Saturday, June 10, 2023

Random Beach Shots and Packing

Although the optimist in me thought we might play pickleball this morning with our LPV family, the realist in the family thought otherwise. So we packed. We have been counting the days until it was time to do laundry and get the car packed and here it is. Mostly we are set now. We had a fun lunch with the kids at Johnny's Other Side for a bit of a goodbye until we return in the Fall. Pictures of that, along with multiple other out-to-eat adventures with friends  will be shown once we are settled.

Before I begin with the beach shots, I cannot tell you how happy I was when this came out. I have been photographing the Tufted Tit Mouse in our tree, which btw has totally come back, forever and finally, one I am super happy with!

In the meantime, some random beach shots from last week....make of them what you will.

1. How amazing is it that everyone in this world looks and does stuff differently?

2. Wasp on a sea oat. Seriously?

3. Color, color, color.

4. Fast boat....

5. It takes four?

6. Reflections...

7. Reflections part two...

Should you have missed the previous post about going to the beach, you may read it here

Here's something I am thinking about--will the photographic opportunities come my way while we are gone? I sure am hoping so. While not in a foreign country, the landscape will make it seem so. 

I decided not to bring the toaster after all. Air fryer is packed! So is my favorite knife, potato peeler and manual can opener. Aside from the quilt, I made a set of placemats and cloth napkins. We debated bringing our own pillows, but in the end are going with what they have. Actually they have plenty. 

Shoes? How many different types does one need for such an extended stay? Bruce tells me we are doing fine with the space in the car so I've just added more sandals. Will I wear them? It is so hard to know. One thing to note is that the shopping options are limited. Or at least that is my initial impression. Big Lots, WalMart are, from what I can tell, the big stores. Well, there is Lowes, but if a girl is looking to buy a new outfit, that's not going to work. I will let you know if I am mistaken. You, of course will have a front row seat to all things living in a very small town is like. For a few months anyway. 

Connie is watering all of my potted plants and Keith is taking care of a few other things inside and out. We are so blessed to have giving friends aren't we? David will drive the MINI every now and again to keep it going. Most of you know, but there are new readers all of the time (yeah and thank you very much), but when we bought our condo we lived here for two weeks and then took off for a year. Folks were good to us back then as well. Here's a post from when we moved in.  The year was 2017. 

While not quite as massive of an adventure, this should be so good because Bruce will get to experience it all. He was working in those days while I explored. Not so this time!

When I was selling photography one of my best sellers was one I called Beach Daisies; it was an image that I never understood the appeal. Naturally, anytime I am beachside I am looking to replicate it to no avail to date. Here are those same colorful flowers in the dunes. I kind of like this image far better than I ever liked BD but, hey, what do I know?

I am sitting at my computer, watching the ducks float on the lake in today's extreme heat. Soon my view will change, as will the weather. Sounds like a plan to me!

your friend,


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