Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Push Through the Pain

That was our big takeaway from today's visit to the doctor.  In fact, he repeated it several times, insisting that I move my fingers in spite of the pain and swelling. Ugh! Let's see him do it!

First thing after we went into the examining room, the LPN removed the splint for an x-ray. Whew, fresh air on my arm!

That dent in the middle is from the splint which I'd been feeling kind of digging into my arm in the last few days. Because I cannot seem to turn my hand over, Bruce took a side view of my fat hand.

Although I had tried to wiggle my fingers some, doing so is not so easy when they are fat. Dr. Nguyen insisted that I force them down in order for there to be no ligaments damage. Sounds like fun, right? He also insisted this swelling, after a month, is normal for some patients.

Our last visit he seemed pleasant enough, but today he just seemed arrogant. I will say that this is my first time ever seeing a doctor wearing a top knot. Or, is it still called a man bun? Either way, it just felt strange. Not to mention wearing black. That really gets on my nerves which should surprise no one as I come from an era when health care workers wore neither black, nor tennis shoes. What can I say? I am a grouch? Maybe....

Danny, on the other hand, was kind and gentle while putting on my new cast, even offering to take our photo when he saw my camera.

Seeing my tied up hair in this photograph reminds me to mention that Bruce is getting pretty good at that! He is doing the lion's share of the work around here although, little by little, I am able to accomplish some small tasks. Two weeks from now we return to see if the healing continues. One reason I have not pushed through the pain is because I could not be sure that I would not do more damage by forcing my arm over no matter how much it hurts. Now I know. Mostly I am not having pain all of the time which is a vast improvement over a week ago. 

In other news, one afternoon, we worked together to make a pot of chili that could last for a few days. Because he has not needed to learn cooking skills in the past, having spent the better part of his life with someone who loves cooking in the house, here he is learning to use the garlic press.
After listening to an explanation on how best to chop the onion and peppers, he took right to it, doing an excellent job of getting the pieces just the right size. Meanwhile, I'd put the ground beef in the pain and began dumping in the spices using my left elbow to steady the jars while opening with my right. Well I got a wee bit heavy-handed and while it was edible, it was so hot that even Bruce said so, which is very telling as he never thinks anything is too spicy! In the end, even after  putting it on some rice to tone it down, it went down the drain. 

Bill came over the other evening to practice with Bruce. I walked to the court with my camera to watch the action and of course take some photos.
Now that is some serious concentration! Bruce was on the other side hitting him hard balls.
It is hard to pinpoint why, but the game of pickleball is not only great fun but most folks who try it say they become addicted. We know the feeling!

Before I had my accident, Swallow Tail Kites were beginning to appear high in the sky but I was not prepared. This time I was. 
One of these days they will come within my camera's range.

As it turns out the paddle we gave Bill for Christmas already needed some repair work so we had a FIELD trip to the factory in Oxford, FL! The drive took about an hour which is less time than it took to get home from the doctor yesterday using surface streets! Did it ever feel great being on the road again! After explaining that we were from Orlando they got right to it rather than the two day timeframe she originally quoted. After a nice chat with our helper we took the long way home stopping at a few parks along the way. Always lakes are involved which to me means birds. One of my favorites, a Limpkin obliged.
A little later we stopped at Trimble Park on 441 for Bruce to take a little nap in the fine weather. As is my custom, I took a walk wearing the new sling, generously bought for me by our friend Mary. As I was walking along the water's edge I looked up and for the first time in ages, I saw an eagle on an open branch in front of mr.
Creeping forward I could tell it was eating.
If not for some pesky crows who began harassing the eagle I might have gotten better shots. As it was, before long it took off for a more peaceful perch.
Speaking of shots, who else is tired of the countless photos of people receiving their vaccine? I certainly am one of those folks, however, this photo appeared in our newspaper and it had so many great elements to it, I kept going back to look at it.
The colors, his face, her weird wig, his gigantic arm....well what can I say except that I may look at photographs differently?

Speaking of the pandemic, I saw this sign in the bathroom there and it must be from the beginning when we were told masks weren't effective for the general public! 
One morning we went downtown to renew Bruce's drivers license. That's a bit of a story that I won't go into but what I will put down is that there are new sculptures in the park across the street that I visited while he was inside.
Here's an overview with one of my favorites in the foreground.
Saturday afternoon, with continued excellent weather, David grilled steaks at the pool for us, followed by another pontoon boat ride.
So, as you can see, I am getting out more and doing more with each passing day. Just this morning I vacuumed the house while Bruce changed the sheets and did laundry. We are adjusting with help from our generous friends and family. 

With any luck, the bones will continue their miraculous mending ways. If I weren't weary from my one finger typing I might expand on that idea but I am so make of it what you will! 😊

your friend,



Jozee said...

Gail, I'm sorry to know you've been having such a difficult time. I hope you're on your way to feeling much better, very soon!

Gail Peck said...

Thank you!

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