Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Baby It's Cold Outside!!

As I type this on Christmas Eve morning, the temperature outdoors is still below freezing. I like it though. Coming downstairs the first thing I generally do is to go out on the porch and see what the day is bringing. There is frost on the lawn, the birds are beginning to move around and the sky turns either blue or grey depending on whether we will have rain or sunshine.  Knowing how very blessed we are to be in this cozy home while others struggle with no heat or worse yet, no shelter, we are very much humbled. One of the great mysteries of life that has seemingly been this way from the beginning of time. Or at least that is what we have been learning in our Bible reading. I would be right there with you in disbelief if I had been told that we would have made it to Ezra 6, as of earlier today. Plenty of murder and mayhem, along with extended genealogies. Not to mention loads of names that are impossible to pronounce! 

Now that I have caught you up on that, it is time to see what the Pecks have been up to in this new town of ours! One such thing happened on Saturday, meaning nothing chronological is being reported, but anyway, Laura and John went to Asheville for Christmas leaving Laura to find a volunteer to be Santa's helper when folks came to have their picture made with him in the sleigh by the downtown Christmas tree. How could I say no? Of course when I agreed I had no idea that the weather was going to be so darn cold, to the tune of hovering below 40 degrees for the three hours of our stint! Without the bright sunshine we would have been sunk, but as it was, with two layers of clothing and a coat for me, and I believe Santa told me he also was wearing another layer, it turned out to be SO fun! Here are the actors:

Now that I think of it, maybe I told you I was doing this because I bought that shirt at a thrift store for the gig. Nevertheless, I am telling you again! Laura loaned me the elf hat so that I looked more official. 

Originally the plan was for the folks to take their own photos but seriously do you think I could just stand by? Of course I could not!! So many sweet families came, but this little one could not get away any faster. That outfit!

As has been reported Fallon and Bill are being very cautious with Christian in this flu season and while he is not yet vaccinated, are limiting visitors. Well, not everyone feels the same way, or maybe by the time you have had your fourth child you feel less concerned? This family with a ten day old, an 11 month old, along with two others were not in the least worried. 

How cute is this? The baby came with her oxygen tank which was hidden behind Santa's leg.

I ended up offering to take the photos with their mobile phones and I think it worked out very well. Our estimate of visitors was around 150 which was a very good number on a very cold day. In the excitement of seeing the sweet and happy families, we did not notice the cold so much, however, apparently my body did because this old elf was mighty tired walking home!! 😀

This past week has brought some lovely cards and gifts in the mail. I love having the new cabinet on which to display them.

One day we received a super thoughtful gift in the mail with no message.

I posted it on Instagram, hoping someone would come forward, but nothing of the sort happened.

A few days later this arrived:

Undoubtedly a pickleball friend, but whom? Mystery solved yesterday I am happy to report. Karen, a Dover Shores friend, sent them! Not only have they come to visit twice, but now this??? How do we get so lucky?

Another package arrived from Amazon, a heavy one that Bruce opened because we had no idea what it was. Now we do and it is fantastic; a gorgeous snow globe from Pat and Ruth!! Oh my friends it is magical!

By golly, what do you see in the background?? I could have cropped that out, but what would be the fun in not showing you what our television has been tuned to now for weeks! Should you not recognize the look, that would be a Hallmark Christmas movie, one of many that we have watched. So far my favorite has been a Very British Christmas.  Apparently it was no so well received, but one reviewer did comment that it was "enjoyable rubbish." Very British indeed.

A fun ladies pickleball get-together was held at Marilyn's house on Friday afternoon. Warm soups, cookie exchange, white Elephant, along with an ugly earring contest that your favorite blogger forgot all about. In other words, the whole shebang. Laurie won for her inventive "earrings", attached to a headband!

This is only about half of the group; for some reason I put my camera in my purse and there it stayed.

Before I go any further, a friend mentioned that she was having trouble reading my blog in the new format because the text seemed light and small. In my attempt to modernize my look, it seems to have backfired. As well, I heard from another long- time reader that because the years of blog posts were not listed on the side, she could not go back in time. All that to say that I am ditching the new look and going back to tried and true. 

Alrighty let's look at the frost!! 

Isn't it just magical?

Very much so on the plants, but no so much on the windshield!

Our windshield when we got into the car to head to church. Mr. Bruce had picked up an ice scraper during one of our thrifting outings and it came in handy. 
When there are leaves on the trees it seems impossible that the church is visible from our driveway but note the round dome and you will see it is very much possible in the winter.

Friends Judy and Randy during worship Sunday morning. Talk about magical, tonight the candlelight service is not to be missed. Beginning at 6:30 with a handbell concert, we plan to be in our seats early as it is very popular in our little town.

I wish there had been a balcony when we were taking our little boys to church! I love seeing them up there, not having to sit still in their pew.

Counting duties were shifted to Monday due to the upcoming holiday when the banks would be closed. After our task was completed, just as I began to browse the nearest gallery, my phone rang with the happy news that the florist was at our house and wondered when I would be home as she was hesitant to leave the flowers on the porch in the COLD weather. "No problem" I replied, I will be home in a jiffy. How gorgeous is this arrangement from Matt and Tom?

I just love the container too!

Look at Mr. Bruce relaxing in the parlor. I love a photo that tells a story and this one fits that bill. He is cozy under the handmade quilt, 

wearing his favorite pickleball hat, researching something on his phone and enjoying a glass of his favorite raspberry lemonade. That's my honey! Actually I made that quilt years ago because Bruce always loved craftsman type things, never imagining that one day we would live in a house of that style.

Speaking of style, our neighbor across the street invited us over for a tour of her 1902 home along with a glass of wine. We had a nice visit in her living room and look at this lovely scene!

Her house has been a bed and breakfast for the last twelve years and is now the only one left in Cherokee County. She asked me if I would photograph her decorations so she could show them to her sister-in-law who had not visited for some years. But of course I will! 

Sunday evening we took food over to Diane who is under the weather so I did the photo shoot last night and guess what? You can come along too!

Sandy loves both cardinals and angels, naming her inn, Angel's Landing.  
Here is the angel highlighted with a spot light. 

The downstairs is filled with Christmas everywhere.

That would be a huge mirror behind the little tree reflecting the staircase.

It was all so cozy.

Our house is looking pretty cozy too. Seeing the photo though, looks like we need to add more lights to the top of the tree, doesn't it?

We hope you have enjoyed spending the month with us here in our little town, being a part of what it means to live in such a place. We have talked about how easy it is and here's a crazy example of that. Not long after I arrived for my elf gig, I got a message from Matthew that there was a gift waiting for us at a shop across the street from where we were. Turns out Santa's step daughter had owned the shop before she recently sold it and still owns the building!! So random. And just now I got off the phone with Bill who told me that there is a gift card waiting for us at the wine shop where we frequent. How darn sweet is that?  I wish I were as clever when it comes to gift giving! 

Tonight we celebrate the gift of Christmas.

Sending Christmas good wishes from Murphy, but more specifically from Campbell Street. May your holiday be a blessed one.

your friend,


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