Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Post #1998

 Oh my goodness! 1998 posts in this space! 

That is a lot of history in words and pictures and today will be no exception. I will warn you at the outset that condensing a week into one short post is going to be a challenge, one, to tell you the truth, I am not up for. Thus, we will sally forth together and plod through what interests you. Assuming anything will, right?

Beginning with the weather report, it has been all over the map. Humid, a bunch of rain of the drizzly type with accompanying gray skies leading up to today when it is chilly and the sky could not be any bluer. Those gorgeous sunrises have not been happening this week.

Bruce's knee is still keeping him off the pickleball court which means he's been fishing more. The gorgeous blue water continues to impress. Some years ago Jonathan gave him a depth finder which he's been using, discovering just how deep the lake is. I think he told me that he can see to the bottom which is about 65 feet deep. Can that be right? He's not here to ask because he is over at Bill's house doing a tiny project. Speaking of Bill, he was in a vehicular accident Sunday morning. A woman ran a red light and slammed into his Hummer; thankfully it kept his body safe, although there is considerable damage to the front. He's waiting to learn the extent of the damage.  

Post #1 of this blog begins with "I started a blog the other day....".  That was February 14, 2007. As most of you know my purpose was two-fold. At the time I was an adult full-time college student struggling through classes like algebra and geology, along with not feeling my best. Looking back on a few of those posts just now brings back memories of what was a sometimes struggle. Then too, I came across this post when Matt's belongings were being packed for his overseas move. 

I wonder if at the time I ever imagined that in 2021 I would still be writing this blog and Matt would still be living in London? We'll never know will we? 

In those days my posts were both far shorter, and more frequent. Sometimes every couple of days. Now, when I have more time to write, my posts are spread so far apart that I generally don't know what to record or what to omit! Then too, in those days I had lots of time by myself as Mr. Peck was traveling the country for work. I'm not complaining mind you as it is such a pleasure being a couple again. 

In keeping with our current state of affairs, although masks are not mandated in Orange County any longer, our church continues to require masks. Hearing the choir through masks can prove a wee bit challenging.

The Sunday above marked the first time communion has been served since March 2020, albeit in a far different form. This little gadget opened from both ends and if I'm honest, it just felt seriously weird. But it was gluten-free so it had that going for it!

So, we were there together on Sunday, then Bruce was back to work on the little libraries Tuesday evening. I mentioned those didn't I? Apparently the guys completed them faster than the woman who is finding locations was prepared for so they remain in the music room.

Then on Wednesday I accompanied him to the preschool Thanksgiving feast as he was invited by the director as a thanks for all of the work he has done for them. Our pastor Shawn played guitar while the little ones sang.

I so remember being a young parent watching this sort of thing! This was followed by the seriously delicious lunch prepared by a member who used to be the chef at Dexters before it closed.

One sad thing to report is that the heralded pre-school has not recovered from the loss of students during the pandemic. Enrollment is down considerably which is such a shame. 

Before I forget, the swan keeps hanging around. 

This last Sunday, following the service, volunteers began decorating the inside of the sanctuary and I will admit I was merely a spectator. I'm still not great at carrying stuff, so why be a hindrance to others? Anyway, please note the height of the ceiling and the lights dotting it.

On yet another evening last week Mr. Peck, along with about five others, changed all 14 of the lightbulbs. Guess who ended up in the lift 25' off the ground. Bingo...it was indeed yours truly's sweet love of her life.

What can I say? That man never met a project he wasn't willing to volunteer for!

It must have been Thursday that I had three ambitions...one to clean my refrigerator, two to wash my hair, and three to finish Tom's novel. 

Don't you just hate cleaning the fridge? I most certainly do. So much so that for probably six months I've had the above liner material and just got around to using it! While I was in the midst of the dreaded task, Ellen called asking if I could help her transport some of the 30 petunia baskets from Lowes that will grace the property for the season. And so I did. 

Fortunately it went quickly and with the fridge all spic and span, I was able to finish the novel by dinnertime. An excellent read and one I will be happy to recommend to you when it goes out in print! Because of the time difference I did not text him until early Friday morning. Anxious to get my feedback, or so he thought, they called while we were having a bagel at a newly opened spot on Bumby that you cannot miss because of the fantastic signage.

On the Facetime call I was able to show them how cute it is inside.

It was very fun chatting about the character, as if we knew her, which is a sure sign of a novel that prompts engagement.

It used to be mostly stores that put their Christmas stuff out early but that is rapidly changing as I've seen yard decorations popping up here and there.

Michelle and David have had their stuff out for maybe two weeks already? That sweet couple celebrated their 13 wedding anniversary yesterday. Guess what? I have a blog post for that here.  And people wonder why I keep it up!

We tried another new place this last week, one I think Michelle told me about. Bites & Bubbles on Mills near the Fresh Market. The decadent decor could not be any more different than the Milkhouse.

Sitting at the bar, in the comfiest stools in town I might add, of course we had a chat with our bartender and the host, both of whom are with the Orlando Ballet of which David and Michelle are patrons. I snapped this photo to show both her and you, not only the dancers, but that piece of cake that was absolutely scrumptious. 

If you are wondering, the plate was empty when we left! 

For the first time in years I will be cooking dinner on Thanksgiving, albeit for only our little group of six. Putting the leaf in the table yesterday we realized that it has only been in once since we bought this place and then the table was pushed against the wall for buffet serving. Although it takes up a bit of the walkway, I kind of like seeing it looking pretty.

In an unusual move for me, I'm actually taking it seriously, as is evidenced by the above. These beautiful herbs were chopped after I took the photo of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, to make a compound butter for the turkey. Pumpkin muffins are in the freezer following yesterday's baking. 

After playing pickleball this morning, not terribly if I do say so myself, the blog post is now written for posterity and I think I'll head to the kitchen to make some pie dough. I do have to laugh a little because after my visit to Clemons, where I purchased the apples for around $6.00, I went to Publix and saw frozen pies on sale for less. Is home baking worth it anymore? I'd like to think so. 😀I guess the same hold true for my view of blogging, well worth my time!

Happy Thanksgiving my fellow Americans!

your friend,



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