Monday, April 5, 2021

A New Type of Quarantine

Honestly, having the use of two hands was a gift that I took for granted. And while this is but a temporary set back, I most definitely have a new appreciation o how perfectly balanced God made us. In my case it has been a week now that I have only had the use of my right hand and arm and I am not finding it pleasant. 

For the first couple of days I took the prescribed Oxycodone for the pain which was far more intense than I imagined. Not that I thought about it recently, but it must be remembered that I took x-rays for a living for a long, long time. As I recall, a wrist x-ray was one of our first proficiencies. While having a very long, not to mention excellent Facetime visit with Matt and Tom this morning, I told them that I hope that I was gentle with my patients. 

During my new quarantine, I have watched an inordinate amount of television, sitting on our couch. 

Outside our doors a lot was going on. 

 For starters, Matt and Tom had their seventh wedding anniversary on the day of my accident. Cris, Bruce's brother celebrated his 70th birthday, a milestone we were fearful he would not reach after his battle with Covid 19. Actually we went to DeBary for his party on Sunday. Michele came down from Minnesota for the party too! It was a taco party, thus Cris's sombrero.

Their home is on the St. John's River with abundant wildlife, including wild turkeys.

While we were there, I took this photo as well, not knowing at the time that I would soon be experiencing this for myself.

In our case, it has been the outpouring of generosity from friends and family. Even though it was David and Bill's 42nd birthday, Michelle sent flowers.

Meanwhile, I was still in bed for a day or so. Bruce took this of me and while it is wildly unflattering, this blog is meant for documenting our life for me to remember so, in that horribly trite phrase, it is what it is.

Patty, of our new pickleball friends. Keith and Patty, made this sweet arrangement for me.

Sherri brought soup, Patti brought brownies, Kelly brought two huge pans of lasagne that fed us for days, Leslie brought shrimp scampi, and there were more goodies from Yvette, Carolyn and Rhonda. How amazing is what I have to say. Shoot I almost forgot Sandy and Dave who blessed us with Mexican food on Saturday night. This is the best village in town!

Should you be wondering, I am a two handed typist so pecking this out is wearing me out. Tomorrow I will learn my fate for the next six weeks. We are very much hoping that I can at least have a smaller cast. No surgery would be good too!

Before I go, yesterday morning I finally ventured out with my camera after having spent the week indoors, and was so excited to find some migrating Cedar Waxwing feasting on the loquats trees.

Here's a closer look.

While I would love to show more, another time will be best for me.

Before I go, my arm is feeling better every day. Not perfect of course.

Wish me luck!

your friend,


p.s. I did the best I could on this post!

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