Thursday, April 3, 2008

Every Child is an Artist

I can't remember if I felt artistic as a child or not, it was so long ago, however I'm having fun now.

As is always the case I can't take a good picture when I need to although I won't take all the blame. Last night when we met the girls and boys for a birthday dinner at Season's 52 I begged for a picture. They were embarrassed forcing yours truly to rush the shots--the inevitable outcome-- blurred shots which was too bad because they all looked so glamorous! Bruce began building that restaurant some years ago but moved onto other projects; for those of you unfamiliar with the concept it serves not only yummy food but a delight for the eyes as well.

I must tell you it is VERY hot here this week--84 degrees as I type this. The sun feels particularly hot although I'll be happy if it hangs around for the weekend as rain would not be welcome during the show. When Fiesta in the Park began more than 20 years ago I never dreamed I would one day have a something to exhibit there. The truth is that there are lots of poorly done crafts with some art thrown in but it normally brings huge crowds which statistically should be beneficial. What with the gloomy news daily about the economy buying art is not first on most folks minds but we'll take a wait and see attitude.

Good health news: Mr. Roger's sons lymph nodes are all cancer free. I hadn't mentioned before about Lisa's husband having prostate cancer but now you know. He had the surgery yesterday and incredibly he's already gone home to get some sleep. If you've ever been a patient you know that sleep is not an option unless heavily drugged. His doctor seems to think he got it all. We'll know more in the coming days.

Speaking of Lisa she helped me at the show on Sunday arriving early with the van. Judy helped on Saturday, returning to help us load it all up on Sunday afternoon. The saying "no man is an island"is so totally true in my life. Without all my wonderful families support, muscle, and encouragement this little venture called "Out & About Photography" would be just a dream. Thank you my dears.

The furniture arrives tomorrow at noon; good thing as there is china and glasses strewn about the living room at present. Furthermore I'm using one of my work tables to hold stuff which we'll definitely need for the weekend. The folks we gave our old stuff to lost everything when they overextended for farm equipment; the crops failed leaving them with no income. I'm pleased as punch that another family will be able to eat at our table.

My test is scheduled for Tuesday morning--let's think positive shall we?

Listening to: New Radicals - You Get What You Give
via FoxyTunes

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