Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Speed Limit Birthday

Yes, that's what I'm having today, although not a speed limit I actually like to travel--55. Maybe I've told you before that my friend Dean uses that little phrase to describe birthdays and I like it.

I've finally quit blowing my nose (now that I have three boxes of tissue in the house) with coughing mostly limited to when I'm lying down. Thankfully this is the case! Bruce has agreed to take Wednesday and Thursday off; we're heading up to St. Augustine shortly, but not before he returns with my birthday breakfast of choice--a poppy seed bagel from Einsteins. I love to toast them and either use butter, or cream cheese. I'm one of those people who like my toast dark contrary to what they usually serve in restaurants. I hate it when they only barely warm the bread.

Most of you know that we honeymooned there for two days thirty five years ago. We've only been back maybe two times since and never overnight. Turns out the city strings two million lights over everything for about ten weeks this time of year with lots of fun activities including ice sculptures and the like. You, my dear readers, will experience it via photographs in only a few short days.

Speaking of photographs, we went to see Florida State play in the Champs Bowl on Saturday night. Earlier in the day I'd done the market, taking my weekly photos for posterity--actually they are for Whole Foods, but you get the idea. Anyway, when I returned home I thought maybe I should change batteries even though the current one had 2/3 charge left. Grabbing the spare from my camera bag, off we went. This was a STUPID move on my part. Ordinarily the battery in my bag is fresh, this time, not so. I must have changed it somewhere, forgot to charge it when I got home, and was stupid enough not to check it while still home this time. I got maybe four shots and the camera died. Not good. I was so hoping to share some great shots with Jonathan since he couldn't see it in person. I'm checking all my batteries before I leave the house in the future!

By the way, Bruce's inspection went off without a hitch. At one point the job was two weeks behind but with super project manager Bruce on the job they finished in time with a minimal punch list. Now why doesn't that surprise you?

Yesterday I finally saw the prints of what is going to be in the show. One of them did not print as well as I'd like, so before we leave I'm picking up something else to drop off at the framer. I like her very much; her mission is to enhance what I do and for that I'm grateful! I am trying not to get to nervous about the whole thing. Mainly I hope people come and I can feel proud of what I'm showing, mostly things no one has seen before. Time will tell. Of course time tells about everything, doesn't it?

Listening to: Adele - Daydreamer
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Adele - Daydreamer
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Adele - Daydreamer
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

Bonne Aniversaire…Happy Brthday dear Gail...I hope it was lovely.

Also, I wish you and your loved ones, a sparkling 2009, filled with love,
happiness, joy and good health...!
Une bonne nouvelle année...!

Kernel Panic Loop