Monday, July 21, 2008


This is Nicole from yesterday's market. Dana thought she was so cute and could make a poster child for some market promotional material. Her mom was flattered when I was shooting this; I hope she likes it.

Today at the little market a young woman told me she was on her honeymoon, having gotten married in Detroit on Saturday. Her obvious excitement was infectious. After congratulating her I mentioned that our 35th wedding anniversary is in less than a month. Somehow saying that reminded me that on our wedding night, after a small church wedding with a cake and punch reception, we drove the two hours to St. Augustine for our two day honeymoon. I'd just begun my job as a real x-ray tech and could only get that much time off. Anyway, arriving around 9pm and finding all of the restaurants were closed we ended up eating at McDonalds. I remember gazing at my new wedding ring under the bright fluorescent lights, asking Bruce, "Do you think anyone can tell we got married today?" I was so excited (innocent some might say) and didn't let a little thing like that ruin our wedding day! Can you imagine anyone being happy with that scenario today? I guess it was a precursor to our life together--making do with whatever situation we find ourselves in.

Never in our wildest imaginings would we have thought we'd be the parents of four boys, let alone twins, yet, here we are, all these years later, still innocent, happy, and all the Peck sons grown and on their own. We have been blessed.

Speaking of blessings, I should not have been crowing about sales as they have plummeted (slight exaggeration) as the temperature rises. Yesterday we were grateful there was no rain, in its' place was searing heat to the tune of 95 degrees. Today was 96 which was no picnic, but in reality, I'd prefer the heat with blue skies to the leaden skies of last week. We are so used to the sun that when it is gray for several days in a row it leaves me feeling a bit gray myself.

Both Matt and Jonathan attended music festivals in their respective cities, Lovebox in London, and Pitchfork in Chicago. Jonathan called as they were leaving last night however with a bad connection I didn't get the full scoop, just enough to know they had lots of fun.

Listening to: Paul Simon - Graceland
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Paul Simon - Diamonds On the Soles of Her Shoes (iTunes Originals Version)
via FoxyTunes

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