Monday, September 8, 2008

Signage and Stuff

Today some things that have caught my eye lately. The first I sent to Matt, calling it Worth Celebrating--I love Premium Saltines and when I saw these little guys I couldn't help but take their picture.

This one's from Macys---the retro look of the Benefit cosmetic line; taken surreptitiously of course.

I wish this one had turned out better but it was taken through the windshield during a rainstorm. Bruce was driving us to his mom's for dinner and this sign in the window in Apopka made me laugh--You Ring, We Spring.

Taken in Marshalls, make sure to look at this one larger--The Sales Pitch:

I saw this couple enjoying the company of pigeons:

Finally--Sex Sells

If I ever get a decent picture of the bedroom I'll post it--four bright windows are wreaking havoc on my attemps. I'll say this much though, Bruce was delighted when he came, calling it "very cozy" which is the supreme compliment from my honey.


feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Interesting mix of colorful and engaging images, Gail...
I love graphics and signing, but mostly old signage those in
Merci mille fois for all your kind support, cher amie...

Amaya said...

Who's paying attention to traffic info when there are exposed breasts?

Kernel Panic Loop