Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A New Partner?

I know this picture is a bit late, nevertheless it is one more reason why I love Nordstrom.

You may remember when I met my printing partner; well of course you do, silly me. Today I may have found another important partner, although I'll have to see the finished product before the verdict is final.

When I sold my first sizable pieces I was still having things printed at Costco, finding frames/mats where I could. We had great success early on at Sam Flax; it was there that I met Miss Nancy. While chatting, she was kind enough to give me information about art shows, and the like. Fast forward some months, and Miss Nancy was no longer at Sam Flax. Where did she go? She started her own custom framing and art studio and is celebrating her first anniversary this month! Maybe two months ago she came by my booth at the market and we chatted. As does most every artist, she asked who did my giclee prints. Giving her Rogers' contact info was my pleasure. She does mixed media, primarily folk art pieces.

Time passed, she contacted Roger, and then one time picking up things from his house, I saw her pieces waiting to be scanned. Yeah, another artist to pay for the $15,000 printer!

When Matt was here he emphasized how important the framing of this swimming toad photograph would be to its' success in the gallery show. I thought of Nancy right away. I knew that she had quite an extensive background and today all of that was evident during our consultation. She basically picked what would work for a gallery show, deciding on pretty much how things should be hung, what frames and mats to use, sizing, and the like. She used to work for the Orlando Museum of Art hanging shows, so count me impressed. It was wonderful to have someone impartial working with me. I just know it is going to turn out great. You can be skeptical up until I see the final product if you must.

Bruce was lobbying for a tree-free Christmas all last week but yesterday morning he woke me up saying let's get the tree when I get home from work. Indeed we did, and it is a wee bit of a thing--a compromise of sorts. It really is cute. Returning from Nancy's studio I ate lunch, and on to the decorating while listening to Christmas albums. For me one of the most pleasurable things about decorating the tree is what memories it conjures. My sister in law, Michelle, has given us so many beautiful ornaments through the years. Because the tree is so small I had to leave many in the boxes, but I did decide to hang some of our very first ornaments. I can remember clearly Bruce and I painstakingly painting and coating these wooden ornaments for our first Christmas thirty five years ago. It was indeed a much simpler time. They hang on the tree so nicely, not dragging the branch down like so many of the ornate ornaments made today. I hope you enjoy seeing a tiny bit of our past as much as I'm enjoying sharing it. So funny how Bruce wanted to make sure I knew he painted this one!

Yesterday no sooner then I returned from the museum, I turned around to go back. Randy, the gardener, asked me last week if I would do some photographs of he and his wife for their grown children. She was busy in the morning so we chose 4:00 hoping for good light. I think they are happy with what we got and now want to use one for a Christmas card. My word, the digital revolution has changed everything hasn't it?

Time to make dinner for my late working husband...
Listening to: Low - Little Drummer Boy
via FoxyTunes

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