Sunday, June 25, 2023

Where Do I Start?

Do I start with the rain? Lots of steady rain this week. although it did not keep us from adventuring. 

Pickleball, on the other hand, has been a challenge with wet courts most of the week.

Birds? New bird feeders are bringing us joy!

How about an amazing shop downtown with both beautiful antique quilts, and a verbose owner who is 80+ years old?

Seriously, the owner who hails from Orlando btw, is quite the talker, so much so that I had to hijack Bruce away from her storytelling. After exiting the shop myself, I assumed that when I heard the door open he was soon to follow, however, that was not to be. Eventually I stuck my head back in, remarking that her shop name, Linger Awhile was certainly apropos! That said, oh my, the quilts were fabulous!

She claims that all of the quilts she sells are handmade before 1940 and who am I to argue that?  I am in love with the one above.

Speaking of quilts, I never did show you the large panel, 2 yards in length, of this funny fabric I inserted into the back of our Murphy quilt. I purchased it ages ago at an estate sale and decided it was high time I put it to use!!! 

A  little bit of whimsy never hurts anything homemade!

Here's something fun to report. On our second day on the Murphy courts, a woman named Nancy asked Bruce about coming to play on their home court. Would we be interested? Why not? One thing that Nancy and her husband Curt had in common with Bruce is that they both worked for General Mills, they in Minnesota, whereas when Bruce began building Red Lobsters and Olive Gardens, they were owned by General Mills. So there was that. Anyway, a week ago Saturday morning we drove to their mountaintop home and here we are.

Unfortunately it was hazy that morning, but here's the view towards North Carolina and on a clear day, they can see Tennessee,

while on the other side another feast for the eyes awaits toward Georgia. Below is a side porch,

and here is the front porch with the guys enjoying a post-game beer. (Not only does Nancy share a name with my sister, but I learned she loves quilting and has three sons!)

After which time, we followed them on some mighty winding roads,

to have some Georgia barbecue. Indeed it was dam good!

Bruce put the bird feeder in a tree outside the living room window, accomplishing the task in an unusual fashion.

Here he is tying it to that rope you see above.

To say that it has been successful is an understatement. Oh my, oh my!

Here is one of the first birds to partake, one whose body and size would tell you is a Tufted Titmouse, but that face! What is going on?

It is as if the head never emerged completely from the body. Sorry it is not clearer, but I am shooting through the screen and window, both of which are crazy clean. Our old windows at home are not even close when it comes to clarity. 

Perhaps I have described our situation before, but then again, perhaps I have not. The adorable little house where we are staying has a spacious screened front porch which faces the side of the owners home.

Note the deer in their front yard, a daily occurrence somewhere on the property! I learned from John that when they built the house ten years or so ago, for themselves and the cottage for Laura's mother, each were named. We are all familiar with "Charlotte's Cottage" and now I have learned that their home is named "The Orchard House." Which explains, this:

and this:

and this:

Peaches, which are mostly through for the season, along with nectarines, plums, pears and apples. 

We wanted nature and man, oh man, we are getting it in spades. Every single day so far, there are new discoveries.

When I tell you that it has been raining a bunch, it is no exaggeration, although it is far softer than a Florida rain. At least that is our experience to date. Unlike in Florida where you could hardly pay me to walk in the rain, I've done it now multiple times because, the truth is, the rain sticks around. Which is most definitely cutting into our pickleball playing time but not necessarily my outdoor time.

None of this five days a week on the courts for this pickleball crazy couple

All of the rain this time of year makes everything green, green, and more green! This is the land adjacent to the cottage.

Our landlords thought of everything when they built these two houses, including a wonderful carport at the end of the pictured driveway which has saved us from getting soaked. 

A fun thing we did three days after arriving is attend the Third Thursday event at the Depot. 

As time goes on we will explore more about the history of Murphy, but for today's purpose I will just say that there used to be a train that came through the town, but no longer does. As I recall, on the scheduled day, it rained hard earlier in the afternoon, but quit in time for the get together. Not knowing what to expect, sadly I was not in the best position to photograph the musicians, but it did not stop me from trying! Next time we will arrive in time to secure a better seat.

I thought it was bluegrass, however I now stand corrected. The fellow with his back to the camera told me their band calls their sound, "honky tonk." Whatever it was, we liked it as did a few of the folks who took to the dance floor.

We later learned that many of the performers were from the nearby John C. Campbell Folk School. 

As to the folk school? We spent a rainy day there when the courts were too wet and it was so great that it will require a post onto it's own. 

So far, this is just what the doctor ordered. The unrelenting drama, pitting friends against friends, continues at our condo, but being nearly 600 miles away, it is far from my mind. Instead, each day unfolds with new discoveries in an unfamiliar landscape. 

Tomorrow will mark two weeks since we arrived. When we were thinking of buying a place in North Carolina, we watched many videos on the state of, well, the state, from real estate to the weather. As I recall, one woman told her viewers that it rains a lot in North Carolina and if you don't like rain, don't move there. Generally I am not a rain lover, however, after living in Vancouver for a somewhat rainy year, I came to appreciate it more. After all, rain makes green, right?

So much more to share....

your friend,


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