Monday, August 22, 2022

A Second Honeymoon

I bet that title grabbed your attention, didn't it? It came to me as I sat down to write this post, in part because the length of time we were gone on this anniversary get-away was nearly identical. In those days, with our employment status, we were lucky to get two days off, thus it was a short and sweet honeymoon.

You've all heard the story before about us arriving in St. Augustine on our wedding night just after 9PM, only to discover closed restaurants at every turn. McDonalds it was for this hungry pair! So, while St. Augustine has clearly gotten larger in the last 49 years, I did notice that loads of the restaurants still close at 9PM. Perhaps it has something to do with this not being the ideal time to visit the city because it is so blazing hot to be strolling along taking in all the city's charms? 

So how was it that we decided to go there in the dog days of summer? Well, for one thing it was our anniversary, so there's that. Actually, for Christmas Michelle and David gave us a very generous certificate to stay at their favorite place,

which remained in our top drawer since that time. So, while it probably would have been a better choice to go during the magical Christmas season there, I figured we would just go for an anniversary celebration.

Following pickleball, we quickly packed bags, stopping at E-Tennis on Fairbanks to buy Bruce some new shoes, and then hopped on I-4 towards I-95 for the short drive there. But of course, we actually veered from that driving plan, taking the more scenic route for a good part of the way. But I've no doubt you'd already assumed as much, didn't you?

A few days earlier I had Bruce look at the rooms, choosing the one he wanted. Giving me three choices, we ended up on the top right in the room called Isabella,

with the balcony door just outside our room door.

One cannot go wrong with this view of the bay while seated in wicker chairs with a nice breeze from the water to keep one cool.

Excellent, right? We looked around a bit taking in all the sweet vignettes around the property.

Or at least I did while he took a wee bit of a nap. We hadn't been there long before Matt and Tom called to wish us a Happy Anniversary. They are so good about remembering which I can't say I always was about my parents, but then again, their anniversary was actually shrouded in mystery, a story for another day. Here is a post I discovered when they gave us a wonderful anniversary gift.  Following a lovely chat, Bruce and I took a little stroll along the water,

admired the nearby homes,
and stopped in a few of the shops. This wall of clocks most definitely got my attention! Do you think the clerks still hear the ticking everyday?
Returning to the bed and breakfast,
we enjoyed what they called, "the social hour" along with another couple who were visiting from Port St. Lucie.
While chatting with folks, it usually does raise some eyebrows when you say that you are celebrating your 49th wedding anniversary, although I am not entirely sure why. As I recall, repeating our wedding vows we said it was until death do us part, and so far so good on the death thing! 

When earlier we had been strolling, there was nary a cloud in the sky,
so after deciding on which of the restaurants to try from Michelle's recommendations, we set off walking the five or so blocks there. Because it is the old town, the streets are so narrow leaving one to walk in the streets, however, every now and again there are sidewalks to take advantage of, something that will come up shortly.

Because it is the off season, we were able to get a table at the wonderful preserved. (I know, weird not capitalized, but so be it, right?)
The moment Bruce knew there was Creme Brulee on the menu he was sold! Actually, that was on the house after we were asked if we were celebrating anything special. 

Why, indeed we are!

You may have noticed many posts about going out to lunch, however, dinner dates have been few and far between for years now. Actually probably ever since we returned from Vancouver. There we were spoiled because we could walk everywhere. Here there are a myriad of obstacles to a good night out on the town. So, being at a nice restaurant for dinner was a real pleasure. We began the meal by sharing a delicious carrot gazpacho. Oh my word, was it ever tasty and refreshing.
Remember that blue sky I described? That was now a thing of the past.....rain lashed the windows with great gusts causing all of the outdoor diners to scramble indoors. Thunder and lightening boomed and crackled as we ate our entrees. Bruce's scallops were outstanding.
My short ribs were fork tender and delicious, however, my eyes were far larger than my stomach and I was stuffed way before finishing! That said, I did have a few bites of the luscious Creme Brulee with just the right amount of crack to the sugar coating.
What I neglected to mention is that the restaurant is in one of the old homes in the part of town called Lincolnville. Finally the torrential downpour ended and a few folks returned to their front porch seating. 
Remember how I mentioned the sidewalks? Fortunately there were some as we made our way home with lightening flashing all around us. Seriously, a little scary. Plus there was some street flooding to navigate. When we got back to the inn I heard from Patti, wondering how we were faring with the weather as she'd seen it on the television in Orlando. It was most definitely a pretty impressive rainstorm, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

Following a scrumptious breakfast the next morning, 
during which time the guest we met the previous evening took our picture as we dined on one of the courtyard tables, the humidity was crazy high as well as just plain dampness from the torrential rainstorm on Wednesday night.
I'd like to make mention of said guest because I found it so fascinating that she kept telling us about flaunting her community rules when it came to her garden. At LPV Bruce is on several committees, at least one of which is tasked with getting people to do what they are supposed to do. Thus, because she lives in a community governed by rules, I could not get over how much satisfaction she seemed to derive from breaking the rules and getting away with it. It takes all kinds, right?

Soon thereafter, we got ready to go to the beach, an activity that I was very much looking forward to because it has been SO long since we've been there. We set up at Anastasia State Park where last we camped in the cold.
The weather was pretty much perfect for a beach visit with a nice breeze and bonus points for sand that was barely hot to walk on. Here's the aging honeymooner.
The beach is wide with higher dunes than on some of our Florida beaches.
One mistake I made, out of several trip related, is that I brought my Panasonic to the beach because it is the least expensive camera I had with me. While that part was a good idea, there is only a tiny, pretty much useless, viewfinder so seeing what I was actually photographing was more of a guess than anything. Because the sun is so bright, using the back screen is not really an option. Nevertheless, I did take a few photographs that pleased me, but none more so than the one below.
Memories of my golden-haired Jon boy came flooding back, remembering how he was a crawler for so darn long, not walking until he was 17 months old!! In those days we were members at Ft. Gatlin Swim Club where we spent most summer days in an effort to stay cool. Jonathan would crawl all over that deck in spite of how rough it was. People used to accuse me of carrying him too much as an explanation for why he refused to walk which was entirely untrue. And as most of you know, people often equate those firsts as if they are a sign of intelligence or something. I am here to dispel those notions as Jonathan turned out more than fine! I assume this darling little boy will as well. 
People watching can be so entertaining, don't you think?

There's more to the story, but for today, let's call it a wrap, shall we?
Here's to more anniversaries to come....beginning with our 50th!

your friend,


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