Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Odds and Ends

 Say what?

Back already?

Indeed I am. I am on a mission to catch up a wee bit before we leave to watch Major League Picklleball this weekend.  We are stoked! And hopefully, our accommodations will be to our liking.  A British woman and her husband own it so there's a good start.

Over the last few weeks I have taken hundreds of photographs, some of which I want to remember, so here we go...

This will shock you; I'm not leading with a bird photograph. Well, technically there are birds featured, but only ones from an artist's imagination.

Following church on Sunday, in spite of the yucky weather, we went to the Winter Park Sidewalk Art Festival and fell in love with the work above. That said, we did not buy a bird or animal piece, instead it is a mysterious girl. The artist has some fantastical work on his website and should you be interested, click here. Here's a funny coincidence---while we were waiting to pay, another couple was buying several prints with patron dollars. It won't surprise you to know that I struck up a little conversation which, get this, turned to pickleball. (!!) Turns out the folks own Track Shack and they said folks are coming in daily for pickleball shoes. No surprise there! He said they have even begun to carry paddles along with other cute merchandise such as the adorable visor Matt and Tom bought there for me before returning to London. Small world isn't it?

Because the weather was gloomy, a good bit of the time the crowds were very manageable. Near the end of Park Avenue this van was parked. And no, we did not write a note about why we love Florida because there is plenty of time that we don't!

It must have been Saturday that Patty texted me to say that her Loquat tree was packed with Cedar Waxwings feasting on the fruit to fill up for their journey to their Northern breeding grounds. Over the last few weeks every time she's let me know they are there en masse, by the time I arrive, they are gone. Sunday morning however, it was wonderful with dozens of them in a feeding frenzy.

Aren't they just the coolest with their black masks? The light was dull and flat, but after taking countless shots, I was somewhat happy with the one below.

With bright light it could have been terrific but, hey, you take what you are given and be grateful for the opportunity. :)

Speaking of good lighting---it does not get much better than this! Well, they might have been on the other side of the palm but beggars cannot be choosers!

I told you we have seen a lot of mating going on. You would think it was Spring already! 

Unrelated to anything photographic, I completed our income taxes maybe three weeks ago and by golly, the refund, such as it was, arrived about five days later. Now that's really something right?

Continuing the odds and ends theme, the novel Greenwich Park had me guessing until the last page. 

On the same day we saw the mating woodpecker pair, the light was not quite so good on this pair of Red Shouldered Hawks who began their shenanigans on this branch, 

before round two commenced a few trees away.

And if you were one of the few who read my most recent post, which can be found here,  you may recall the geese pair on Lake Davis. A late Monday afternoon stroll revealed that something must have come from that encounter.

I mentioned in the previous post that I wanted to check on the swan and the report is that she is still on the nest. Any day, or so I suspect. 

While Bruce was chatting with a fellow he met there,  I had the pleasure of watching this beautiful little Palm Warbler who will be leaving Florida soon for the farthest reaches in Canada for summertime. Can you even wrap your head around such a tiny bird flying all the way to Canada? It boggles my mind.

The familiar chirping of a male Northern Cardinal had me searching the trees and before long the brilliant red was hard to miss.

At our feeders we've had some new visitors this year and between them, the Cardinals, and the Tufted Tit Mice, the seed is fast disappearing. Plus, they are making a mess! At any rate, I was happy to see the Finches because although we had them at our home, this is the first time they have come for a visit and a meal.

Just outside the gate, this awesome plant is thriving. I don't know what it is, but showing it is a throw back to my early days of photographing every plant or flower I came across.

That reddish edging is so good. While we are on the subject of plants, this is the first time I've ever paid any attention to the blooming Chinaberry trees. Aren't they something? Super delicate.

The Swallow-Tail Kites are back in town. Multiple birds are flying around LPV, but I actually took this one at Dover Shores. It's a Loggerhead Shrike chasing the Kite.

And yes, I take my camera there too, although most of the folks don't know yet the extent of my attraction to birds! A few do and implore me to focus on the game. 

About a week ago some of us gathered to give Wendy a send-off as she returns to Quebec until next year. Holy cow, she gave us a run for our money on the court! Her beautiful smile disguises the beast within!

Shelly was kind enough to host at her beautiful home on Lake Conway.

It is so neat to think that a woman from Canada could show up at the court one morning, after having driven from their vacation rental in Kissimmee, and five weeks later her pickleball pals are holding a goodbye party for her. That's exactly how it is meant to work. 

Finally, another Canadian snowbird who owns a home in Bay Hill, has been coming to the courts lately, along with her husband. A super interesting and generous person, she showed up yesterday and we were dressed alike! I look like I'm channeling my inner Northern Cardinal in that bright red, don't I? I wear a long sleeved shirt about twice a year and this was one of those times!

Anyway, along with her matching outfit, she arrived with the neatest customized water bottle that she made for me. How nice is that?

I feel better now. Not an overwhelming post. That will come next week!

your friend,


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