How I wish this picture were bigger! Lisa sent it with an email celebrating her 25th anniversary. My how we have changed. I am holding our Mr. Jonathan; I can hardly tell from the picture which one of the twins is acting silly although I'm sure Matt will be able to. It's funny with identical twins, when you live with them day to day you totally see their personality not so much how they look. When looking back at pictures however it is hard to tell the difference. Matt has a funny face as well. I can see that I made Bill and Dave's little jumpsuits, one with a blue suit and white shirt with the other just the opposite. I'm sure you knew that I used to sew nearly every day. Congratulations to Lisa and Danny--25 more to come!
I've titled this, the day before, because as you may have been hearing, in the relentless media coverage, that there could be a storm coming our way--at the very least, more rain and wind. That's a shame because tomorrow our new yard people start. Bruce has not been happy with me mowing because he thinks it tires me too much. I don't think it does so much but I do know that I can't do all the really hard yard work which this company swears they will do. We are both excited to think that our yard will once again look beautiful with trimmed bushes and palms. David used to do our yard when he was home and did a fantastic job.
Because I'll probably be cooped up for a few days with the rain I decided to go over to the beach this morning. In one area there was quite a bit of beach erosion from the previous storm. It is a shame most people can't go to the beach in September because it is the perfect time. The sun is not nearly as intense with lower temperatures, although the water is still very swimmable. You can actually walk on the sand barefoot without blistering your feet. Mostly there were surfers hoping to catch a perfect wave.
Big changes at the museum yesterday; I now actually have a counter to sit behind. I'll save that for tomorrow.
Let me explain---yesterday's post was an attempt to be funny, not to Bill-bash. He called last evening thinking I'd made him look like a jerk which was not my intention. I know my boys are proud of their momma. Apparently the picture is in the July/August issue with harsh lighting more apparent in print. I'm going to try tracking one down if possible to see for myself.
I showed Todd the family photo and asked if he could pick everyone out. He got everyone right except for my dad! He had no idea who he was!
What a beautiful family photo...merci beaucoup for sharing that and your lovely memories.
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