Monday, February 23, 2009

When Last We Met

I was planning on showing off my new spiffy desk set up, well here it is in all it's glory:

Very handy wouldn't you say? I'm totally loving it. That Bruce is one in a million. Yesterday at the market a 40-something woman we know said she'd been asked out twice last week from text messages. I told her I didn't know how to text; she advised me never to divorce Bruce because I'd be out of luck all the way around! Everyone at the market knows I'm the luckiest lady around.

Last Monday Maureen and I went to heaven, followed closely by a trip to hell. She has always called this restaurant Hot Dog Heaven, however, according to the sign it is Chicago Dog Heaven, an Orlando institution. We both had a delicious hot dog with scrumprious fries as well, arriving there early enough to avoid the lunch crush.

We went down the street to the cheap seats at Colonial Promenade, a movie theater that used to do well, but now shows second run movies. Too bad it wasn't Tuesday because the admission would have only been a dollar, as it was it was only $2.50--a far cry from the $7,50 matinee price we paid the previous week. At any rate, we saw The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Although I've seen loads of Holocaust films, not to mention the reading I've done on the subject, all of which did not prepare me for the ending of this film. We all know a happy ending would have been unrealistic, but yikes, this one was really awful. I am usually ok with depressing movies, somehow this one was even more depressing than even I am up for. A quick trip to the library followed and home we came.

The rest of the week seems to have gone by in a blur of busyness.

Tuesday morning at 7:10AM I finally went to have my mammogram before my museum stint. I am embarrassed to say how behind my yearly schedule I was. Almost everyone who worked there in 1995, when I started, are still there. They tell me that they are getting sent home when things are slow. It is really astonishing to think of it because when I was working there the center was backed up with more patients than they could handle. Some day I may need to take x-rays again, I'm certainly not letting my license lapse, however it felt very nice to only spend thirty minutes there.

I spent a long, and I mean long, time on Wednesday organizing a book meant for interior designers. For Christmas Bill gave us Apple gift certificates which will pay for the book. Maureen, Bruce, and Maria all gave me input. I told Maureen it is a good thing I'm not a writer--can you imagine how hard it must be to get readers for early drafts? I wonder who performed that for some of the great novels? That might be a good study subject, or not.

Thursday and Friday I cooked, and cooked, and cooked. I'd invited Maria and Dominic for dinner Friday night--you know how I like to make everything myself. I made Jonathan's favorite, Lemon Delight Pound Cake for Friday night as well as an old recipe for a chocolate cake. The LDPC recipe card was so well loved that I found it difficult to read how much flour to use. Web to the rescue! I found it on someone's blog, unidentified as the Pillsbury bake-off winner it was.

The chocolate cake was for Angela's birthday party on Saturday night. I froze the layers for frosting on Saturday afternoon when I arrived home from the market.

As you can see my counter was a busy place.

Friday morning I delivered a canvas to the west side of Orlando, a part of town I'm pretty unfamiliar with. It wasn't nearly as far as I'd expected. The condo complex looks as if it might be a victim of the sagging economy. Although many buildings were done and occupied I felt certain a few of them were stopped mid-construction. The young woman had me hold it up in various parts of their living area trying to find the best spot. Good thing she didn't want me to hang it!

The dinner party was super. I served the very cheap wine I've been getting at Whole Foods amazing them with the price. I spoke with her this morning and she asked me again for the name so she could go snag some. Regularly 9.99, on sale now for 4.99--too good a deal to pass up.

We took Baxter over to Angela and Matt's house for the birthday dinner and he was patient enough to literally be passed from one person to the next for cuddling. Before you think we were rude, I did ask permission first. The party was much fun with both good company and food.

Both markets went well much to my surprise. Any week now I keep thinking my sales will crater, but so far I have done twice what I'd done by this date last year. I can't stop smiling. I believe I mentioned Bruce is now handling the record keeping as far as income/outgo is concerned. That doesn't sound right, but you get the idea. He told me it was very important that I sell at least $70 next Saturday bringing my to date sales to $5,000. You are in shock about now aren't you? Me too.
Listening to: Ananda Project - Cascades Of Colour
via FoxyTunes

Listening to: Annie Lennox - Smithereens
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

Nice cake. Nice desk. Found your blog while sharking for pictures.
When better weather arrives to your area, one garden that isn't very well known is a Chinese garden that is hidden in the middle of a building. It is on the SE corner of H St NW and 10th St NW. The garden is open air. If you were to Google map that building you can plainly see the buildings "C" shape, but not the garden. You have to take the walkway to the south or north. Best Regards.

E said...

I love your desk space. What a perfect place to work. It is inspiring me to create one of my own!

Kernel Panic Loop