Friday, February 22, 2019

Limping Along

Sitting down at my computer yesterday afternoon, while waiting on the appliance repair guy, I was all set to write a blog post, however, my photo library decided not to cooperate, with every action taking far too long. I finally gave up. And yes, you read that right, an appliance repair guy. Unfortunately, this is the second brand new appliance to require attention, beginning with the washing machine that needed a new computer board, and now it is my range that needs the same. My old appliances may not have looked so great, but darn, they worked. Reminds me a bit about life in our modern world--- technology that has entered every part of our lives can be both horrible and wonderful. Would you agree?

I saw something remarkable as I was leaving Days for Girls on Monday afternoon, reminding me that one should never be without a camera because one never knows what one will see. A favorite bird of mine is a Sandhill Crane with their tall bodies, and that wonderful red patch shaped like a heart on their heads.
Oftentimes you will see them in parking lot islands, yet I had not for quite a while, so I immediately parked my baby car, hopping out for a photo shoot. I followed it around a bit, watching her while she watched me.
Do you notice anything unusual about the legs? Thinking to myself, that bird is limping, was I ever surprised to see that she was missing one of her feet, thus that larger thigh.
While I don't know that the enlarged thigh relates to the missing foot, it makes sense to me. What do you think? This was definitely a first for me.

I came home to a very nice surprise, more storage! This is a window seat that Bruce has now turned into a home for my rarely used dishes and other kitchen equipment!
Should you be wondering how he did it, well, he made the drawing below:
I didn't understand how it was going to work, however, over the course of two or so days, it became clearer. BTW--he found beer cans in there too!! First he cut the hole, followed by making a brand new top that he attached over top of the existing one with a piano hinge to open it. New paint inside and other structural improvements along with a rug to provide a soft landing for all of that glass. Below is not the best photo, but you get the idea as we began filling it up.
Pretty darn awesome, right?

Because it has remained ridiculously hot all week, I thought to look at an old blog post from the same date two years ago. Well, I did not mention the heat, but I sure did mention the exciting news that we were moving to Vancouver! If you bother to click on the link you will see that my blog subject matter really doesn't change very much. 😁

We have had some tremendous celestial activity of late as in a rising moon to write home about!
That would be an incoming plane on the left side of the photo. Next morning the sunrise was not too shabby either.
Unfortunately there is not one good thing to report regarding my sisters. Continuing the old photo reveal, here's one that is undated, but my best guess it was taken more than 30 years ago.
From the left, arranged by age---Lisa, Nancy, Carol, Gail, Maureen and our Mom. That would be Bruce's dad heading into the kitchen on the far right. Maybe Lisa is pregnant? That hair of mine!!!

One day Bruce had an errand to run in Maitland so I went along for the ride. While waiting for his work to be done, we went to the Sewing Studio to shop around. There was a wonderful display of old machines in the window, as well as this awesome one in a cabinet near the front door! Those colors!!
Not having done much sewing of late, I am on a fabric diet, however, I found a tiny bit in the bargain area where Tina does the cutting. I overheard one of the other workers calling her Tina Turner!
We had a little chat and she told me she has never once seen snow in all her 77 years! I recommended that she find a way to remedy that as soon as possible.

More fun with the gang, this time at Aardvark for dinner Wednesday night. The gang range in age from late 50's to early 80's which is one thing I like most about living here.
Speaking of age, we had gone to bed the other night when Bruce's phone rang; the caller was a nearby neighbor who needed help getting her groceries upstairs. Sadly, this woman in her late 70's was in a car accident a few years ago and has never been the same since. Bruce met her one day in the parking lot telling her that if she ever needed his help, just call. We are glad she took him up on the offer.

Before the heat set in yesterday morning we took a walk down Mills where we passed the new Boone auditorium still under construction.
It happens but once a year folks.
Pam used to have a big Tabebuia tree and it was as fun seeing all the flowers on her driveway as it was seeing them on the tree. We are both just sick about what is going on with our friend and guild member Mary Whitaker, and the problems at UCF. What a mess it all has turned out to be.

As we walked back into the complex, I finally got a chance to photograph this lovely bougainvillea that grows in a pot near the entrance. That color!
Boo hoo! I heard from my Vancouver friend, Jackie with the news that her beloved cat, Mr. Bates, has passed into kitty heaven. As far as health problems, for both animals, and people, this has not been the best week.

Alas, this too shall pass, albeit painfully.

your friend,


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