Fortune Cookie Unwrapped
Remember when I told you I went out at 5:30 in the morning to shoot with the tripod? I went to this little park nearby thinking I could get the fog through the trees--didn't really work out as planned but here's the effort nonetheless.
Speaking of fog, I was in one most of yesterday. Our little Baxter did his wake up call around 3:30, apparently urgently needing to go out. He whimpers until I rouse. There was a fierce storm happening with howling wind and driving rain; the wind chimes were tinkling to beat the band. I shuffled to the back door and out he marched heading to the end of the house. I prayed he would hurry up, waiting with towel in hand to dry him off. Eventually he reappeared and we settled back in our respective beds. The problem was that my mind started swirling with ideas, combine that with the sounds of the storm and it was a while till I went back to sleep.
I awoke to the sound of the doorbell, not a good thing. The clock said 8:30 the agreed upon time for the sprinkler people to come. I can say quite honestly that I'm not a pretty site when I wake up. Very embarrassing! I threw on my robe to unlock the gates in my bare feet. The ground was soggy.
With that bad start the day just never got going. The weather remained dreary throughout as did my spirits. I did manage to get some things done but only a fraction of what I can accomplish.
In the evening I went downtown for the art happenings. Visiting three galleries was interesting; the quality of the work around here is good. I, of course, began to doubt my abilities. Hmmm......Can I compete, which is essentially what I have to do. I'm the world's worst competitor--playing games, I never care if I win or lose. Not a good sign I fear.
I did receive my real diploma yesterday. Did I tell you that I received a letter from the college regarding my GPA of the semester? Here's what drives me mad:
Dear Peck,
You have made the Dean's list etc.
Guess what--my name is Gail, and the truth of the matter is that I made the President's list. When the office of the President cannot get these things right how pray tell do they expect students to achieve? I mean seriously, what if they received a grade--wouldn't that turn the tables?
I hope you have a chance to check out the link. An article a few years ago in the New Yorker profiled the man who writes the majority of the fortunes--fascinating.
Now playing: Radiohead - The Bends
via FoxyTunes
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