Friday, July 30, 2021

Let's Motor!

 Hello old friends! It's been a while.

Probably the longest I have gone in years without writing a post while at home, yet there's a first time for everything, right?

In very good news, I am back to driving. Yep, my baby car has left the stall.  When you buy a MINI Cooper, there are all kinds of cute things that you buy into, one of which is their slogan, "Let's Motor." Obviously I am a fan. Last Saturday morning, while Bruce was at the courts playing our favorite game, I needed something at the grocery store and just thought to myself, now or never. And so I drove for the first time in two months. While I was a tiny bit nervous, not so much about my wrist but my shoulder, it went just fine. It remains difficult to close my car door, however I am managing using my right hand.  I am now driving to my therapy appointments as well as to the doctor on Thursday. Yes, I was there for another post- op visit. While I was waiting for the PA I took a photo of the poster on the wall because I wanted to study the hand anatomy and the how and why the hand is so affected with a wrist break. BTW, my first fracture is pictured and that would be the Colles' fracture on the right side of the poster.

Because my arm/hand was immobilized for so long, it is a case of use it or lose it when it comes to the tendons. A good deal of my therapy is related to getting them back into useable condition. 

My plate remains in good position, as seen here on the lateral view.

And here's what it looks like from the top:

From what I understand, one reason everything hurt so badly initially is because after the incision, the surgeon uses a spreader to make the opening bigger to fit the plate and screws in between all the nerves and muscles in order to attach it to the bone. In other words, lots of trauma to the area. I am ever so grateful that this time around I had a very skilled practitioner. My incisions is nearly healed, after looking like this last week.

While I wish it were completely healed, that is not the case, but maybe by next week I can put this complication behind me. The good news is that what remains is far less sore than it was when it looked like the above. 

It has now been officially FOUR months since I was myself, something I never thought I would be typing. That said, there is a lot I can now do including cooking many things. Pancakes anyone?

For the most part what I am experiencing is stiffness in my hand and wrist and the shoulder problems. Most days when it is not raining I have been down at the pool working both areas with what seems to be some success. I've got at least another month of therapy and hopefully by that time I am get to go.

Playing pickleball is still out of the question, but I have been able to join some ladies for water aerobics class. While there are a few things I cannot do because my shoulder does not like it one bit, mostly I can join in. 

Speaking of joining in, Nancy left this morning after spending five days with us. Pickleball didn't work out for her this visit but she did have a lovely time on David's pontoon boat and coming to the class with me.

As well, we visited Maureen, albeit in the parking garage at Westminster Towers.

Because the coronavirus is spreading again at an alarming rate, we were directed to a tent where a table and two chairs awaited us. Eventually they brought Maureen down in her wheelchair and we had a very nice visit; Nancy's first time seeing her in more than two years!

We were heartened because she was very alert unlike sometimes when I have visited. Unfortunately, the Parkinson's has caused her hands, knees, and feet to contract into ways that don't even seem possible. The braces are meant to help from keeping her limbs from even more contraction.  Furthermore, the liquid diet is not doing her any favors as far as her weight is concerned. She is tinier than I can ever remember. That said, she complains little, remaining a staff favorite which makes us very happy.

As this is meant as a record of what life is like for one group of people in the year 2021, it must be noted that we are far from out of the woods on the Covid-19 front. Oh my goodness, the numbers are skyrocketing with new guidelines on mask wearing going into effect. Because I have to wear a mask during therapy, it has still been part of my routine, so returning to wearing one when I am out in public is a no-brainer for me. While nobody likes wearing them, it just seems prudent. I, for one, do not need to contract something I can prevent. Even though the chances of a fully vaccinated person getting super sick are low, I prefer not to take any chances. Bruce feels the same. In the last week I've heard of about a dozen people who have tested positive with one on oxygen. I remain amazed at the number of people who will not get the vaccine. 😞

A birthday party was held for Alan;  Sandy outdid herself on this board, so pretty no one wanted to mess it up!

I make no apologies for being an Olympic junkie, watching hours and hours of the competitions. I love it all, no matter the sport. Have you watched any of the table tennis? Oh my goodness! What an event to showcase the discipline of sports, not to mention the extreme joy of a dream come true. If only others didn't have to experience the agony of defeat, although as far as I'm concerned making it to the Olympics is a feat second to none. I am in complete awe of the organizers as well. To put on an event of that magnitude in the middle of a pandemic is truly remarkable and while holding them has been controversial I, for one, am glad the games have been held.

Current novel I am reading is Lady Clementine, about the wife of Winston Churchill, by Marie Benedict the author of another novel I read about Andrew Carnegie. Nancy Pate's recommendation of Early Morning Riser was another good  recent read. Once the Olympics started we've watched nothing else, but before it began we really enjoyed Hinterland on Netflix, although I think tomorrow is the last day for that series. Set in Wales, the scenery and stories were really good. 

Who knew that there was a word for the phenomenon of the sunset reflected off the clouds in the East during sunset? A nearly full moon rising out of the clouds last week.

Well my friends, it is good to be back, and if the fates allow, I will be returning to my regularly scheduled programming. And let the motoring continue!

your friend,


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