Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

As I mentioned earlier in the week I've not had time to take many pictures of late. Consequently every now and then I have to go visit Regina's backyard and see what is in bloom there. I found these gorgeous Christmas cacti last week--what glorious color!

Of all things I find myself with a cold (?) which it has been my good fortune to avoid for years. I'm feeling pretty puny if the truth be told. I'm still getting around, but not with much vigor. Bruce is not feeling well either which is really shocking as he almost never has anything bothering him. We're quite the couple here on Christmas eve I'm sad to say.

We did manage to get all the packages wrapped for the family. Sadly Jonathan and Alissa's packages did not arrive even though I mailed them ten days ago to be exact. I heard from Matthew, his package arrived maybe Tuesday, so what the problem is with Jonathans--I've no idea. He is not taking it all that well either. His gift from Alissa will also arrive late leaving him with not much opening to do for Christmas. They are taking Amtrack to Alissa's Aunt and Uncles' home in Iowa. They are scheduled to leave around now, however if you've read the papers you know that travel is much delayed in those parts due to the severe weather. I can safely say that I don't envy them the "White Christmas."

Last evening we were treated to a visit from our niece Katie and her boyfriend Billy. I was beginning to feel miserable when she called, but couldn't pass up the chance because I'd heard so much about him. Let me tell you--he did not disappoint. What a good soul he seems to be; I couldn't be happier for Katie. You can tell that he thinks the world of her.

My apologies for the lame post--it is probably time to lay down and rest a bit. with that--

A Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Listening to: Sufjan Stevens - O Holy Night
via FoxyTunes

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