Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Beginning the New Year in an Unexpected Way

What's it been, about three years now that Covid has been around? As our son David has said, you can't hide from Covid and perhaps he is right because it has now found us. 

Not me which is weird because if anyone in this family is going to be sick it will be me. Reading through the annals of Camera Crazy, between C-diff, pneumonia, two broken wrists, A-fib, colitis and probably other things I've put out of my mind, it is clear that I am the one most likely to not succeed when it comes to illness. Somehow, despite the fact that Bruce has been sick for five days, I have remained Covid-free. If and when it finds me is a mystery, one that countless other families have experienced. Why does one person in a household get it and the other not? Life is definitely full of mysteries. 

Last Thursday we went on a little day trip because the sky was clear and it had been far too long since we had gone anywhere just to explore. Recently Laura had mentioned Nantahala Lake as a lovely spot and when I saw we could get there by using Junaluska Road, a gorgeous drive, that was the ticket. I love the way to Andrews; the valley looks different on every occasion we have had the pleasure of driving through it.  

Whether it be the clouds, or lack thereof, the fields, the mountains or the trees, I am always so delighted to be in the midst of it. While living in Vancouver I fell in love with mountains, so being amidst them makes me very happy! 

Loads of folks have done whitewater rafting trips on the Nantahala River but few have seen the lake from which the water flows. Duke Energy built the reservoir during WWII to provide power for the Alcoa Aluminum plant to make planes for the war effort. That is a very succinct account of the place, but enough information to make looking at the photograph a little more interesting. Unlike most of the reservoirs around here, this one is owned by Duke Energy rather than the TVA. The brilliant blue sky that day made the water look as blue as blue can be.

More to this story another day, but one thing I can report is that when we drove back through Andrews on our way home, we were going to eat lunch at the Hoppy Trout, however, it was not open so instead we ate at Sage where we had a lovely lunch which we were calling my birthday lunch as it was but days away. Turns out that was a fortuitous decision. 

It is a wonder that they have made it a year but that they have. Not because the food is not delicious and creative mind you but because the town is still finding it's way after some very down years. 

 This appetizer of smoked red grits, goat cheese and a red pepper reduction was fabulous.

Bruce's shrimp and grits, as well as my pork chop, were outstanding. I had to laugh when I noticed the name of the wine he selected. There is a joke around here that he is not a pessimist but a realist! 
The remainder of this lovely bottle is still in our cupboard because one of the wine drinkers in this family has been seriously under the weather. The following morning we awoke to a crazy cold temperature reading, however, being the pickleball enthusiasts that we are, clothes were piled on and off we went to the courts where there were but a few other hardy souls. A pb friend had warned me that snow was in the forecast, but could that really be true? Well, flurries anyway.

Because another person showed up, I opted out, leaving Bruce to play one game with the other hardy souls. God bless him, he struggled through to point 11, but afterwards he told the group, I can hardly move my body aches so much. Well, at the time we were thinking, heck yea you hurt because of the cold. If only that were true. We popped into Ingles for a few things and upon returning to our sweet rented house, Bruce laid on the couch and has been there ever since.

It should be noted how highly unusual this is and maybe it accounts for why he has been so sick. HE NEVER gets sick. In his entire working life he missed maybe two days? I think one of those was for a kidney stone decades ago? Thank goodness for college bowl games, such as they were, because otherwise it would have been like a tomb around here, what with him sleeping the days away! And yes, I watched every minute of the massacre that Florida State endured at the hands of Georgia. No words!

When Bruce was awake, our birdie friends provided a modicum of entertainment as the feeder is just outside the living room window.

As most of you know, Sunday was my 70th birthday and I will admit to having had better ones. On the other hand, it has been a pleasure taking care of Bruce for a change, rather than the other way around! Saturday I received not one, but two, gorgeous floral arrangements, one from David and Michelle and one from Matt and Tom. 
They are absolutely gorgeous and are brightening up our cold winter days like nobodies business. That said, there have been several deer herd sightings which always makes us happy and after some gloomy days, the sky is brilliant blue once again. This morning would be one of those days, well actually New Year's day was gorgeous as well, albeit never getting above 40 degrees! I made lots of soft foods for Bruce including a lovely corn chowder which with all the color in it should be called confetti chowder!

Here's a darling little tea towel Matt got me for Christmas, a throwback to days gone by. I use this phrase on each new day that it is sunny!

Showing that oven photo reminds me of two things. One, although the Yorkshire puddings were a baking success, the oven was a literal disaster due to flying grease which is now cleaned up. Apparently most people are either not cleaning their ovens, or they have self cleaning ones because the choices at Walmart were few and on the very bottom shelf. The young man I had helping me probably thought to himself, "I am so sick of these old people who can never find a thing!" Secondly, the cake disaster prompted me to wonder about the oven temperature which subsequently prompted me to buy an oven thermometer. Sure as the world, it is not correct. When it claims to be preheated it is 50 degrees less, then, after a time it gets hotter than the set temperature. Now I know and can act accordingly. Whether I will attempt to make another cake anytime soon is another story! 

I know it will surprise you to see me back at this typing thing so soon after the my last post but this story begged to be told. We are praying that any day now Bruce will return to his rock-solid self again and for me, it won't be a moment too soon as I miss him!

your friend,


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