Friday, August 11, 2023

Closer to Home

Our second home that is. 

We like to think of it as such, at least for now. Departing from my field trip posts, I thought before we head out for our anniversary trip to Brevard Sunday morning, I would catch up a bit on how we spend our time around town.  But first, a little color in the sky taken from the screen porch.

We were heading downtown for some reason or other and the sky above the Hiwassee River looked more ominous than things turned out to be. One thing to note is the depth of the water. As I type, the water level is being lowered somehow by the TVA. How they do it is a mystery, as is so much about our life here.

And we are okay with mystery because in my book it makes life more interesting, probably a sentiment not shared by all, otherwise Google would not be one of the biggest companies in the world! 

As for a colored sky picture, let's do one more of the sweet downtown as the sun sets.

I neglected to ask Laura what happens when the abundant flowers, and I mean abundant,

dies back in the fall? The beds have gotten remarkably huge. Interestingly enough this little alley has benefited from seeds flying in the breeze.

Along with a man named Carl, Bruce and I helped set up this table of mostly goods fashioned by the church members for the monthly art walk. I suggested to Carl that we let Bruce have free reign for the table set up as he has lots of experience in that realm, having set up my booth for years.

The proceeds, such as they are, go to local charities. One item on the table, on a recent Sunday after the service, made it's way into my possession and that would be some old fashioned pot holders which are the perfect size and work like a charm.

Speaking of kitchen tools, I was hankering for some wooden spoons and found some at WalMart, however, when I brought them home I did not like the feel of them as the handles were just too cumbersome. No problem Gail, I can make them thinner and so he did. Do you see the difference?

Much better! 

Back to the art walk momentarily because this was just too good not to include in the memories documented in this space. While we were behind the table waiting for interested parties, a woman walked by on the sidewalk with a miniature horse. Yup, you read it right. Naturally I had a camera but I couldn't get it out fast enough so I followed her into a nearby shop. 

If I had not seen it with my own two eyes I might be tempted to think someone made up the notion of a 
"support animal" in the form of a small horse. 

Perhaps there are friends in Orlando who have vegetable gardens, but I can't think of any off hand. Donna brings vegetables, while others bring eggs to the pickleball court. Country living at its finest.

Adjacent to the courts is the health center where Bruce does his weight training, and I, occasionally, swim in this pool.

There are large garage doors on either side and one end that they open up in summer. And while the pool is heated, it is a little chilly when you first get in, at least for me. 

One afternoon we went to the Murphy Art Center after meeting a couple who are heavily involved in both exhibiting and the operation of the place. I was particularly enamored with the hanging quilt below using Kaffe Fasset fabric.

The tote bag is pretty great too. 

Actually those folks we met live adjacent to this beautiful display of just-coming-into bloom row of Crepe Myrtles.

That is a sweet little church on the corner where perhaps the wedding below took place? I was walking along and crossed the street when I came across this scene. A spectacular photo bomb for you.

I actually have a clear shot, but this one kind of makes me laugh. As I mentioned earlier in this post, the water in the river is diminishing so I keep walking it to see what happens next. Coming across this memorial I was very grateful for Mr. Manchester's efforts, along with everyone else responsible for this great asset.

Everyone's favorite North Carolina grocery store, Ingles, includes two bouquets of flowers in the restrooms. How nice is that?

I was kind of matching that day!

Apparently during Covid, Burger Boy became much more popular and one reason, at least as far as we can tell, is because their food is good and made to order. The front parking lot was full the other day so heading behind the building we were somewhat surprised to find this. 

And no, it is not a shop!

Life is full of surprises, don't you think? We finally walked to the end of the road we are living on, something we had not felt comfortable doing before due to some ominous signs posted warning to stay back. Now that we have met the folks that live in both of the occupied houses, we gained permission and were completely surprised that the road ends like this.

A gate keeps uninvited guests out however we learned from John and Laura, who are invited guests btw, that there is a lake back there. How about that?

Here is a super funny surprise that happened today. We were rained out in the morning for pickleball so after heading to the bank we stopped in a couple of thrift stores where I picked up this cookbook. I opened it and saw it was a signed copy.

Dr. Ruth in Murphy?? Wonders never cease. 

A few photos of our bird friends.

A Male Goldfinch.

Goldfinch eat often and a lot. We hope the feeder lasts during our absence!

Don't be jealous Florida friends!

Lastly before I go, here's a funny little story with a happy ending. Because we are driving to Brevard for our anniversary celebration, a long distance Thursday field trip, especially because it was raining, was not in the cards. Instead, I suggested we return to a place just six miles from town called Hanging Dog Recreation Area. Probably three weeks ago, early on a Sunday morning we drove there to check it out before church. Except, driving down the road leading to the place, we encountered a log blocking the road, so we turned around and went home.  Well guess what? Oh, you have guessed already haven't you? And you would be correct on this morning.

This time instead of turning around and going home, we parked the car alongside the road, climbed over the fallen tree and started walking for how far we were not sure. Remember what I said about surprises? Oh my goodness my jaw nearly dropped when we saw this, which made the walk very much worthwhile.

I know what you are thinking, how did you not know what it looked like what with Google and all? Not any online picture looked like the above which is why I was surprised. Delighted is more like it!

After soaking in the beauty, and btw, we were the only folks there, we walked back to the car with Bruce, unsurprisingly, taking the lead. I hollered out from my position at the bottom of the rise, "can you see the car yet?" Indeed, we were there.

On our way back to town we stopped and mentioned the tree to two policeman who seemed in no hurry to call it in. And yes, Bruce did when we got home!!

So, we are heading to Brevard, as mentioned above to stay for four nights at Deerwoode Reserve where we have stayed two other times. Jonathan and Alissa are coming from Austin and Matt and Tom are coming from London and we could not be happier. Nancy just arrived and she will be joining us here and there. 

Happy 50th to two young kids who fell in love 57 years ago!! Here's to many more years of adventures together!!

your friend,


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