Tuesday, October 17, 2023

We are Back in our Hometown

Arriving Friday night near our regular bedtime, it was a long haul. More than twelve hours in the car, but aside from the drive through Orlando, it was mostly stress-free and that would be because a good part of the travel time we were amongst only a handful of cars on the road. Plus, it is pretty so bonus points there. Unfortunately for us, we got a little bit of a late start which, as was to be expected, put us driving for over an hour in the dark, something that Bruce tries to avoid like the plague. In a first, the whole journey was a one day affair, an experiment to see how it felt. Doable, but unless it is strictly necessary for some odd reason,  we think we are two day people. That said, I said to Bruce if one was heading to Europe, travel days can be extremely long, so that is one way to look at things.

We spent most of Thursday last week, packing up and turning the cottage into a VRBO again. The quilt is packed away and the plain white coverlet is in place.

Knowing our days were numbered, I had been using up what food I could, but in the end most of what is pictured below went into a big box that we stored at Laura and John's house.

With the price of groceries these days, it was a blessing that we could leave it at their home until we return. As well, I emptied the freezer into a few bags which made their way to a chest freezer at their home. I hear tell that they are already missing us, so that tells you a little about how special our stay there was.

Since our return, it has been non-stop action and frankly, I just realized that I am pretty darn tired. And to think that I did not one bit of the driving! I goofed up this morning when, even though it was clearly written on my wall calendar, I went to Dr. Parillo's office one day early meaning we missed out on pickleball today and now, because the appointment is for tomorrow, that will make playing a challenge again. How in the world I make these kinds of mistakes, I do not know. At least the dentist called to remind me that my appointment was tomorrow afternoon, or I would have messed that up as well.

 Yikes, I do not like getting older.

One of the things I had to do on Saturday was clean the sunroom among many other things. I think when they blow the garden outside the glass doors,  dirt finds its way into the room and believe me, there was plenty of it. All is good now and made even better with the morning sun.

It is a little weird being away from everything you own. I can't decide how I feel, not having seen it for four months. I don't know what else to say about that except it is something I am mulling over.

The weather has been pretty glorious, I will say that much. 

The above was the beginning of another cool day with the bright blue sky reflecting on the lake surface as I type. So beautiful, although I  have discovered I am pretty partial to mountains too. I like it all really;  I feel as if the desert would not be a good fit for me though. 

I am all for green and lots of it. 

On the Tuesday before we left, John suggested we travel to Franklin to see more color and as has been true for all of their suggestions, it was a winner. The first great sight we saw on that journey were the trees reflecting in Lake Chatuge off HWY 64 near Hayesville. When two jet skiers got going, well it made for a dramatic photo op!

Not too much further down the road it was a turn-back-around moment as we passed them quickly and, this won't surprise you, Bruce took me back to see them up close.

As we climbed higher I was taking pictures like nobodies business from the front seat--some good enough, others rubbish!

Below was taken from a scenic overlook and who am I to argue with the term scenic?

Naturally I was going crazy, more so because we knew we would not be there to witness the full blown color happening in the next couple of weeks.

There is a lot more to say about Franklin, however, this post is going to be short and snappy because as mentioned, my brain does not seem to be running on all cylinders today!

Case in point, I just realized that I forgot two photos that simply must be included! One, a Killdeer as seen beside Lake Chatuge, a bird I rarely see anywhere.

What the heck, count me delighted with this one.

As well, here is something one does not see everyday, well most days, wouldn't you say? 

Stopping at Ingles on the way to Franklin, we were both super surprised to see this unfolding.Maybe in our youth, but I can't say as I have see a car smoking like this in decades. As we were leaving, the smoke began to calm down a little bit and Bruce wished the fellow luck as we drove by. He responded with upbeat words to the effect that he always can get it working. More power to him, as they say!

Look here, more color. And to think that you did not have to drive for 10+ hours to see it up close and personal!

Before leaving Murphy, on my last day with a camera attached to my person, I took a few photographs to document what things look like at this time of year.

But first the cottage lit up by the afternoon sun.

What both our view here and there share in common is an abundance of trees. Different trees, but plenty of trees nonetheless. 

Last year during our visit to Murphy I was enamored of the trees in the playground adjacent to the courts. How I wish I could see them today, a week later.

Some of the trees that I first noticed changing are to be found in the Bojangles parking lot, a place we pass with some frequency. Ate there once too and it was very tasty. Anyway, that was a few weeks ago and look at one of them now!

It probably won't be long before it is all red as can be!

In the photo above of the cottage porch, if I were to turn around 90 degrees this is the view last Thursday.

This is the view behind the cottage. Woods and more woods!

The presence of wildflowers on steroids has really been eye opening to me. Living in a city, who knew that they could be so prevalent? Not this blogger! On my last walk along the river, I took a different route and was I ever surprised at the huge numbers of wildflowers along this part of the river. When we came in May, the banks were covered with yellow flowers and now white has taken over.

Sunday last, we both walked where the park is bordered by the river on one side and a street on the other. My kudzu rage continues when I see so much of it taking over everywhere. I must say though, it did amuse me for  brief moment when I realized this batch looks like a St. Barnard.

It's beginning to look a lot like Autumn on the trees found behind Walmart.

So long Murphy, until we meet again!

One of the reasons we came home was for Bruce to perform a ministry that he holds dear.

Because I didn't have the doctor's appointment that I thought I did, I tagged along, planning to read while he did what needed to be done. 

Forgot my book. Yeech! 

I did regale the office staff with stories of our time away, so all was not lost. 

Lots more to relate, but fatigue is a cruel master, so until we meet again, I remain,

your friend,


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