Monday, May 31, 2021

Post Op, Day 5

 There was a time when I considered myself fairly pain tolerant, after all, I had three babies with no drugs in sight. Then too, I used to have dental work without novocaine. Now, however it seems as if those old notions need to be put to rest. Two broken wrists, in seven weeks time, has brought into the harsh light my self delusion. Holy Cow!

Going into the surgery I felt confidant that soon my troubles were heading in the right direction, upward and onward if you will. The trouble with being an optimist is that when a snag occurs you are mentally unprepared. Why oh why, did I imagine it would go smoothly? Waking up from the twilight sleep I was both shocked and dismayed to be surrounded by folks who soon put me on a stretcher and whisked me to Florida Hospital in an ambulance.

What is going on? My only concern was needing a bathroom visit while their's was an irregular heartbeat during surgery. Denied my trip to the bathroom, I arrived at the hospital in humiliating fashion and it only got worse while they hooked me up to monitors, drew blood, x-rayed me and so on. I was wide awake and heard the EMT tell the ER doctor that all my readings were normal and the good news is that they remained so during the hours I was there. Eventually the nurse did her best to clean me up, under the circumstances not an easy task, and we were allowed to leave, arriving home around 9:30 Wednesday night. 

Bruce helped me bathe while standing in the tub, followed by setting me up on our couch in the living room. Because of the time, pain medication would have to wait until the morning. The nerve block in my arm, at this point was keeping pain away. That is until 4:30 in the morning when I woke up in pain like I can never remember. Because of the hospital detour we'd had no time to read the instructions and were totally unprepared.  Crazed as I was, I had Bruce give me one of the pain pills from the first break which helped for about two hours until I was, once again awoken. By now the block was totally worn off and all I can say is that while waiting for Bruce to go to Walgreens when they opened at 7 AM, felt like forever. I was pacing, rocking, and most definitely going crazy. Not only from the pain, but the shock of it. The optimist in me never dreamed it could be so bad. My poor Bruce, while not feeling my physical pain, was enduring his own in the form of heartsickness as we waited for it to take effect. Whew! What a morning! Eventually, having had the time to read the instructions, we learned that we should be adding Ibuprofen to the regimen along with an antibiotic and an anti-nausea pill. 

Things could only go up from there, right?

And for the most part they have. After two days I was able to cut out the narcotic, replacing it with Tylenol. We got a little panicky when the swelling around my elbow and upper arm increased, but we were comforted following a quick call to Dr. Patel who assured Bruce that it was to be expected. My bandaging looks like this. I have bruising and swelling above the bandage but I am no stranger to swelling, am I? I will say that it is very hard to find a comfortable sleeping position.

It is a huge relief having my thumb mobile as it was just beginning to loosen up a bit.

As to the actual surgery, the folks were fantastic. This is my nurse Jeff with the doctor who did the anesthesia, both of whom were super professional and kind.

I saw Dr. Patel for a brief moment before surgery and maybe afterwards? That part is a blur although Bruce told me later that he called him a few hours later to check on me. As well, a nurse called the following afternoon. From what I overheard she was also patient and kind. In other words, nothing like our first go round with this mess. 

Here is what the new hardware looks like from the top and the side.

In addition to installing the new plate to stabilize my radius, he brought the ulna (smaller arm bone) out of the joint space and into better alignment with the radial head. According to Dr. Patel it was a bad break but it is all fixed now. Woo hoo!

Bill brought over a lovely bouquet to brighten one room.

Within hours of one another, David did the same. The wonderful friends here in our community have begun round two of meals, friends have texted and called, and I could not ask for a better husband who is more than rising to the occasion.  My instructions are to stay out of the heat in order to avoid an infection in the stitches, keeping me inside until they are removed.  Thank God for television and the fantastic shows on Masterpiece Theater. Currently I am passing the long days watching Grandchester.  In addition icing and elevating has been my mantra.

So while I thought I was pretty good with pain, that has proved to be a falsehood. What has remained true is that I am not a particularly patient person, unlike my honey who has that characteristic in spades. Today is day 64 and with another plus or minus, 30 more before I can return to life ahead of me, well in the words of my late Mother, " I shudder to think."

your friend,



Marge Cree said...

Oh Gail. Just will get through this! Hang in there.

Katrina from Central Florida said...

Gail - You are racking up a lot of points here. My heart goes out to you.
My broken wrist is in the distant past and the only thing I remember is after a couple of weeks I was definitely on the mend. The Physical Therapy was extremely helpful. Now all that is left to remind me is the beautiful scar. Time heals. Breathe deeply. Do you need any books?
I have lots of books I could lend/give you. Thank you for your blog posts.

Prayers, Love and Hugs to you!

Gail Peck said...

Katrina, the idea that "this too shall pass" is what keeps me going. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I will keep your timeline in mind. As to books, I am finding hidden gems in the house that had gone unread.

Thank you Marge!

Kernel Panic Loop