Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas Lights

Yup, today is my 67th birthday. I have been writing this blog since I was 53 years old. Crazy to think of, right? Today has been amazing with my loved ones showering me with gifts and love, however, before Christmas 2020 fades in memory, I wanted to show off some fantastic Christmas lights that we saw a few days ago instead of anything birthday related. Seemingly folks have gone all out this year in an attempt to brighten everyone's spirits and for that we are thankful.

I'd seen a map of light displays in our area with the map showing that along Curryford Road, there were four stations for folks to stop and take selfies. Or, in our case one person takes the photo and the other is in it. With that in mind, on a very chilly December 28th, we headed out to see what we could see. Of note is that sadly, the displays were made by furloughed Disney employees, putting their talents out for us non paying folks to enjoy. May their real jobs return soon!!

There was a lot more to this one, but I'll move on to the Cosmic Christmas display down the street. 

This one was so cute, and amazingly we ran into some folks we know there. Orlando proper may be big, but our part of Orlando is a small town. I would show more, however, we'd never get anywhere with that plan!

It's a Winter Wonderland in a funeral home parking lot!

Very cute indeed. I'm ashamed to say that although Bill and Fallon have had their lights up for weeks, we only just went there on this night. I had a bit of swelling pride when I think about how they have transformed this once ugly pink house, with no yard, and only a vision of what it could be.

For weeks Fallon had been telling me that we had to see the display on Clemwood that we walked to with them last year.  The reason I posted the link to the 2019 post is for those interested, you can see how much more they have added. Furthermore you can see that the years may change, but I'm still baking the same cookies! Anyway, it is fabulous, even more spectacular than last year. For one thing, they dedicated it to--well, you can read it for yourself.

Sadly, they began working on it October 1st in order for it to be ready for November 1, which explains the Covid numbers that have increased dramatically since then. At any rate, they sit out there most nights to chat with the hordes of people that come to ooh and aah.

They explained that they have a friend with a bucket truck who comes to wrap the trees and hang the high lights.

While last year they used mostly white lights, this year that brought out more color and it is just gorgeous.

I'm thinking that either David or Frank, or maybe both, must work in the arts because it is so beautifully done with every detail more wonderful than the next.

What a wonderful thing to do for our community and we were sure to thank them for their efforts which must be considerable, not to mention their electric bill!!

It used to be, when the kids were growing up, that Lake Arnold Place was filled with magical displays, and while there were some, after seeing David and Franks, well how can anything compare? Goofy is one way. The house had some figures in the yard ,but what caught my attention was this lit room. Very clever, or goofy, depending on your tastes.

From there we went by our very first house, bought at the end of our first year of marriage. We were so proud of that place, situated directly behind Bruce's childhood home, but when a huge recession came in 1977 and construction work was almost impossible to come by, we sold it to my sister Nancy and her then husband David and moved to California. I fondly remember coming home with my first born to this house.

A few streets away is Vine Street, and whoa nelly, there was one house with so many blow up figures in the yard I wondered how they could even get in the house! Aha...there was a walkway after all.

Normally I am not a huge fan of blow ups, (seriously what must it look like in the daytime?) but in this instance, well, it was darn impressive.

Who knew that they even make a VW van blow up?  That Santas is pretty darn cute, isn't it?

Our new friends Keith and Patty had planned an outdoor party, however, out of an abundance of caution (!) we decided to forgo it this year. 

 The good news is that we have our vaccine appointments for next Friday. Our friend Mary had it yesterday, and although her arm is sore today, she said it was all done very professionally and there is not a thing to be concerned about. 

There's always next year when I turn 68 for a party!

Happiest of New Year's to all my faithful readers and may 2021 being untold blessings. 

your friend,


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