Shall we start with something super positive? Sounds like a plan to me.
Far easier said than done, but it is a lofty goal that we all can strive for. The above sign was discovered displayed at a roadside motel on A1A near Flagler, just one of many.
But, I am getting ahead of myself because my last post we were still in St. Augustine with more to say and so I shall. In our room, yup, back there for a moment, I got a kick out of noticing this:
Okay, so leaving the city behind, we stopped at the lighthouse and learned that there was far more to it than we originally thought. So, yes there is the lighthouse, that requires climbing more than 200 steps to the top.Your reward, after managing that, is a view towards the old town in one direction,and a view of the Atlantic Ocean on the other. It was a HOT and humid day creating a haze that made the view not quite as clear as at another time of the year, say in January when the weather is usually perfect. We did learn that giving the interior of the lighthouse a fresh coat of paint was just recently completed. According the docent, it was in sore need of a refresh.As to what else there is to see, the answer is, quite a lot.
Here's a link to their website which is much better at explaining the many displays should you care to visit.We spent some time cooling off, oh wait, sight seeing is what I meant to say, inside the air conditioned keeper's house that was filled with all manner of interesting things.
It, too has undergone some refurbishment, which makes me wonder who picked out this amazing wallpaper with the very subtle pattern featuring yours truly's favorite subject.Those silhouettes are pretty darn good as well.Finally, there is a small building filled with loads of memorabilia pertaining to the role the lighthouse played in WW11 which is where I found this:
I don't know about your knowledge of rationing, but mine was sketchy at best. Would people rally the same now? Hopefully, we will never have to find out!On the road, finally making our way down A1A, we stopped at the public beach, not to be confused with Anastasia State Park where we spent the previous morning.
We had to content ourselves with just looking, but it was not easy as the water looked so inviting! Continuing along the scenic route, near Flagler Beach the sand gets very orange.Very much unlike the beaches we left behind.What, are they the same bunch? Of course not, there are ten in one photo and eleven in the other!Back to reality, it has been mostly fun and games if you don't count the influx of medical bills to be found in our mailbox in one fell swoop.
It's going to be really something when they are all totaled up, which if my twice broken wrist bills are any indication, they will be arriving for months.Tuesday was Primary day when we go to the polls, unlike most of the folks we know who vote by mail. We were surprised to discover that our polling place was actually hosting two precincts for the first time. I learned from Mary, who is very much involved, that many places now do not want to host voters.
Filling in the bubbles on the ballot, I got to thinking how old fashioned we are in so many ways. We still get the daily newspaper, we have a landline, we hold a solid book and turn pages when we read, and I make most things from scratch. There's a lot more, but those are a few that come to mind.On the other hand, I mostly know how to work our television, so there's that to be proud of! As well, you did read about pickleball in this space before it became national news.Woo hoo...we are trendsetters after all.
Speaking of old-fashioned, Nancy made reservations for Wednesday night at Linda's La Cantina to thank Bruce for his help. I was there for my role in moral support.
Nancy engaging in her favorite sport--people watching!Here's a serious blast from the past, a time when our parents used to dine there.
How they have maintained their excellent quality for all of these years, despite family upheaval on their end, is a real mystery. Either my eyes are getting bad, or the picture of the menu isn't very good, both of which I hope are not true, because those prices are something else.As are the prices today, a fact that I am including for future reading. Ever since I was not well we have been limping along allowing our food supplies to dwindle, but I finally went grocery shopping several times last week, and oh my goodness, it is unreal. Seemingly no goods are immune. The same holds true for our monthly dues here at LPV. Bruce, along with other committee members have spent three Saturday mornings, figuring out the budget for next year, and there is just no way an increase can be avoided. It's a painful turn of events for those folks who are on a tight budget. And just when we think we have it bad, I read in the newspaper the other day how energy costs in Britain may rise by 80% in time for winter!! Impossible to imagine. (Just trying out something new.)
Red sky at morning,
along with red skies at night.