Monday, August 8, 2022

Back to Normal

Sunday before last, Bruce suggested we wait a week before going back to church because he was still concerned for my well being. I was onboard with the idea, but at the same time I was dying to get out of the house, having been home for so long before my hospital stay, as well as afterwards. Knowing it wouldn't be much due to the time of the year, we still went to Lake Apopka Wildlife drive to see what we could see. As it turns out, our assumption was mostly right as the bird population was very minimal, as were the gator sightings. Still, we saw a few.  (nine in total, way way down from our high of 49)

We saw the above big one soon after our arrival, and it wasn't a whole lot later that the cars were backed up because another one was on the shoreline. Can you spot it?

I was super happy when we did come across a pair of Fulvous Whistling Ducks, a handsome water fowl specimen if ever there was one.

So, with hardly any birds or gators, how does one amuse oneself along the 11 mile drive going 10mph?

Clouds, for one thing.

Bonus points for cloud reflections! Furthermore, the plant life is different at this time of the year; more grasses and wildflowers. Look carefully and you will notice the thinnest stems holding up yellow blooms along the water line. I have no idea what they are and all efforts to identify them were fruitless, but they certainly are interesting whatever they are called.

Although I was feeling good, I eased myself back into the world attending a get-together on Monday evening for both Anne's birthday,

and Dianes' pictured in the pretty blue dress.

A good many afternoons I went to the pool to lounge and read, having the place almost to myself. Last week I read two novels, both amusing, but not necessarily worth recommending. We shall see what I think of the latest which I intend to pick up when I complete this post.

Mostly the days have been dry even when the sky becomes threatening; the rainfall has been minimal this summer. In fact, we are more than 4 inches below normal for the year.

Nary a drop of rain came from those clouds! The multitude of crows flying near nightfall tells me that the days are shortening and time is passing. Living on a small lake you notice so much about nature; where the sun rises throughout the year, when the ducks come and go, and just about once a year we get a drop in visitor like we did last week.

It sure feels good to have a camera back in my hand!

Look what sweet Mary brought me the other night?? Our blessings from living in this neighborhood are far too many to list! Isn't it super cute?

I suspect what you really want to know is how is my health and what did the hematologist say....

Against my better judgement I let myself be convinced to keep the appointment with the hematologist. When the paperwork lists a corporate office in another city, it just doesn't feel good to me. I know, I know, I'm still living in the Marcus Welby era which has long since past, but I can't help myself. No wonder folks hung onto the idea of house calls for so long!! Because when I had blood work last Monday my platelet count had gone down by about half, I presumed the same would hold true today. My presumption was correct, and I am happy to report, that after spending thirty minutes waiting for the doctor in the exam room with this interesting view,

a bone marrow biopsy is not in my future!! Certainly something to celebrate, but I was never really worried although it did keep me in the hospital for longer than I would have liked. Well any time spent in the hospital is longer than anyone likes!! At any rate, the folks were all very nice and the lab tech got my vein on the first stick which is really cause for rejoicing! The most interesting thing about the place was this:

Apparently it is for back to school supply donations. Most definitely not something one sees everyday.

In bigger news, tomorrow is the day that Bruce and Keith drive to Atlanta to help Nancy move. For weeks she's been packing and packing, making trips to Goodwill and working a full time job. It makes me tired just typing that! Here's hoping it all goes smooth as silk, and by the time I next sit down to write, she will be ensconced in her new cozy place! 

Back to normal means I have played pickleball a few days, as well as ridden my bicycle, something I don't do often enough. Speaking of my bike riding days, we drove by our old house yesterday evening and I was heartsick to see that our 47 year old stag horn fern was no longer hanging from the tree in the front yard. What could have happened to it? Shoot it might be even older as next week we celebrate our 49th wedding anniversary. Holy fun it has been!

Promises made, promises kept is a winning combination for just about anything as the sight of a rainbow always reminds us. May we have many, many more normal days ahead!

your friend,


p.s. For several weeks I've been wanting to share something related to me being sick. An old friend from our market days sent me a message reminding me about his journey with an infection gone awry. His, I am sad to say, was far worse than mine but he has made the best of things and has the greatest attitude one can imagine. Here is a link to a recent podcast that Alan did chronicling his journey as a double amputee and if you have some time, it is well worth a listen.

p.p.s Another heartbreaking story without a happy ending.  To think they were celebrating their 56th anniversary!!

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