Friday, February 8, 2019

An Eventful Week

Aren't they all? It is hard to imagine we've been home for six months now, but that's what the calendar tells me. The weeks just keep on flying by! I just got a text from Jackie telling me that it is snowing in Vancouver, a rare occurrence. She knows I will be jealous! Speaking of white, I was wondering about the name of our kitchen cabinet paint--Eider White, so while talking to Pam she reminded me that it is from a duck. Well, that wasn't enough information for me, so I went to Google and found THIS! Found only in the Arctic, I will have to content myself with seeing them only in a photograph but it makes me happy to know that our paint is named after something so cool. While we are on the subject of birds, I think the last wave of Robins have come and gone for the year, but not before I got what I think is a good shot of one that I spotted in this magnificent tree just down from our place.
A number of afternoons, because the weather has been fine and dandy, I've been walking around the property, seeing what I can see while getting some much needed exercise.
There aren't a lot of cats here, but every now and again I will see one, including this handsome girl.
I don't know the scientific name for this lovely purple flower that I saw at the smaller swimming poo,l located more in the front of the property. Pretty, huh?
One reason for doing these walks, aside from the aforementioned reasons, is simply pure gratitude that I can walk with ease, whereas it is hard to know if Maureen will have that chance again. Presumably so, but it's anything but certain. When last we met, I had not the slightest idea that surgery was once again required because the antibiotics were not working. A third surgery on her broken hip happened at 8:30 Wednesday night (rescheduled from 8:30AM), during which time they removed the prosthetic and replaced it with an antibiotic-filled spacer that will remain there until such time as the infection is cured. Should that happen, she faces a FOURTH surgery to insert a new prosthetic. How much can a person take? When I saw her yesterday morning, although still somewhat groggy from the anesthetic, she is doing as well as can be expected. More details as they come. Lisa is still in California with Carol who tells me that her calming presence has been good.

I brought Maureen a calorie-laden doughnut from the long awaited Lucky's Market that opened on Wednesday, across from our Publix. We popped in during the grand opening while they were giving out some very tasty samples of everything from fresh squeezed orange juice at their juice bar, to pickled okra and brussel sprouts from the pickle bar.
We also sampled pizza from their large oven and was it ever tasty. Let the grocery wars begin!

Something else momentous happened and that is that SunTrust, the bank David has worked for since he was 18 years old is now merging with a bank from Winston Salem, NC., BB&T. This is very big news for all sorts of reasons, one of which is that the SunTrust building is the tallest building in town. The merged bank will have a yet to be announced name. Bill, before moving to Regions, also worked for SunTrust. What this will mean for any of the employees is unclear, however, we think David will be just fine.

Maybe it was Tuesday night that we met Alec and Ikira at Earls so that Bruce could turn in his computer.
The structure in the foreground is a new escalator put in by the mall so that folks will actually know the restaurant is there! We had a good time gossiping, eating and drinking. They were in town for a restaurant convention and thoroughly enjoyed the warm, sunny weather. Orlando folks will get a kick out of this--being from the Uber crowd, they called for one to take them from International Drive to Groveland. Yes, Groveland! It won't surprise you in the least that they could not get a return ride. I suspect the driver who took them there had no clue how far it was! Eventually a fellow from the business they were visiting took them as far as Apopka which meant another Uber back to the hotel. They spent a very long time on I-4 allowing them to see all parts of town, both the good and bad.
Indeed, unlike last week when it was gloomy, this week has been delightful with bright blue skies and, frankly, temperatures that are too hot for me. How does 83 degrees sound? At least the humidity has been low.
Coleus are such interesting plants, aren't they? The colors, the ruffled leaves. It's all good. As are the blooming Tabebuia trees!!
That same afternoon I came across the handsome cat and I just loved the way her paws were positioned.
Talk about a handsome cat. This one is a beauty with those beautiful blue eyes!
Pam mentioned the other day during her visit that our spot was perfect for me because I so appreciate the bird activity. Indeed.
Loud as can be, crows.
And a twofer!
It has been quite some time since I've seen the otters, but during parts of the last few days, they have been swimming around quite near the shoreline. Actually, because my desk faces the lake, while I am writing this blog, you can find me jumping up from my chair to run out back, lest I miss something. Let's face it, I'm a little crazy.
Perhaps in another six months it will all be old hat and I'll be able to ignore the hawk flying into the tree outside my window? What do you think?

Finally, for some time I've heard from folks that the first words of my blog posts are missing when they read this on their phone. Checking into it, I've made some changes, not just with the mobile part, but I've gone back to an old layout. Let me know if it works, will you?

your friend,


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