Friday, June 26, 2020

Mystery Solved!

Before I reveal the mystery that was solved, let's all just bask in the total cuteness of the card Bill and Fallon gave to Bruce for his birthday, shall we?
Talk about a feel good way to begin, I can think of nothing more fitting than Snoopy and Woodstock. We are the kind of folks who save cards for ages, loving to come across a fine stack to reminisce; this one will surely be enjoyed many times in the future.

Okay, so here is the mystery. There have been no field trips this week meaning lots of staying around here, including one afternoon when Bruce and I went to the pool to cool off and read. And yes, it's been killer hot, with temperatures climbing to 96 yesterday and today. Plus all the dust in the atmosphere! Anyway, we came home and found a white mailing bag on the front porch. With my memory, I thought, did I order something and forget? Heavy, there was not a smidgen of paperwork in the bag or any clue on the outside as to the contents, or sender. Opening it, I burst into laughter, wondering who in the world could have sent me a box of Arborio rice?
Nancy happened to call about this time and I asked if she was responsible. No, she was not. I was seriously flummoxed, that is until about three hours later, Jonathan sent a text "should be a package out front if you haven't seen it yet." Indeed. Having read about my search he did what young people, and increasingly older people do, he found it on Amazon.  Wasn't that sweet? Generally I don't think he reads the blog so he must have been bored!

Because we have been home so much I was thinking I didn't have a bunch to write about, but turns out, once I checked my camera cards, I have more than I thought. In fact, maybe too much! Let's begin with something exciting as far as I'm concerned. I'd been told by the front gardeners about an  interesting new plant there so I went to check it out. For the life of me I can't think what the plant is called, but while there I heard a loud bird and began focusing on that. (no pun intended)
Not much of a photo, but it is kind of fun to see the lit up wing. I was shooting into the sun and in real time I had no idea what kind of bird it was. The only thing I did know was that it flew into a nearby tree, where I kept tracking it when much to my surprise, looking up, this guy was sitting on a nearby branch.
This would be a Red Tailed Hawk, but the bird I eventually identified is one I rarely see, as in maybe two or three times before, and that bird would be a Northern Flicker from the Woodpecker family.
Isn't it interesting with the spotted belly and the little black ascot? So, there is something exciting for the week.

That said, once I see an owl again, as in a few posts ago, I go hunting, searching in all the big trees nearby. Well, lo and behold, I was walking near the canal and there it was, not ten feet from me, perched on a fence. Thrilled and actually even more so when it flew onto a tree branch where the light was somewhat better for picture time!
Cute, cute, cute! This morning I did not have to go hunting because I spotted it out my bedroom window, chatting up with a neighbor about how neat it is to see an owl, and dragging Bruce out back to watch. Generally the only thing that bothers an owl is the dive bombing from Crows and Blue Jays and even that is sometimes not enough to get them to move so it is not hard to get fairly close. Anyway, eventually it flew into the tree and Bruce left to work over at Bill's house, something he will not be able to do after July 1st when the unit Fallon works on becomes a full Covid Unit to care for the increasing cases. Naturally we are all nervous about that. For now though, once I'd wished B a goodbye, coming back inside what should I spot, but the owl in the lake!
Earlier it had looked as if it were panting from the heat so it was not terribly surprising to find him there having a drink before flying away.
Switching gears to another nature family, Bruce called me over to his car to show me a moth he'd never seen before. Neither had I. Doesn't it look as if it is made of wood? Apparently others have noticed the same as it was easy to find on the web using those very same search words.
Pretty cool, huh? I think it was the same day that the rice came, in fact as I was putting it on the counter, as I recall, I noticed some action on the front porch that gave me pause. Yes, Black Racer snakes are not dangerous, but who likes to watch one come sliding out from under your porch chair? Not this woman for one! Yikes.
In the kitchen, while I've not made any of the risotto yet, I did make some dried cherry scones that, while good, may have needed a bit more time in the oven? They were tasty enough but I think a bit more browning would have looked better.
Although I can enter only three photos for the contest, I printed five to examine them more closely before submitting the entrants. Hopefully there are some winners in this group. I remember the year that my photo was on the cover and I was so excited until such time as I realized that it would be viewed once, unlike when it is chosen for a month. Ha careful what you wish for!
For sure we stayed home yesterday while dog sitting Grace.  Bruce spent most of the day reading a thriller given to him by Connie,
while I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out that mountainside. Seriously, aside from our meals and making some chocolate chip cookies, I did nothing else and I still have a long way to go! Thank gosh Sue told me about using a magnifying glass!
 Another unreal sunset although this time it is the sunset reflected in the Eastern sky.
And they say that this dust cloud will make the sunrise and sunset even better? How can this be?
That was quite the sunset in Vancouver, wasn't it? Because I am still struggling with this new Blogger format, I've had to see all the photos I've posted in this space for the last few years, each time I wanted to upload a new one. Because of that, I came across the above so why not relive it??

I hope everyone reading is safe and sound, staying at home as much as possible even though, I for one, am dying to do more stuff, as I imagine you are as well. Remember the words of wise Mothers everywhere, "it is better to be safe than sorry."

Continuing my quest to make the ordinary, extraordinary...

your friend,


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