This morning I've been fooling around with water, color, and light in that order. I'm showing you a few of the experiments to see what you think.
I forgot to tell you that on Friday we were gone from the house from 8 till 3:30 in the afternoon. Normally, as soon as we pull up, little Baxter is waiting by the door. Not so on Friday. I'd dropped Bruce off at his office, a good thing because you know him, he would have freaked at what happened next. (Remember dogs are mans best friend) I came in thinking he was just getting lazy, but calling his name did not produce said little Yorkie. I started searching the house, went out back, and even into the garage thinking possibly we'd shut him out. I did not panic, but I must admit I was a tiny bit worried. Eventually (really like a few minutes later) I opened our bedroom closet door and out bounds Mr. Baxter jumping with joy to see me. Whew!
Here's a little something from the Times which a few of us can relate to: Sad,but True
I've never been much of a waiter, consequently I'm not much of a planner because then I have to wait. I don't know how Michelle and David (mostly Michelle) have waited all year for the wedding because if it were me I would have gone crazy by now. I digress, this blog is about me, not them! What I'm waiting for today is Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The first show of the season begins on Saturday, but we'll be setting up for it on Friday afternoon because we can put our car right in front of our area and not have to cart things in. Unfortunately there is some rain in the forecast, however let's believe that the weather folks will be wrong on that score. Who knows how I will do, but we'll find out won't we?
Yesterday after the museum I met with a lovely young woman who contacted me through Facebook. She is a long time friend of Matt whom I've not seen in more than ten years what with Matt globe trotting and all. The scoop is this: she owns a darling boutique in Winter Park and wondered if I would provide art for the space for at least a month. I brought in samples and sent her a web album to choose what she would feel good about hanging in her store. Here's a link to her store: Ginger Don't you just love the name? I can't wait to tell Maureen because she loves all things ginger.
Here's my dilemma--the opening for Ginger is the same night as the opening for the show I'm in at City Arts Factory, a happening gallery downtown. I'm thinking I'll go with the Ginger option at this point. I've not discussed this yet with anyone, but if you've got a vote let me know. I will tell you that they hang a large piece right in their window to the street amongst the clothing which is pretty exciting for me. Naturally you'll be kept up to date on what happens next....
Listening to: Black Grape - In The Name Of The Father
via FoxyTunes
Those are really great effects, Gail. I bet they would look great on a large canvas.
that's very exciting. i'm glad things went well with aimee.
Gail - did you use freezer paper? It looks like blown glass (another variation on your oft heard comment, "It looks like a photograph"(if it's a painting).
Or, "It looks like a painting" (if it's a photograph)!!!
I like the first photo much more than the second. I like the combination of colors better, and I especially like the sparseness as compared to the second photo.
Those are awesome! I prefer the colors of the first photo as well, but the 2nd is equally impressive to me. What a neat experiment.
I say go to the art gallery personally..
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