Sunday, May 2, 2021

Five Weeks In

I spent some time rummaging around reading old blog posts today after having a discussion about the weather earlier. While watching the pickleball action this morning, (naturally feeling sorry for myself), play stopped for a moment for the participants to rest and we talked about how darn hot it is already. Maybe, or maybe it is nothing too much out of the ordinary for this time of year? I knew my blog would be able to set the record straight. Going way back to 2008, the weather was much the same. In 2009 the temperature soared to 97 on Mother's Day. I also discovered that it was my best day at the market to date; inexplicable, but there it was in black and white.

All that to say that reading posts from more than a decade ago reminded me that this set back is just one bump in the road in our life journey. Our life is the best way to describe it because Bruce and I have traveled as a couple for 54 years. Lots of ups and downs with, thankfully, far more ups than downs. How I would have managed this latest solo is beyond me. He's not only gotten the hang of dressing me when I can't do so, but he's learned how to wrap my newly washed hair in a towel as well.

You will be pleased to learn that I have managed to "push past the pain", in part because I feel somewhat reassured that I am doing myself no harm. Actually, for the most part, the pain is diminishing even though the swelling continues,, especially if I am outside for too long in the increasing heat.  As was true back in 2007, my camera helps me cope. It goes where I go which on one morning included a stroll around Lake Davis affording me the opportunity to catch up with the Spring happenings.

The goose remains in her strange location in the wide open. On my first pass this was super fun to witness as a gosling used a plastic bowl to cool off.

Obviously this prompted the question as to what happened to the other three eggs? That is an unsolved mystery because on my second pass this scene presented itself.

Hard to know, but perhaps this screaming hawk in the nearest tree knows something we don't?

The cygnets were all accounted for I am happy to report.

In our lake many ducklings have been born, and many have disappeared just as quickly as they appeared. Between the hawks and the otters, their chance of survival is always perilous. Mama Wood duck sits alone.

Speaking of peril, using our new Apple TV box, or whatever it's supposed to be called, I've been watching a fantastic series called Earth at Night

Should you have the same box I highly recommend having a look. Another great series we loved was Ted Lasso. 

Never could I have imagined how much we would love a series where soccer plays a prominent role!

Connie brought a delicious meal last Monday night of which mashed potatoes played a prominent role. God love her, she remembered how much I love them.
Backing up to the old blog posts, what fascinates me is how society has been changing over the life of my posts. I've commented on lots of that over the years so with that in mind, I'm seeing a new trend, or at least it is to me. While having my lunch the other day, I was browsing the latest Subaru magazine, coming across an article by a young man named John. In said article he included several photographs of his seven month old daughter. Her name is Land.  Seriously? I've just been alerted that a woman named her daughter Ocean. I just can't help but wonder how either of those names could be turned into a nickname, or I'm thinking specifically how my term of endearment for our son Jonathan is "Jon-boy", who, in fact turned 38 yesterday. 38!!! Before long all of our sons will be in their 40's. Holy Cow! 

But I digress, what other baby names are trending?

I've been wandering the property with the camera dangling from my good arm. As was the case with this Red Winged Blackbird, I set my camera on any nearby solid service, maneuver the zoom, then bring it to my eye, hoping I am quick enough. While my intention was to catch it perched on the roof apex, what I caught was far better as I have taken very few shots of this fast bird in flight. 
Ah, the best laid plans..... as they say.

Bountiful, fragrant Gardenia plants are in full bloom. Couple 91 degree heat with increasing humidity and you've got a winning formula for richly scented air anywhere near these beautiful blossoms.
Trending, here we go again. Naming the full Moon is, while actually a fairly ancient custom, new to the masses. Or, so it seems to me.  I give you last week's Pink Moon, rising over the lake. That glow! That shimmer! 
What a blessing to have been vaccinated as has our whole group who gathered for a Kentucky Derby party at the pool. Thank you to everyone who worked on these wonders that are allowing life, as we knew it, to resume. 
Carolyn, taking the guys picture had a speed limit birthday today. 
I'm not entirely sure how it worked, but for those wanting to wager, horses were drawn from a bowl with the one Bruce chose coming in third. I believe he netted $10.

Sandy had fun decorating. 
There were two Loving cups, the real deal btw, on loan from Patti. After some hours yours truly began to fade, leaving the group still  playing a dice game called, "Left, Right, Center". Have you heard if it? Neither had I. Money was won, and money was lost, and the crowd went wild! Especially because one dollar bills were in play.

One more week, or so I hope. No one wants to wear a cast in this heat! 

your friend,


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