Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Universal Experience

Lisa arrived early and we headed off to a sound stage at Universal Studios, about 10 miles from the house. When you live in one of the tourist capitals of the world you tend to forget that people come thousands of miles to visit the attractions. The promised crowds did not materialize, but we spent a pleasant day chatting, enjoying the snacks, and provided lunch. It was part of their diversity program--this month's theme was women. The woman who invited me was super nice asking when we left if I'd be up for another event in the future. Did I mention the compensation was two, one day passes to both parks for each of us. I've not been to the park for too many years tocount. Lisa is having fun being my assistant. A turkey wrap, apple, veggies with dip, and a brownie the size of two decks of cards made up the box lunch. My only complaint was that my camera takes terrible pictures indoors, thus, this is the best I could do.

Turns out we could roam the park at will today. Lisa walked out the side door onto the street that leads to the Blues Brothers show, one of her favorites; she caught the 2:15 performance! All in all it was well worth the time. As you are well aware from following my exploits, one thing definitely leads to another.

I forgot to mention something from my recent doctor's visit that may prove interesting. As he was scanning through my ridiculously huge chart he said he noticed my B-12 was low on a blood test--news to me. He suggested it could explain my neurological symptoms which I was skeptical about. Turns out he may be on to something because when I got home I researched it, finding it can cause peripheral neuropathy. My, oh my. We agreed that I'd start on B-12 vitamins looking for improvement. I can't report any changes just yet as I took my first one last night. Maybe my previous doctor moved on so I would have some fresh eyes poring over my medical records?

Wouldn't you know it--there's not been a drop of rain since the downpours over the weekend.

Tomorrow the MINI gets fixed and the federal taxes get paid. Our CPA called last night to tell me the damage--not too bad.

Before I forget my few minutes of fame, turns out I was on TV on Saturday. One of Bruce's coworkers mentioned she saw me, as did my MINI salesman when I was there yesterday. I knew they filmed me at the show, but that's all I knew.

Listening to: Ozomatli - (Who Discovered) America?
via FoxyTunes


Amaya said...

I'm crossing my fingers that your new vitamins prove to be just what you need.
Sorry the crowds didn't materialize, but at least you were in good company.

abellwillring said...

Boy I haven't listened to that Ozomatli album in forever.. great tunes though!

Sorry that the crowd did not prove to be as large as hoped.. I'm sure it was nice to get to spend some time together with Lisa though.

Like Amaya, I too am crossing my fingers that the B-12 works! I think there's a bunch of it in Red Bull too... you could always turn to that instead. ;)

Kernel Panic Loop