Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Name this Blog Post!

Why, oh why have I never thought of that before? Name this blog post and you will win NOTHING!😀 Between the 1,000 or so different prints that I sold, along with the 2,160 blog posts that I have titled, it would seem reasonable that at some point I might run out of ideas. Even though I may think of something while writing this, I'm hoping you can help a girl out with fresh ideas. Do chime in please.

So let's get started, shall we?

Christmas is coming! Small towns, and big towns for that matter, have loads of fun activities to get involved in and so we have. Let me tell you, some of the outdoor activities have been very cold indeed. In fact, the weather has been cold for over a week now with temperatures on some nights plunging into the teens! However, most of those days the sun has been shining brightly so even though it is cold, you can stay warm with enough clothing. Today is not one of those days. Temperatures have soared into the 50's and it feels very cold to me because it is about as wintery as you can imagine, minus any snow. Driving to Andrews this morning to play pickleball in the gym of the Methodist church, the roads were wet, the clouds were low, and the sky was gray.

Noticing it last year about this time of year, a sundog appeared in the sky late in the afternoon during my walk on Friday. 
Having had several days of rain I need to go and check the water level in the river because it looked like this during that same walk. What is always so fascinating to me is the clarity of the river which is hidden during the months when the river is high because of the levels in the dam upriver.

And while in the photo above it looks like snow on those rocks, that is merely an optical illusion as we have not seen any since last I wrote. 

Here's something kind of fun....

When Bruce had to cut the top of the maple tree because the top branches were touching the power lines, I kept said top and put it in a bucket of water on the porch. At that time the leaves were supple and lovely. Well, after a succession of freezing nights, those pretty leaves shriveled right up causing me to think twice about leaving the bucket on the front porch. Imagine my surprise when I lifted it from the bucket, only to find ice in the middle of the day.

I wonder if there is anyone amongst us who would have predicted that in December, 2024, my honey would be burning leaves in his fire pit? Any takers?

Having declared it before, and no doubt I will do so again--the Nandina plants here are just beautiful, especially at this time of year.

The richness of the colors of both the berries and the leaves is just so striking.

As is so often the case for everyone, the Christmas season is jam-packed and for us that is most assuredly true. Beginning on Thursday morning, the weekend kept us in motion. My honey at his dishwashing station:

Lentil soup and sausage biscuits were on the menu and very well received by our guests. You never know who is going to show up. Oh wait, that is Pastor Wil seated in the center. Before you think I have a typo , it really is Wil.

Thursday night Mark and Mary Beth picked us up and took us to the Crown where we met up with DAnna and David and Gerry and Paul for a lovely, cozy holiday meal.

Apologies to Paul who is blocked. I really need a wide-angle lens for this sort of photo! Or maybe a newer phone? 

It was bitterly cold Friday night when I went to photograph the annual tree lighting in one of the town pocket parks which is a term I learned from Laura. I wore my Uniqlo underclothes as well as jeans, a sweater on top, small boots and my puffy jacket. It was just right.

Laura introducing the choir from a local Baptist church who did an admirable job in the freezing weather. How cold, maybe 27? Or even lower.

It was a sing along of Christmas carols to begin with.

Lots of folks were gathering in the run-up to the lights coming on for the first time this year.

Ta da!

It makes for a good spot for family photos.

Including your favorite folks from Murphy.

In addition to the tree lighting it was the last art walk of the season and sadly it was far too cold for most folks to hang around downtown. From there we went to a fantastic party at John and Laura's cozy home and did not get home til nearly 1:00. Having read this blog for any length of time you, no doubt, know that is quite the anomaly! 

This was a busy weekend for our church family, doing good for the children of Murphy. I missed most of it and for the life of me I can't remember why. Anyway, they decorated the fellowship hall on Friday, as well as put things together for Saturday's "Memories with Santa" event which including all manner of craft making and snacks for any child in the community, along with photos with Santa. So that was Saturday morning and then in the afternoon they set up the popcorn makers, a fire pit and all the fixing for s'mores. We also did not help with that because Laura had asked for another favor.  And why did they set up in front of the church you ask? Because it was the annual Christmas parade which passes directly in front of the church! After visiting for a few minutes we walked to the nearby Murphy elementary school parking lot.

Oh yeah, free socks and gloves were available for those in need.

My job was to fit those who were walking in the parade into empty spots. Seriously, agreeing to help, I had no idea what that meant, but after meeting Laura at the nearby elementary school, as in one block from our house, on Friday she gave me a little idea. Now that I have done it, with Bruce's help of course, should the need arise next year we are totally up to speed.

The parade was long! As such, so will be the number of photos I am including because, what the heck, I know you want to know what a small town parade looks like! First though, a young girl, her mom and her dog joined us street-side and as we began chatting I learned that she has an Instagram page for her dog. Yup. While I did not get a photo of the dog she is pictured with her Mom who is holding a bag containing little cards, with a QR code that take folks to the dog's page. 

The times they are a changing my friends. He does tricks which she demonstrated as we waited. 

The folks in the parade throw candy to the crowd which is eagerly snatched up as soon as it hits the ground,  although where we were it was mighty dark, making us a little nervous for the children. Please note the band in the photo above who were marching in the parade for the first time in several years. Their numbers are small, but they are an enthusiastic bunch nonetheless.

Unfortunately, the float went by so quickly I missed most of it, but here is the back of the best in show.

The homecoming court!! 

In a stroke of good luck it was not nearly as cold on Saturday night; still I felt bad for them with their bare shoulders and arms! 

It was a good thing that there were no fires that night as most of the local fire departments were represented.

This was a good float.

Plenty of lit vehicles.

Note the folks picking up candy in the street.

It was a fun time although by the time our last group of walkers jumped in with their group, a Head Start bus, our feet were plenty cold! We jumped in with their group and walked the few blocks to the church where we watched Santa and his reindeer drive by.

And a good time was had by all! It is SO nice being able to walk to all of these events; we just love it.

As I have been doing for the last week or so, when we come downstairs in the morning, I turn the Christmas tree lights on. Except, Sunday morning they did not come on. What the heck?? Now what? We went to church and once home thought about our next step. Because there was an open house at the parsonage, our plan was to go to that and then on to Lowes for some replacement lights. It was a lovely time with our new friends with the highlight being a fun game where two people are in competition not to laugh at corny Christmas jokes that were printed on little slips of folded paper. Some folks were quite good at keeping a straight face including Nathaniel, the pastor's son who is squaring off against Bruce.

A very fun game for a group should you be looking for something to do. 

From there we went to Lowes and returned to dismantle the tree. 

Bruce is putting the new lights on and here is what we took off. 

Just when you think at our age nothing new could happen to us, well think again Gail!

Lots more tree decorations, but you get my drift. And now my friends, once again we are in business!

Looking at the picture, that little star atop the tree could use a little help!

Perhaps you found all this interesting but what you really want is a Christian fix? 

Want no more as here is our little cutie laying on Momma's chest! Such a sweetie! And those sideburns!!

Indeed it 'tis the season to be jolly and we very much have an abundance of things to be jolly about!

your friend,


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