Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Sun Also Rises

Actually today I was up way before the sun. This is a shot through the windshield on our drive to Vero. Bruce prefers that I wouldn't do it while driving and I'll take that into consideration.

I'm not sure where today has gone but I did spend a bit of time helping Maureen around the house--she is much sorer today than yesterday. I'm heading back over momentarily to share some of my cache of pain medication. I've not taken any forever, thus I have a large supply.

Speaking of accidents, you may have seen on the news the incredible story of a SEVENTY car pile up on our major interstate. The fog has been thick lately. Adding to the fog was smoke from a controlled burn that went awry. The interstate backed up for FOURTEEN miles, and is still closed in that section. Every kind of vehicle you can imagine was involved including many semis.

For some unknown reason our little Baxter woke me up a few hours after I went to sleep to go out and then again around 4:45. I've no idea what the problem was. After the second waking I started thinking about my new tripod and how maybe I could go out and try it in the dark and fog. I am very pleased that my camera performed beautifully once tightly ensconced on the top of the tripod. Previously any night shots I took were absolutely terrible--I can just imagine the new possibilities this opens up.

I can tell you that I now have a clean oven and shower stall.

Now playing: Fionn Regan - Noah (Ghost In A Sheet)
via FoxyTunes


Amaya said...

I'm so jealous. I really want a tripod too. I can't wait to see the night shots you get!
Also, I'm so sorry to hear about your sister.

e said...

Night shots - I'll check out your Flickr stream.

Kernel Panic Loop