Monday, November 1, 2021

Miscellaneous Monday

Probably the most important thing I have to report is that our air conditioner is not running. With the big sliding glass doors open, along with the front door, it is cooler indoors than it has been for the last six months. So to that I say, hallelujah! In this post I won't make you wade through a bunch of Halloween decoration photos that may or may not interest you. That said, here's a little album I made of photos of one of the most clever houses I've ever seen.  Should you want to see what I'm talking about, click on the above link to get a bit of a laugh. 

Just the other day I remembered about a camera I'd not been using, mostly because it doesn't take very good photographs. What it does have is a crazy long zoom so it is a bit of a trade off. How I wish I'd had it on our camping trip with those two eagles! Anyway, I was out back yesterday roaming around with said camera and I finally got a sweet photograph of one of my favorite birds.

Showing it to Bruce I asked him what he thought. That meanie, he said Mr. Cardinal should wipe his mouth after eating!

Finally Westminster Towers is open for indoor visits again! This time I brought along the picture book I made of our road trip across America so Maureen and I had something to talk about. Since nothing changes from day to day there, it is difficult for her to carry on much of a conversation. 

Her 73rd birthday was about two weeks ago so we also looked at her pretty cards while I admired her new birthday blouse from her friend Sheri. The good news is that she was entirely lucid and awake during our visit leaving me wondering if her medication has been changed. It was a most welcome surprise.

Remember I told you that I'd made a new dress? Well, wearing it for the first time to church I happened to notice that the color was very similar to the gorgeous flowers that day so I had B take my photos.  Predictably none of them were good because I am a terrible subject. much preferring to be behind the camera.

The story on the flowers was that they were for a wedding being held that afternoon of an already married couple. Sounds crazy, right? Blame it on Covid! Apparently they had a civil service just after the pandemic hit and wanted the real thing. This but one of the beautiful arrangements.

That long hair! Blame it on Covid? That's a stretch. Actually, as has been discussed in this space before, our long time stylist is no longer doing hair because she and her husband are running a restaurant that actually survived the pandemic. So much so that there was a write up in the paper last week.

Naturally we were thrilled that in spite of the challenges, they are doing well. 

While I'm showing one newspaper clipping, why not two? I think I will! An old friend sent me a fb message letting me know that one of my most favorite radiologists ever had died. Because Dr. March had a huge personality, he well deserved a huge obituary.

When I arrived at Winter Park Memorial Hospital, 17 and just out of high school. he was the medical director of our school. All of the radiologists in the group were good, but Dr. March was the best! I've put it on my calendar, hoping to go and reconnect with old friends sharing reminisces about this good doctor. 

Speaking of doctors, I am happy to report that I won the battle, such as it was. After being resigned to all I went through, and am still going through for that matter, the bill arriving five months later just hit me the wrong way. Relating all of the miscues again to two different workers at the office, it didn't take too much convincing for them to agree to my terms! Every time I think of him just telling me to push through the pain it gets me mad all over again. :(

With all that out of the way, last week we took a little day trip to check out two campgrounds, both near Plant City. If you are from Florida you know exactly what Plant City is famous for, if not the answer is strawberries. We saw tons and tons of strawberry fields along our route.

Our first destination was Lithia Springs, a Hillsborough County campground set along the Alafia River. Unfortunately Mr. Peck was unimpressed with the campground, but the springs were something to behold.

Crystal clear with loads of visible fish swimming it was hard to tell how deep it was. 

While it looked pretty shallow, I discovered after taking my shoes off and trying to walk across, that it was much deeper than it appeared.
Smartly, I turned around heading back along the shoreline!

From there we visited another park, the name of which escapes me, that was quite nice. A former phosphate mine, it was large and pretty.

Between some routine medical/dental check ups and wanting to get our vaccine boosters, we've yet to schedule another camping trip, but this place will be under consideration. 

As is my nature, I could go on and on but today I will close with some very exciting news....

Our friends Connie, Patti and Gayle, just returned from a much needed vacation in North Carolina, staying at Gayle's brother's lovely home in the mountains. Along the way, they stopped at an enormous gas station/store called Buc-ee's. According to their website they actually call themselves a travel center. But I digress, according to our friends, it is quite the place to visit. While shopping there Patti bought some Sizzlin Saltines for us which indeed are sizzlin. Crazy hot.  Once at their home away from home, Connie did all the cooking and when she was shopping also brought something else home for us! What a welcome surprise!!

As you can imagine I am rationing them as they are the first whole Claussen pickles I've had since the pandemic began!! Oh my were they tasty with my turkey sandwich for lunch. Such sweet friends we have.

Thanking our lucky stars for many blessings.

your friend,


1 comment:

Catherine said...

Awwww such a sweet little Cardinal, miss those bright jewels🦜❤

Kernel Panic Loop