Saturday, January 7, 2023

A New Year

I'm going to be honest with you, these past two weeks, while tremendous fun, are somewhat of a blur. With great brain effort, along with a little help from my photos, I will do my best to get it all down before it can no longer be retrieved. 


Wow, just wow! 

The first post of the new year, one of 15 that I have welcomed in this space. In early February, 2007 I began chronicling our life, beginning while I was a student at Valencia College, battling a mystery illness, and starting a photography business. My how times have changed! While Matt and Tom were here, he and Bruce picked out a new laptop at Costco. Following the set up by Matthew, Bruce began reviewing old files, a few of which were my yearly sales. That was quite the trip down memory lane.

 Having thrown away all of my sales books during our downsizing, I'd almost forgotten that I did darn good for someone who didn't know what she was doing! Of course I had help along the way,  mostly Bruce, but also the man who did my printing, Roger, who never quite knew what to make of me because I kept putting out new stuff instead of just sticking with what I knew would sell. 

I just kept shooting more photographs, and to this day, I still do because I just can't help myself! I love it!

With that out of the way, while reviewing photos for this post, I came across this one which I thought held a good message 2023.

Taken in a little shop on Robinson Street, wouldn't that be awesome if we all tried being kind? I know I am going to remind myself of that mantra, especially when I get frustrated with clerks or the like. 

We went to Orlando Wetlands Park with Jonathan and Alissa, as we are wont to do when the kids are visiting. It's just such an enjoyable walk, different each and every time. The weather was gorgeous and we were especially interested in the new boardwalk that opened only recently. It did not disappoint! 

Being the lollygagger that I am, Jonathan and Alissa got a big head start on us which was good for them and bad for me. A nice batch of Roseate Spoonbills landed in a tree above Alissa's head and while I tried getting closer, the zoom lens had to suffice as they soon flew away.

While not a great shot by any means, their lovely pink color is hard to miss. During that visit, or maybe the one we did the following week with our London family, a knowledgeable person described the stand of trees below as a Cypress dome, a term that was unfamiliar to me. Did he make it up? Let's check.

Yup, it is a real term. So now we know.

One thing that was happening during this visit was a huge number of Barn Swallows flying in a pack overhead. We are talking a bunch!

Needless to say, I was going crazy! Speaking of terms, have you heard of "murmuration" before? While watching the Barn Swallows, I kept thinking that is what I was watching but according to this, that term refers to Starlings.  Do yourself a favor and click on that link for some incredible footage. Just astonishing how the world works. 

Because we used the boardwalk this time, our normal route was different; this time we went by the overlook, a path we'd not taken for a very long time. I am struggling to remember what day we went, but it was near my birthday so I climbed up on the small knoll and celebrated being older than my father who died at 68, and my sister Carol who died when she was 63.

Normally I don't get all crazy for my birthday but this year it just felt a little different. That said, we did not do much of anything so do not believe my pronouncement for a single minute!

We saw alligators, an eagle, loads of Black Bellied Whistling ducks,

as well as Purple Gallinule and Glossy Ibis in the shot below.

All very exciting encounters!! Returning to the center after our long walk, father and son took a little rest.

Two days after Christmas Bruce's sister Michele and her family came to town from St. Paul, MN. We had a lively dinner with them at Chuy's in Winter Park. David and Michelle were running late, but wouldn't it have been grand to have them, along with Matt and Tom in the photo? 

It was so great meeting her grandchildren for the first time. Cris, Bruce's brother who nearly died of Covid in the early days, joined in along with our niece Jessica who drove him there from DeBary. Here are the three siblings who rarely have a chance for a group photo.

Obviously they came to town to soak up some sun although it was in shorter supply than I was hoping for them. Plus, we had some chilly weather for a change. Maybe three days of it? 

On our way home from the restaurant we stopped by Lake Eola, we, meaning Jonathan, Alissa, Bruce and I, and absolutely loved what we saw. The city of Orlando outdid themselves this year.

The fountain lights were changing colors and dancing as was the Christmas tree in the distance. Photo ops were scattered around the lake, including this awesome one.

Along with this one.

We most definitely have to get out more at night! 

Finally it was the 29th, the night of the Florida State bowl game!! While that was exciting, even more so was that Matt and Tom arrived from London, landing at the new terminal for the first time. While Jonathan and Alissa went to the game, we picked them up.

Who's ever seen the airport looking this empty?? The setting sun made the new train terminal glow.

After dinner at El Porto on the way home, they caught their breath for a bit before heading down to spend the night at Mary's condo because there was no room for them in the inn. At least for one night anyway as Jonathan and Alissa returned to Austin in the middle of the following morning. It must be noted that one day she sorted all of my plastic and turned it into this. Perhaps if it is on the internet now, I will do a better job of keeping it tidy? You think?

Crazy impressive!

Before we leave Christmas behind, one evening we took Matt and Tom to see our favorite Christmas lights. Sadly we forgot to watch the show on ABC when they were featured. If they lost, I can't imagine the house that won!

They did the seemingly impossible this year and added another 250,000 lights to their beautiful display.

Although not nearly as elegant, this house on Peel did a remarkable job as well.

While there is more to recount, this will do it for today. 

What will this new year bring? 

It's a clean slate now, but who knows how long it will be before it gets messy, as it always does. That said, here's hoping that we all stay healthy in 2023, inflation decreases, PEACE reigns in all war-torn countries and, yes, let's all be kind to one another.

your friend,


p.s. Florida State won a thrilling ball game against Oklahoma. 

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