Tuesday, April 1, 2008


So much has happened in the last few days, here's a recap:
*Spamalot exceeded my expectations by a mile. I laughed so hard, and left feeling great. Always look on the bright side of life!

*Yesterday Amy and Jonathan came to get the hutch to complete the dining room set. Forgive me if I already mentioned they are a young couple down on their luck with six children. Needless to say they were thrilled. This is the last picture I'll be taking of the set. What a nostalgia trip cleaning out the hutch; the drawers held many of the "boys" childhood cards, awards, and letters from Matt when he went away to college at age 17. In a word, I have the sweetest sons one could ever hope for. The promised delivery tomorrow is rescheduled for Friday.

*We managed all the activity just fine. You already know how time consuming the set up is, we did what we could on Friday afternoon before hightailing it back to Orlando for Spamalot. Aside from Bruce calling at 11:30pm on Sunday seeking a ride for the clan, Wrestlemania went off beautifully. Taking cabs had been the plan all along, apparently the cab never arrived to deliver them home. As you can imagine, I'd been was fast asleep since 8:45pm when the call came through. Bill and Dave are nearly 6' tall, five adults in a MINI is really something--good thing we only live about 2 miles from downtown! They had a blast.

*Sales were good for the size of the crowd. One thing for sure, people are thinking twice before spending money which is a good thing. The picture from yesterday shows the honorable mention I received which carried a $200 prize--my first award!

*Bruce's Vero job naturally came in on time, but you expected that didn't you?

*Today Bill and Dave turn 29--Happy Birthday sons. Did I tell you Bill was #1 in the state for his position with Wachovia last month?

*Speaking of sons, Matt just received a nice promotion as well as large raise! He's on his way to Madrid as I type.

*Spring cleaning continues around here with the carpet cleaner returning to clean the kitchen tile and grout. My word, it looks like new!

*Lastly, Bruce witnessed a shooting on his way to Midway Airport in Chicago last week. He'd stopped to get gas, saw some graffiti he thought I'd like, and pulled out his camera. Next thing you know he sees a young man running across the field with the sound of SIX gunshots in the air following him! How fast do you think it took him to get back to his car? He managed to get the shot however (anything for his sweetie).

Listening to: Feist - Past In Present
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I just KNEW congratulations were in order! $200! Sweet start!
That's really scary about Bruce and the shooting. I'm glad he wasn't in the crossfire. Did the kid get shot?

Kernel Panic Loop