Wednesday, May 12, 2021

On A Positive Note

 What must this little gosling be thinking, looking at her reflection in the water?

How well can she even see at this point anyway? The world is chock full of mystery including how is it that our friend and neighbor, Gayle, who broke her wrist just five days before me, has sailed through it whereas my recovery has been far slower? I have no idea except that her doctor opted for surgery while mine took a conservative approach? An unsolved mystery for sure. I will admit to being envious! 

There will be not one iota of whining in this post because of two excellent developments. One such development was yet another kindness, this time in the form of a favor. One of the very best radiologists that I used to work with took a look at my x-rays, assuring me that good healing was taking place. I've begun to think of my radius like I would a scrape that has to form a scab on the road to healing, and it just takes time for that to not only happen, but resolve as well. I had a rug burn on my knee a couple of years ago that took forever to heal. All that to say that my mind is far more settled

Secondly, we drove out to my old stomping grounds for my therapy session which, today, consisted on testing and measuring so that we have a baseline to work with. For twelve years I drove out to, what was then called Sand Lake Hospital, five days a week. Now named Dr. Phillips, I had to leave the driving to Bruce. Darlene, the Occupational Therapist was great, not too old and not too young. We spent our time together discovering what I can and cannot do. Although there is a sign prohibiting photos I snuck this one anyway so that I could remember my starting place and it is not great. Turns out I have only 13% use of my left hand compared to my right. (photo taken upside down)

Darlene's plan of action is to help get the swelling down, decrease my pain, and get me to be able to type with two hands again. Just kidding on the last item because I've not told her yet that I write a blog. My hair--she wants me to be able to wash it adequately, something I am all for. Having thick hair is generally a good thing, however, not so much when it comes time to wash it with one hand! I am happy to report that showering without a bag on my arm was heavenly.

My twice weekly appointments are all scheduled and we shall see how it goes.

The skin on my hand no longer looks as if I am a snake thanks to the huge amount of Aquaphor Bruce applied yesterday morning. Of course, when your hand and forearm are covered with, essentially vaseline, I remained pretty sedentary yesterday, watching a terrific nature show on PBS called  Europe's New Wild. It was all great, especially the reindeer drive in Lapland. Who, amongst you, has last thought about Lapland? Not me, for one.

Following the appointment today Bruce suggested lunch at Yardhouse off International Drive to which I quickly agreed. It has been ages since we were out this way, that is if you don't count our vaccines trips. Later in his career, he built several Yardhouse restaurants including a very nice one in South Beach, For readers not from Florida, that is a glamorous area in Miami. He was overjoyed to find edamame on the menu, especially when it is coated in a hot and spicy sauce.

We enjoyed a marvelous lunch made even better because your favorite blogger was emerging from her "down in the dumps" attitude. Of all things, sitting in the booth behind us were two former Darden employees. Not just any employee, but one who is the man responsible for creating Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze, and Seasons 52 among others. Many years ago he chose Bruce to do some important projects , rewarding him with a keepsake in the form of a watch. Those were some very hectic and stressful days in the Peck household, to say the least. 

Sincere thanks to everyone involved with the vaccine from the scientists to the truck drivers, who, no doubt, have led very hectic lives helping folks like us to be able to feel comfortable out in the world again.

On the 40th day, I picked up the paddle again. 41st too. Firstly Bruce hit me some balls and then Bill did. Not a game, just a wee bit to get my feet wet. Unfortunately, Dr. Nguyen thinks I need to wait two months before playing again. Maybe I will progress so much by my next visit in a month, the timeline will change? A girl can dream, can't she?

When I visited Lake Davis last week the gosling was so cute I could not resist..

This is her Papa.

You can't blame me. right?

One of the cygnets has disappeared, but of the remaining six, five of them are the expected gray and one of them is snow white. Can you say adorable?

For at least a week I've been meaning to post the photo below from our lake.

It almost looks like a big glove, doesn't it? Speaking of gloves, Darlene told me that a compression glove might help with the swelling and will try and have one for Monday's appointment. Now that I know, I may just turn to Amazon.

Finally, here is the cover of the book I was praising.

It is a remarkable story of a remarkable woman named Nancy Wake, otherwise called the White Mouse. Yet another historical fiction story that I knew nothing about. Just when I think I've read it all about WW11, along comes this. Seriously fascinating story.

Wasn't this a nice change? An upbeat bit of reading?

You are welcome. 😊

your friend,


p.s. My homework is to work hard on trying to touch my fingers to my thumb. Wish me luck!

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