Friday, July 25, 2008

The Gift of Words

I promised you a picture of the British Scrabble board and here it is---actually, it's the back of the box which shows you not only the board, but other cool stuff as well. How fun is this?

On Facebook a high school classmate did the friend thing. I responded, sure. We talked yesterday on the phone with me sheepishly admitting I had no recollection of her. I know she was disappointed, but she doesn't know my memory! Before our mom died she told me she was very concerned about my memory. My response to that--a good memory is overrated! Today we chit-chatted for about two hours on the phone; she plans to come see me this weekend at the market.

After our chat I got out the jr. high yearbook. I think I read somewhere lately that yearbooks may become passe which would be a shame. Through the years they have proved invaluable when trying to remember different folks. I checked her picture out and still I'm clueless! Nevertheless, I look forward to meeting her because she is very nice.

The yearbook was fun in other ways, mainly reading all the little things people wrote. Almost all of them say something like--hope you and Bruce stay together forever. Were those teenagers clairvoyant, or what? I believe I'm feeling a bit nostalgic seeing as we are coming up to a speed limit anniversary and all.

Mr. Bruce is getting his hair cut as I type, he will be looking his best for our date tonight. I spoke with him briefly on the phone and learned he received a little award at work today, always a happy surprise.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

It would be sad to lose yearbooks. I'm sure they'll come up with some online version, but I doubt it'll be the same. I like seeing the handwritten notes from everybody.
Speaking of school - my 10 year reunion was last week. I didn't go and I'm glad - I guess only 30 people showed up and it was a total bust.

Kernel Panic Loop