Today's photo is for a project I'm working on for Dana. As you already know her son's girlfriend died on Memorial Day in an automobile accident. In Orlando we have what they call a "Love Ambassador here who gives out these red glass hearts to random folks as well as some friends who could use a little cheer.
The above mentioned person is one of Dana's best friends as well as a renowned artist in our area. I've got an image where I used marbles, red beads and the sun to create a fun image that she hoped I could imitate with the hearts for a birthday gift. The marbles refused to cooperate on the table outside, they kept rolling off no matter what I tried. Unfortunately there are six hearts; I'd much prefer an odd number, but I worked with what she gave me. This is one of many attempts to make something interesting.
After being asked if I was in the over 55 club at Ross I thought "note to self--DO NOT go out with pool hair and no makeup!" As fate would have it, I saw a good friend at Publix--great. Actually I was delighted to see Mr. Coconut and plan to have lunch with him next week. He is one of those friends that I so enjoy visiting with. He was kind enough not to comment on my above described looks.
Today is a good day in Lisa and Danny's household--the last of the radiation treatments. If only that were the end of it, but it's not. Thursday is new blood work to assess the effectiveness. You know what comes after that....the waiting game for results. Please, please, have worked.
My dear sister Maureen is struggling along as well. The Parkinson's disease is not going away; if only we could wish and make it so. She continues to work, but the medication makes her tired with the added side effect of lost concentration. We've told her she is welcome to come live with us whenever she needs to.
Hey, on a happier note, Lisa found a picture of Pat alongside the '64 Chevrolet, a great flashback, and although the picture was black and white, I'm sure it was red like the one I saw last week.
This morning I sent in two applications for fall shows in an effort to plan the next few months. I'm sure I mentioned the convention that I'll be doing in October; the young woman organizing that has been in touch often. I can't really imagine it being much, but I've thought that in the past and I'm ready to be surprised.
Mr. Bruce is off on his travels until Friday afternoon.
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