Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Desk Put to Another Use

If you regularly check out my photos on flickr you may have already seen my daisy picture. I used Bruce's new desk as the background, and the natural light streaming in the windows of the sun room.I must say I was extremely pleased with that image; I knew we loved this new set up!

As you know I am hoping to exhibit at some spring art shows. I'm wading into new territory pretty much unprepared. As such, many shows are already filled because applications needed to be in by the end of November or early December. Nevertheless, I'm working diligently on it. There are several web sites that list shows all over the state. Next you have to send in three images of your work, plus one of your booth. Our booth is getting a makeover this weekend with new mesh panels arriving Friday. Back to the images--how, oh how, do I pick only three? Seeking EDITOR-- no experience necessary--apply here.

While having my hair cut last week I mentioned that they needed some art work on the walls. Here's how we solved that void. I arrived today with two of my print baskets for their perusal. I provided the frames for the seven they chose--the hanging is tomorrow. My business card is in the lower corner with the price on the back if anyone is interested. One thing I've learned is that the more people see your stuff, the more likely you are to sell. Melissa cuts Bruce's hair about every three weeks and he'd been telling her what I'd been doing. When she saw the prints she kept asking, "You took all these?" She said that when Bruce told her she had no idea what to expect, it seems as if she was pleasantly surprised. I won't be surprised if she twists a few arms to move some of them.

I'd always heard that having your own business is big time work--I'm hear to tell you that is the truth!!!

1 comment:

e said...

You are such an entrepreneur! I'm sure some will sell.

Kernel Panic Loop