Tuesday, November 30, 2021

The Holidays, 2021 Style

With Thanksgiving 2021 over, and Bruce having watched his first Hallmark movie, the holidays have officially begun. It used to be that watching Love Actually every year got him in the holiday mood, however, now with a seemingly never ending stream of Christmas movies available, he's ignored his old favorite lately. He loves him some Candance Cameron Bure. 😁

But first things first. Thanksgiving! It has probably been four years or so since last I prepared the meal and to tell you the truth, I think it showed. At the very least, I am far slower than I used to be when I was cooking for a big crowd. Sometimes Maureen would help, while other times, particularly when the children were young, my Mother. An exceptional cook when she wanted to be that's for sure! Wanting is the operative word here as she left much of the cooking to us girls when we were young. Speaking of my Mother, there is always something a bit bitter sweet for me as that is the day she sunk into a coma while I was cooking the meal. David and Michelle went to pick her up and found her in a very bad state. I left immediately leaving my niece Laura mashing the potatoes. Needless to say, the meal was eaten somberly. 

As is probably the case with anyone reading this, sentimentality drives your thinking during the holidays. Then too, our thoughts turn to those not with us, and in our case it is a whole bunch of absentees whether because of distance, the pandemic, or they have died. Thus, I love using things that remind me of them. A few years ago Matt knitted this little pumpkin for me and because he is in England, not to mention a vegan, this reminder of his presence in our hearts, had to suffice. Who knew that there are a bunch of vegan thanksgiving recipes here

As is usually the case, I like to do all of the cooking myself and let others enjoy a day off. This year I made an old Bon Appetit recipe for the turkey which turned out just okay. For whatever reason the cooking was very uneven which led to some waste although, Lord knows, we had plenty as it was. There was turkey and dressing, a batch of homemade cranberry sauce, served in a pretty dish from my childhood.

A super simple recipe that used only fresh cranberries, chunked up in the food processor along with orange zest, sugar and a 1/4 cup of Gran Marnier. I'm thinking I will use the leftovers for a cake in the next day or two. Check back with me on that. 

Another easy dish was this carrot and radish salad with lime zest and a dressing made with olive oil and lime juice. I did the best I could using the tools available to make it look pretty. That said, it was supposed to be more matchstick like!

While certainly not traditional, it actually worked well as a bright note amongst the other goodies. The mashed potatoes turned out really well much to our delight. The corn casserole also turned out to be a nice surprise. 

While I did not make a pumpkin pie, I did make an apple one for Bruce, using a new pastry recipe now that I no longer have access to the lard I grew to love while in Canada.

In a little mix up, I thought Michelle was bringing a pumpkin pie and she thought that I was making it ,but truth be told, it was not missed as we were all pretty darn full. Instead she brought a fragrant candle and these beautiful roses that, if possible, look even prettier today.

According to this post from 2016, I found my current dishes at an amazing estate sale. Actually, re-reading that post, I still wish I'd purchased those hanging lights! Anyway, as noted in that post, it came with all manner of serving dishes which I finally got to use! 

When we downsized I got rid of a lot of dishes, including our wedding china, but the above glasses were saved from the purge. Given to me by my Mother they actually belonged to an uncle of my father. In other words, they are mighty old and one thing Bruce really loves. The candlesticks were also spared, having been given to Bruce when he became a "million miler" on Delta. Actually we got to choose the gift and who doesn't want something made by Tiffany? 

Dave is smiling! Is it the food, or maybe the crazy expensive wine he brought?

While the turkey was cooking, Bruce ran up to the garden center, coming home with some little poinsettias to add some color to the porch. Note the open door behind the screen as it was a very comfortable day.

Not the best photo below, but one that I will look back on with fondness.

That would be Grace, Dave and Michelle's dog who was surprisingly well behaved. One thing we don't have around our table are grandchildren, although one day that may change. In the meantime, we are thankful for what we do have and all of our loved ones both near and far.

Bruce and Fallon went to work cleaning the kitchen,

while Bill and I had our usual Yahtzee tournament. That is if you count two out of three as a tournament! And yes, he did beat me two games to one. I will say that when we did it again a day later, I was the victor so now we are even! He is still a little sore from the accident but nothing that time won't heal. Originally he'd hoped we could play a little pickleball on Thanksgiving, but that plan was thwarted by a driver who ran a red light. 
Mostly everyone was so happy that we could gather unlike last year during the pandemic. With the new variant that has just come to light there is no future guarantee of anything, right?

Sunday, as we were coming in the side door of church, seeing Chris at the organ, it occurred to me that playing the organ might also be something that disappears. How many folks do you think are learning to play it anymore?

And yes, we are still wearing masks at church which is now decorated. The fellow in front spends the entire service knitting most weeks.

On the first Sunday of Advent there were far more empty pews than there has been of late. Perhaps folks were out of town?

Here's something to ponder. When Bruce went to the cardiologist he was put on a statin drug to lower his cholesterol. In spite of trying several ones for a few weeks, they made him feel terrible so he quit taking them. Then, last week his annual bloodwork showed that his cholesterol is perfectly normal. While good news, it sure complicates the strategy going forward. That said, he's feeling just fine as long as he stays away from the statins! 

In a nod to our ever-changing reality, we bought our Christmas tree on the day BEFORE Thanksgiving. An article in today's newspaper highlights how trees are disappearing from lots far faster than is typical. Instead of waiting until the trees were all gone, we went ahead and bought it with Bruce keeping it in a bucket of water until yesterday morning. I spent the better part of the afternoon working on making a tree, like none we've ever had before, look pretty. Remember last years oversize tree? While looking at a few from over the years, this post from 2018 is a sweet one where I declare it is the best tree we ever had. It was also the one that I wrote when B retired. Oh my goodness, three years have passed by in a blink of an eye! Anyway, here is this years edition not entirely done but what I got done yesterday. Note the many needles on the rug underneath. We shall see what I am writing in a few weeks about that!

We are now looking forward to all of our family being together for Christmas for the first time in a while. Could this tree be any more different than last year? You will have to click on the links to see for yourself!

In other good news, yesterday morning as I was switching to my Christmas tablecloth. I spied the SWAN splash down in the lake outside our windows. Woo hoo! All day it swam around peacefully, mingling just fine with the many ducks. As we went to bed I asked B if he thought it would be there in the morning? My goodness it sure was! As the sun rose, with steam rising, rays lit up the lake. Picture perfect.

Unfortunately while I was away earlier it seems to have left for now. Notice my optimism?

I'm also optimistic that Matt, Tom, Alissa and Jonathan will be able to come for Christmas in 2021. Omicron be damned!

your friend,


Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Post #1998

 Oh my goodness! 1998 posts in this space! 

That is a lot of history in words and pictures and today will be no exception. I will warn you at the outset that condensing a week into one short post is going to be a challenge, one, to tell you the truth, I am not up for. Thus, we will sally forth together and plod through what interests you. Assuming anything will, right?

Beginning with the weather report, it has been all over the map. Humid, a bunch of rain of the drizzly type with accompanying gray skies leading up to today when it is chilly and the sky could not be any bluer. Those gorgeous sunrises have not been happening this week.

Bruce's knee is still keeping him off the pickleball court which means he's been fishing more. The gorgeous blue water continues to impress. Some years ago Jonathan gave him a depth finder which he's been using, discovering just how deep the lake is. I think he told me that he can see to the bottom which is about 65 feet deep. Can that be right? He's not here to ask because he is over at Bill's house doing a tiny project. Speaking of Bill, he was in a vehicular accident Sunday morning. A woman ran a red light and slammed into his Hummer; thankfully it kept his body safe, although there is considerable damage to the front. He's waiting to learn the extent of the damage.  

Post #1 of this blog begins with "I started a blog the other day....".  That was February 14, 2007. As most of you know my purpose was two-fold. At the time I was an adult full-time college student struggling through classes like algebra and geology, along with not feeling my best. Looking back on a few of those posts just now brings back memories of what was a sometimes struggle. Then too, I came across this post when Matt's belongings were being packed for his overseas move. 

I wonder if at the time I ever imagined that in 2021 I would still be writing this blog and Matt would still be living in London? We'll never know will we? 

In those days my posts were both far shorter, and more frequent. Sometimes every couple of days. Now, when I have more time to write, my posts are spread so far apart that I generally don't know what to record or what to omit! Then too, in those days I had lots of time by myself as Mr. Peck was traveling the country for work. I'm not complaining mind you as it is such a pleasure being a couple again. 

In keeping with our current state of affairs, although masks are not mandated in Orange County any longer, our church continues to require masks. Hearing the choir through masks can prove a wee bit challenging.

The Sunday above marked the first time communion has been served since March 2020, albeit in a far different form. This little gadget opened from both ends and if I'm honest, it just felt seriously weird. But it was gluten-free so it had that going for it!

So, we were there together on Sunday, then Bruce was back to work on the little libraries Tuesday evening. I mentioned those didn't I? Apparently the guys completed them faster than the woman who is finding locations was prepared for so they remain in the music room.

Then on Wednesday I accompanied him to the preschool Thanksgiving feast as he was invited by the director as a thanks for all of the work he has done for them. Our pastor Shawn played guitar while the little ones sang.

I so remember being a young parent watching this sort of thing! This was followed by the seriously delicious lunch prepared by a member who used to be the chef at Dexters before it closed.

One sad thing to report is that the heralded pre-school has not recovered from the loss of students during the pandemic. Enrollment is down considerably which is such a shame. 

Before I forget, the swan keeps hanging around. 

This last Sunday, following the service, volunteers began decorating the inside of the sanctuary and I will admit I was merely a spectator. I'm still not great at carrying stuff, so why be a hindrance to others? Anyway, please note the height of the ceiling and the lights dotting it.

On yet another evening last week Mr. Peck, along with about five others, changed all 14 of the lightbulbs. Guess who ended up in the lift 25' off the ground. Bingo...it was indeed yours truly's sweet love of her life.

What can I say? That man never met a project he wasn't willing to volunteer for!

It must have been Thursday that I had three ambitions...one to clean my refrigerator, two to wash my hair, and three to finish Tom's novel. 

Don't you just hate cleaning the fridge? I most certainly do. So much so that for probably six months I've had the above liner material and just got around to using it! While I was in the midst of the dreaded task, Ellen called asking if I could help her transport some of the 30 petunia baskets from Lowes that will grace the property for the season. And so I did. 

Fortunately it went quickly and with the fridge all spic and span, I was able to finish the novel by dinnertime. An excellent read and one I will be happy to recommend to you when it goes out in print! Because of the time difference I did not text him until early Friday morning. Anxious to get my feedback, or so he thought, they called while we were having a bagel at a newly opened spot on Bumby that you cannot miss because of the fantastic signage.

On the Facetime call I was able to show them how cute it is inside.

It was very fun chatting about the character, as if we knew her, which is a sure sign of a novel that prompts engagement.

It used to be mostly stores that put their Christmas stuff out early but that is rapidly changing as I've seen yard decorations popping up here and there.

Michelle and David have had their stuff out for maybe two weeks already? That sweet couple celebrated their 13 wedding anniversary yesterday. Guess what? I have a blog post for that here.  And people wonder why I keep it up!

We tried another new place this last week, one I think Michelle told me about. Bites & Bubbles on Mills near the Fresh Market. The decadent decor could not be any more different than the Milkhouse.

Sitting at the bar, in the comfiest stools in town I might add, of course we had a chat with our bartender and the host, both of whom are with the Orlando Ballet of which David and Michelle are patrons. I snapped this photo to show both her and you, not only the dancers, but that piece of cake that was absolutely scrumptious. 

If you are wondering, the plate was empty when we left! 

For the first time in years I will be cooking dinner on Thanksgiving, albeit for only our little group of six. Putting the leaf in the table yesterday we realized that it has only been in once since we bought this place and then the table was pushed against the wall for buffet serving. Although it takes up a bit of the walkway, I kind of like seeing it looking pretty.

In an unusual move for me, I'm actually taking it seriously, as is evidenced by the above. These beautiful herbs were chopped after I took the photo of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, to make a compound butter for the turkey. Pumpkin muffins are in the freezer following yesterday's baking. 

After playing pickleball this morning, not terribly if I do say so myself, the blog post is now written for posterity and I think I'll head to the kitchen to make some pie dough. I do have to laugh a little because after my visit to Clemons, where I purchased the apples for around $6.00, I went to Publix and saw frozen pies on sale for less. Is home baking worth it anymore? I'd like to think so. 😀I guess the same hold true for my view of blogging, well worth my time!

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Americans!

your friend,



Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Booster Time

Hallelujah, we got our booster shots yesterday! Also, we had our teeth cleaned, making for a very productive day. Instead of a long drive to the convention center, not to mention the long lines, we went to what I call the baby Publix that recently opened. The store, right across the street from a full-sized version, is not at all busy making the wait time minimal. Aside from a very sore arm, I'm feeling pretty good although Bruce is feeling just a tiny bit under the weather.  

In other news, who else is in awe of the price of most groceries at the moment? Because this blog is meant for documentation of current events, meaning what is happening in the here and now, it must be mentioned. My heart goes out to all those living on limited means which is not to say that those folks don't always have it hard, but currently the price of just about anything has gone up. Imagining how to feed six people in the current price environment makes me so very glad that I don't have to anymore!

Speaking of purchases, I've touted the wonders of Swedish dish cloths in this space and am so sold on them that I gave the remaining two I had to Mary to try out. I almost had to be ask for one back because getting more proved to be a brand new experience. Actually it started out easily enough because buying from Amazon is normally a sure thing. Find the product, click on buy now, and expect it to come within two days if you are a Prime member. I did that very thing, ordering on a Saturday with the message that they would be delivered on Sunday. Perfect, as mine had just worn out after constant use.  Except it did not come. On Monday or so I checked the tracking and found this.

Davenport to Bonita Springs to Orlando to Bonita Springs to Fort Myers to Ybor City....what the heck??

Tuesday I received an email from Amazon saying it looks like it is lost and click here for a refund. While I did so, that's not what I wanted. I wanted my cloths!! Venturing out in search of a replacement, it took three stores before I found one that turned out to not be quite as good as the ones I'd been using. Still, it was better than nothing. I kept an eye on the tracking and it just got more and more bizarre.

What the heck is happening here with our USPS? While I've heard others say that their mail was lost, this was a first for us. Finally, Friday evening it arrived. The packaging looks pretty good for having been in so many hands, don't you think?

Should this amazing product be new to you, here's what it looks like when dry.

Falling into the category of there is always a silver lining, had I not broken my wrist and been given a magazine to while away the time, I would never have tried one, but baby am I ever sold now!

Here's a look at the Jack in the Beanstalk tree from last week. If you didn't see what it looked like less than three years ago I put it in my last post which you can read here if you missed it. 

The carport roof that was damaged by the falling tree is slowly being replaced and I do mean slowly. A notice appeared that we should move our cars on November 1 which meant that I had to move my bicycle as well. Currently it is on the front porch taking up far too much space.

Using it requires me to take it down three steps which in my current state of weakness is no fun. Speaking of which, my wrist behaves like a rusty door and my thumb, well it still doesn't bend much, giving rise to me saying to Bruce I now get the phrase, "sticks out like a sore thumb." Sure does!

I decided that I needed a tote bag for my pickleball paddle and camera when Bruce and I don't go together. Before I began sewing, I did a little bit of sorting.

If there is one thing I still miss from our home, that is a proper sewing space. Having to get out the ironing board, which is heavy and cumbersome, every time I want to sew, is a pain. Three baskets reside under my work table and over time they have gotten messier than is advisable.  It is also kind of fun re-discovering fabrics I'd forgotten about. The one I used for the tote bag however, was far too memorable to forget.

I lined it with polka dots, a favorite pattern of mine. So what's not to like--owls and polka dots for the win!

Friday, while getting ready for Dr. March's funeral I wondered what to wear. In my generation, (sorry just had to throw that in there), a lot of things were cut and dry. You wore black to funerals. Or I should say most people did. Thinking of the kind of people who would probably attend I stuck with tried and true, but I noticed a few people that did otherwise. Anyway, it was a Catholic mass with readings from grandsons and a eulogy given by his only son. While I only saw a couple of people I knew, I was able to talk to two of his daughters and sing his praises which seemed to make them happy. One of them said, "oh how he loved his x-ray girls." The feeling was mutual.

My goodness, thinking of 50 years ago, our high school reunion was held last weekend. Although we did not attend, Bruce showed me photographs from the event and all I could think was, "do we look this old?" While I suppose the answer is yes, especially because I am automatically given a senior discount at a few stores, I never think of us as looking old. Perhaps I need to spend more time in front of the mirror!

This past week it has been chilly a few days, one day we had fog and another rain. Then too, we've had some beautiful sunsets which, while this photograph is not traditional, it shows the far reaching effects of the setting sun. Mostly though, the sky has been clear, sunny and bright blue with very little humidity. Talk about hallelujah!

I mention the weather frequently so I will know looking back in this blog, what days were like. Once the fog lifted, the lake water was so calm and I couldn't help noticing the perfect reflection of this old canoe across the water. Well, I sure didn't expect an Egret to pass through at the same time!

I noticed the folks were treating the lake again late last week. 

Bruce had been telling me that the swan was on the other side of the lake most of the time so on my way home from the dentist I drove into the neighborhood across the lake to see if I could see it for myself. Well, turns out I did see it, and I also saw the folks who have been treating the lake. I still don't know who hires them.

They were just pulling up to the dock so I was able to ask them what they put in the water to make it so clear, although I can't remember them both, alum is the name I can.  Whatever it is, it causes the sediment to fall to the bottom of the lake, making the water crystal clear.  We walked down to the big lake and under the dock, well, see for yourself.

It really is amazing, almost like looking at an aquarium.

Furthermore, Bruce pointed out the woman who has been feeding the swan on her side of the lake. He'd noticed her while fishing which he's been doing a lot because his sore knee is keeping him mostly off the courts for now. My Panasonic zoom came in handy.

 Hopefully this juvenile will stick around long enough to lure a mate!

Unrelated to everything written above I discovered the other day that the man who did our new art piece is also represented by my publisher SunDance. How crazy is that? 

As it turns out, while writing this I've also discovered that I am not feeling quite as perky as I thought. Bruce described it as feeling sluggish which sums it up perfectly. Totally worth it though because I'd much rather feel sluggish for a few days than get Covid-19!

your friend,


Kernel Panic Loop