearing gifts of olive oil, made by one of their friends.
Bonus for an owl ornament on the bags! Speaking of gifts, I told you about the gift from Matt and Tom, well we now have two of these, albeit one without roses.
Astonishing how good they still look, but maybe there is something with pink roses as I remember Michelle having a bouquet of them remained lovely for about ten days. It was her birthday yesterday, preceded by my sister Lisa's birthday on the 18th. Hard to know which is worse, having a birthday a week before Christmas, or a week after, although I have plenty of experience of the later. I had asked Michelle if I could fix her a birthday dinner and then darn, if I did not cancel it. Well duh! I'd forgotten that we had tickets to see the Orlando Gay Chorus at church. Graciously she accepted my second offer of tonight. Guess what she requested? Fried chicken!

As to the concert, it was great! They performed over the weekend at the Plaza Live, a longer program than we were treated to, which if our experience was any indication of the quality, well, it must have been fabulous! Founded in 1990, there are still some original members, and as the conductor pointed out, forming a gay chorus in Orlando of that era must have been anything but easy. There were numbers by the full chorus, and then some mini groups, including this bunch doing a funny rendition of Frosty the Snowman.
Two members, including the standing woman with the cane are 85 years old! Her voice, ending the program, was clear as a bell.
It had been more than a week since an interesting sunrise appeared until this one from two days ago. Not nearly as dramatic, but pretty nonetheless.
A couple of days ago, I was at my computer when I saw a Wood Stork right outside my window, another bird that is a first sighting for me on our lake.
And while I've seen my share of these prehistoric looking birds on other lakes, seeing it on Lake Willisara was quite the thrill. Their head is not much to write home about, but once they are flying, it is a sight to see those black tipped wings.
You will be happy to learn that Bruce has navigated his nearly two weeks of retirement like a champ, volunteering, exercising, and watching Hallmark movies! Plus, the DIY network, which he's only just discovered. I was super glad he was here on Monday to sort out that mess!

Countless times I've mentioned that we both dislike driving at night, which was one of the great things about living in downtown Vancouver, not worrying about that. Here, with everything so spread out, well, mostly we just stay home at night. So, it was with great delight that on our way home last night, I had Bruce drive me by that home I showed you during Halloween that had such a highly decorated lawn. That display was nothing compared to how it looks at Christmas time!
For such a sophisticated home, it sure puzzles me. Of course I know nothing about the Minions aside from the name.
So much that I could not include it all in one shot! Being the practical sorts, we wondered how much a display like this cost to both purchase, and operate.

I do not recommend remodeling during Christmas as it has taken my mind off of important things, such as that Jonathan and Alissa will be her in but three days time. Plus, there will be no handmade gifts from Mrs. Peck this year which just feels wrong.

Lord willing, there is always a next year.

your friend,


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