Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Field Trip, Part Two

 Here is something that you don't see every day.

Before I go further, a view from the top.

On the first of July, we basically stumbled upon this place called Fields of the Wood. You can be assured that I have done lots of research about our surroundings and I did learn that this was one of the attractions attributed to Murphy, although it is quite the distance from where we are living. Thus, I was delighted when I saw on the map that we should stop while in the area. I know I can't seem to quit going on about that house with the massive flower garden, but it was on the same road, so here I go again.

It is just so thrilling to come across such unexpected beauty!

Okay, back to the attraction. So ours was one of about four cars in a massive parking lot on this Saturday morning.  The park is quite large with many monuments to view and signs to read.

There are 350 steps to the top of the commandments which we did not climb, however we did check out the psalms. One thing to note in the photograph below is not only Mr. Handsome, but the cracked monument. Unfortunately that was an all too common sight there. It is hard to know how difficult it is to raise the money for repairs.

Essentially the whole park was dreamed up by a fellow named A. J. Tomlinson who had a vision to create not only this park, but several denominations as well.  Should you be interested in the "more to the story", click on the link above.

On the lower level there is a replica of the tomb,

as well as a baptismal font donated by the Church of God in Florida in 1943.

The mountain setting is so beautiful and I will say that the grounds were very well maintained. Lots of steps everywhere!

While not for everyone it is very impressive indeed.

One last view of Prayer Mountain.
Because this was unfamiliar territory, I had the iPad open and discovered that we were going right past, oh wait, no we weren't....we stopped! Cherokee Lake Recreation Area part of the US Forest Service. Seriously, lakes are somewhat of a premium up here, mostly reservoirs which this is one as well. When you come from the land of water to the land of mountains it is completely understandable that when you see a sign for a lake you STOP! 
By this time of the day it was quite warm so standing on the dock didn't make much sense, thus when I found a trail we took it.  Along the way I saw this pretty yellow wildflower, one of countless wildflowers I have encountered on our explorations. Because I keep seeing them I have finally started a wildflower folder to go along with my mushroom folder. Generally, I am far too lazy to make folders, but if I ever want to revisit these subjects, this should very much be my plan. Let us see how long I stick to it!

At the end of the trail there was another small dam.
Undoubtedly you noticed the water in the lake looked brown something that mystifies us, but it is quite common. Yet, look what you see on the other side of the dam?
This too is mystifying because it is as common as the brownish water. Sounds like someone you know needs to do some light research!

While it was a very short hike with some ups and downs, having my walking stick is always a welcome accessory. It probably looks goofy to some folks, however, as most everyone's mother taught them, "it is better to be safe than sorry!"
Whew, made it back to the parking lot! 

When is writing about how much I love the mountains too much? Now? 

Our dear friend Keith has been so good to keep watch over Bruce's tool closet and anything else that comes up, so I know it is not that he is tired of helping, as he is very, very, generous with his time and talents. Asking Bruce a few days ago if we were ready to come home, I know he was disappointed with Bruce's answer. He misses Bruce!! And while we miss him and everyone else, in the interest of keeping Gail from losing her mind in the heat, Bruce had to reply that he was not looking forward to returning. Have you seen how hot it has been in Orlando? In the sun it is plenty warm, however, the difference here is that even when the temperature rises, there are all of these gorgeous shade trees to hide under! 

Or we can head to our favorite hang-out,
where we never know who we might meet. Jen opened the shop a week or two before we arrived and we have been frequenting ever since we discovered it. It's a family affair; that is her father-in-law playing the accordion in the background while she and her husband are behind the counter. I suspect he can do polkas but instead he did very soft and lovely music which was very much appreciated.
We just love the small and cozy shop and have met so many interesting folks there. It is too bad that Bruce, and I believe his name was Michele, are out of focus, but sometimes it works out that way. Anyway pretend you can see him clearly, will you? He and his wife were super interesting having ridden bicycles across the country from San Diego to Maine! Shockingly, they had no Florida connection which is mighty rare around these parts. 

One reason we have been so supportive is because we so want her shop to succeed. Chatting with a local friend yesterday, she says the town changes significantly when folks like us go home to Florida. That said, lots of folks like us decide to move here after living in a charming little town for a bit. I tell you one thing, it is mighty quiet. 

Until we meet again, I remain,

your friend,


p.s. if you missed Field Trip, Part One, you can find it here.  

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